How I Broke My Plateu



  • Beatrix0810
    Beatrix0810 Posts: 138
    I have noticed there are no legumes, fruits, or even vegetables for three weeks. that sounds a bit crazy!
    how could you manage eating the same breakfast for three weeks? any ideas for usual lunch and dinner

    There are definitely veggies involved. For dinner, I get my carbs solely from veggies. During the day I will get them from breads or pastas, but it's best to eat those things earlier in the day and to make sure you're including plenty of protein :-)
  • Beatrix0810
    Beatrix0810 Posts: 138
    I eat at 530 600 pm everynight and i am always sooooooo hungry around 8 what can i eat that wont hurt me

    The BEST bedtime snack is cottage cheese. Tons of protein and a good amount of fat and it will typically keep you full all night so you're not starving when you wake up. Although, no matter how good I am at staying on track, I'm always hungry when I wake up, haha. I also sometimes do a shake of Vanilla Greek Yogurt and Vanilla Almond milk. Tastes great and it's satisfying :-)
  • Beatrix0810
    Beatrix0810 Posts: 138
    You gained 4 lbs. of muscle in 3 weeks???:huh:

    Yep! And lost one pound of fat! It's almost time for me to weigh in again!
  • koutroulakis
    bump...luv the menu
  • Beatrix0810
    Beatrix0810 Posts: 138
    This is similar to the 40/40/20 diet that body builders use. You sure love your protein shakes (think you have 4 a day).

    I was actually looking into this. I'm still doing research. It seems like the amount of protein required varies by source. Some places state 1-2 g per pound of body fat (incredibly broad) and Men's Health advocated .5 to .77g per lean Lb of muscle mass. Those number vary too much for my liking. Any additional insight OP??

    This is still a form of counting, just instead of counting calories you are counting grams (broken down by protein/fat/carb).

    Additional note:

    Anyone who wants to give this breakdown a try you can do this through MFP. Go and change your goals. Select custom goals and you can select your protein carb and fat breakdown. It won't change your overall calorie intake, just where the calories are coming from.

    If you don't set this up in custom mode MFP will automaticall default to 55%carbs, 35% protein and 10% fat (or that's how it appears on mine).

    Thanks for the info (and good point)!
  • Beatrix0810
    Beatrix0810 Posts: 138
    Ive been reading so many different things on here and its making me wonder what i should be eating everyday so i can drop more weight and build my muscles! I always get so confused on the numbers and i know how much protein is great for u! Just cant wait to find what works for me as i cant eat the same thing everyday! I get to bored! Good luck and congrats! :bigsmile:

    Well that's just it! You don't have to eat the same thing every day. It's more about understanding the ratios of Protein to Carbs to fats. If you understand what these are, you'll always be able to switch it up! I'll look for the list the nutritionist gave me that breaks it down and post it on here :-)

    I hope you find what works! Good luck!
  • itschristine
    itschristine Posts: 119 Member
    bumping bumphytie bump! :happy:
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Thanks for sharing! I'll definitely try this!
  • marilou0511
    marilou0511 Posts: 591 Member
    Thanks for the idea of adding protein in every meal. it seems PB is an easy addition to snacks. Thanks from Chicago.:flowerforyou: