haven't lost since March :



  • KF1216
    KF1216 Posts: 175 Member
    Why do people feel the need to comment if they are going to be rude? *Sigh*
    Anyway, thanks for checking in on me, not sure what was going on exactly but last week I cut out a lot of carbs and stayed under or much closer to goal and am down to 185 so hit the 26lb lost mark. It''s my TOTM too so maybe it's even better. Thanks for the support!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I have been going over on my calories most days by 2-400

    It's a "GOAL" for a freaking REASON people. :noway:

    Did you even look at her diary? I doubt it because if you had, you would notice her base goal is 1200 - which is very low and even by going over by a couple of hundred she should still be at a decent deficit.
  • KF1216
    KF1216 Posts: 175 Member
    I have been going over on my calories most days by 2-400

    It's a "GOAL" for a freaking REASON people. :noway:

    Did you even look at her diary? I doubt it because if you had, you would notice her base goal is 1200 - which is very low and even by going over by a couple of hundred she should still be at a decent deficit.

    thanks for that:)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I have been going over on my calories most days by 2-400

    It's a "GOAL" for a freaking REASON people. :noway:

    Did you even look at her diary? I doubt it because if you had, you would notice her base goal is 1200 - which is very low and even by going over by a couple of hundred she should still be at a decent deficit.

    thanks for that:)

    You are welcome.

    One thing to always bear in mind - 3500 calories = 1lb of fat. If you did not eat above your TDEE (total calores out) you will not gain fat - but you can gain water weight, which women can be very sensitive to. It often masks actual weight loss - which it seems to have done with you as it seems that you have recently lost the weight again - and a bit more on top. Water weight can be affected by, among other things, exercise, sodium and TOM. Do not get too worried unless the gain/stall lasts more than a couple of weeks.