question about going over on numbers...

euphoria11 Posts: 49
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
If I went over fat by 1, and went over protein by 24, but didn't go over on anything else, stuck to my 1200 calories for the day, worked off 300 cals with exercise and also did strength training... will this affect my weight loss negatively?
I don't go over my protein that often, if anything I go over on sugar in the past... but I am really working on it. Sugar is my weakness.

So, all in all, is going over on my protein going to negatively affect my progress??

ALSO, about going over on sugar, eating just a banana a day can mess up my sugar. If I only get about 24 g of sugar, and a banana is 14, that's only 10 left. I seem to always go over... and what I don't understtand is if that is wrong or not. I mean if it is, I would never eat fruit because of all the sugar in it.

I am very confused about sugar intake.


  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I personally don't worry about that......I try my hardest to stay within fat, sugar and sodium....I wouldn't kill yourself, it is hard to have all all the time...............................
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    For most people it's all about calories. The exceptions are things like:

    -a certain number of carbs gives you cravings so you go off your plan

    -you have metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance and you need to keep carbs low to lose

    -you are exercising strenuously and so need more protein

    Also, I personally don't like the default recommendations that MFP gives -- not enough protein for me and too many carbs -- so I change them to something more in line with my needs. Since you can change them to anything you want them to be, I think that shows you don't need to follow them strictly.
  • mdcroft
    mdcroft Posts: 37 Member
    Sugar can be confusing, but if you can make a mental note about where you're getting the sugar from...for instance, sugar from fruit is generally considered acceptable. I would really try and keep an eye on sugar that's not "natural" that is to say, doesn't come from a piece of fruit of veggie. That is the sugar intake you really want to keep in check.

    As for the protein, this will not effect your weight loss efforts negatively. In fact, if you're doing any physical work, particularly weights but any other exercise, extra protein will actually be a positive thing to have.

    In all I think you're right on track.
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