Book: You are your own gym?



  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    I was looking into this book earlier this morning, what is the most you need in terms of equipment? Thanks.
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    I'm currently using it as a supplement to my Insanity workouts. The workouts are quite intense. I've read through the whole book and some good info in there. The bulk of the book are the exercises with pictures. I'm on the beginner workout, but have been altering workouts (ie. instead of let me ups I do pull-ups). It's a great book to build your own routine off of and the premade routines are brutal as is.

    Workouts breakdown into Push/Pull/Legs/Core

    A lot of good workouts. The first night I did a rep in all of the workouts to check form and I was dead after that lol.

    The routines I make from this book will be my main exercises after Insanity.
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    I was looking into this book earlier this morning, what is the most you need in terms of equipment? Thanks.

    Some exercises need phone books, brooms, and other household items (doorknobs!) . Most of the stuff you can find within your house.
    For example the first two workouts in the beginner series.

    Elevated pushups (no equipment)
    Let Me Ins (door knob/handle)
    Seated Dips w/ feet on ground (couch, coffee table, pull up bar flipped over)
    Let me ups w/ knees bent (Two boxes and a broomstick.) I change this with pullups (pullup bar only) or Towel curls (towel)


    Alternating Back Lunges (no equipment)
    Alternating 1-legged RDL's (no equipment)
    Squats (no equipment)
    Swimmers (a floor)

    You can get a killer routine setup with very little.
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    Just finished Week One....It looks like there are three days off, that seems like a long break.

    1) Are you skipping the break?

    2) Taking a shorter break?

    3) Doing something else in between?

    I was just going to rest one day or maybe go for a nice long run.

    Are you doing the four days straight in a row? And then taking 3 days off?

    I did two days, break one day, two more days, break one day, etc. I usually finished the program about a week early this way, but it worked for me and gave me lots of rest time. I do additional strength training and cardio pretty much every day.

    I did do the first week consecutively, but I think breaking it up might be better. I haven't run in a few weeks....I think it would be nice to add that into the routine.

    I really hadn't thought about adding any addtional strength training only because I'm curious to see what results I'll get with this program alone. If the results aren't stellar, I'll be adding to it!
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    I was looking into this book earlier this morning, what is the most you need in terms of equipment? Thanks.

    For most of it, you can use items from around the house. I didn't like the idea of using the door, so I use the banister on my back deck with a towel to grip. Just seems sturdier. Also the let me ups...I tried balance a broom stick on elevated surfaces and it slipped all over the place. back deck came in's the right height to grip the edges and pull myself up. You just have to get creative and use your imagination. I love that about it! It shows you that you can get a workout anywhere.

    I haven't finished reading the book, I skipped right to the app and it would great!
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    I was looking into this book earlier this morning, what is the most you need in terms of equipment? Thanks.

    Some exercises need phone books, brooms, and other household items (doorknobs!) . Most of the stuff you can find within your house.
    For example the first two workouts in the beginner series.

    Elevated pushups (no equipment)
    Let Me Ins (door knob/handle)
    Seated Dips w/ feet on ground (couch, coffee table, pull up bar flipped over)
    Let me ups w/ knees bent (Two boxes and a broomstick.) I change this with pullups (pullup bar only) or Towel curls (towel)


    Alternating Back Lunges (no equipment)
    Alternating 1-legged RDL's (no equipment)
    Squats (no equipment)
    Swimmers (a floor)

    You can get a killer routine setup with very little.

    Thanks! I'm hitting my local B&N tomorrow to check it out. Most likely will end up buying it.