Introducing Myself

Hello All,
My name is Bridget, I have 5 children recently divorced and still breaking up with the same person. Over the years I really never paid much attention to myself as I was fine and fit. Over the last 7 and a half years I gained alot of weight. I'm usually depressed and supressed by it and hide how I feel well until I'm alone. I've been on every diet there is and have tried many types of diet pills. A few months ago my ex husband told me that I was fat and could stand to lose some weight yet he said he loved me. He cheated alot with different woman and I'm left to go to school full time, work full time and take care of all the children. I never get out nor do I have friends to talk to about any of my issues, so I bottle it all up. I'm here today to try to get on track with losing over 100 lbs and try to get myself back on track for my kids and myself and maybe a good man.


  • amy_letsgo
    amy_letsgo Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Bridget! Welcome to MFP. I also have 100+ lbs to lose and just started last week. I've been on the diet rollercoaster for a long time too. Well the ride is coming to a stop! Time to focus on myself and be happy! Feel free to add me as a friend. I found the support on here is fantastic. It keeps me motivated.
  • emmalou2206
    emmalou2206 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi Bridget

    Welcome to MFP, I joined yesterday.

    I am 37 with two lovely children aged 4 and 8. I seperated from my husband 9 months ago.

    I started my weight loss journey August 2010 and lost 60lbs upto April 2011 through Slimming World and exercising 4-5 times a week. Since me and my husband seperated I dont get to exercise anymore, rather hard being a single parent so in the last 9 months I have lost my way abit on the healthy eating front and regained 20lbs.

    I finally got my head in the 'right place' and started with the rest of my weight loss journey yesterday, that is when I found MFP. I hope to lose 32lbs by mid August in time for my holidays and then after that hopefully another 14lbs.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and I wish you every success with your weight loss journey :)
  • Welcome Bridget, you will find lots of support and understanding people here.
  • Welcome Bridget! You can do it and never give up! If i can do it, you can too!

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  • rboxley
    rboxley Posts: 2
    My name is Becky. I am 37 years old, married, and I have 4 kids ( 2 of them are my step-children). I have been trying to lose some extra weight that I have put on in the last year. My husband was in the army and I was thinner while he was in basic and ever since he got home (it will be a year in August) I have gained 10 pounds. I would like to lose 25-30 pounds. I have been doing an exercise program on the XBox called "Fitness Evolved 2012:...which is a great program but I can't seem to lose any weight but I'm not gaining it either. I also TRY to watch what I eat but I sometimes have a problem with that. I would love to meet some great people that are trying to lose weight and give each other support and encouragment.
  • chuxter64
    chuxter64 Posts: 4 Member
    The best revenge can sometimes be just being happy, being healthy, and being content - in SPITE of what they throw at you.
  • Great place to start Bridget....and welcome.....I went out last night and bought a fitbit just so I can lose 30lbs.
  • I have to tell you that you look great!!! well done, you give me hope!!! Thanks
  • chuxter64
    chuxter64 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all,

    My name is Colleen - I am 47, and I work full time as a High School English teacher. At home I live with my husband (who is also a teacher), my 7 year old, my 19 year old from my first marriage and our dog Zoey. My eldest son is 22 and has a girlfriend and a 15 month old baby who is the apple of our eyes. My weight loss journey started a long time ago, as I have always struggled with my weight and my concept of self. My "issues" are too long to mention in this introduction, but suffice it to say "food" has always been an issue with me and I guess many would consider me to be an emotional eater. I have tried MANY things over the years, most recently naturopathy, acupuncture, and these past two weeks I've been tracking my food here in MFP and yesterday had my first workout with a trainer who is a kinesiologist. I survived that workout but am sore today. I enjoy zumba class once a week and a step class every other Saturday morning. I would consider myself active now, but the weight has been stubborn coming off. I hope to get the support here to help me achieve my goal. I would be happy with a 75 loss of weight and then the docs will finally be able to fix my hernia. :-)