Help with calorie intake

I know there is a ton of information on this site, but honestly, it's very hard to wade through, so I'm just going to throw my question out there and see if anyone has some help.

My question is this:

If my BMR is 1351 and my TDEE is 2400, and I'm supposed to eat between these two numbers somewhere to lose weight., I just want to know, is that Net calories or total calories?

So, for example, if I say I will then eat 1800 calories and take the bump up from the 1200 that this site puts me at, should that then be my total intake for the day?

Right now, with the net calorie thing being what it reports to me, I rarely eat the 1200 net calories. I eat more than those in actual calories, but burn off enough, that it ends up less than 1200 net. I have the thing set to lose 12 lbs, .5 to 1 lb a week, and I am usually averaging around 800-900 net calories per day, while eating an average of 1500-1800 per day total.

I lost 60 lbs prior to joining this site, and was just down to my last 10-12 lbs. I had stalled, so thought I would try this site. I still can't get a thing to happen, despite really trying to watch what I'm doing and what I thought the site was explaining for me to do. It's been 3 months, and nothing.

I'd love to be able to eat a few more things, but I'm just so confused and it just doesn't make sense intuitively to eat that much more.

I lift weights, do circuit training videos, and, more worried about caloric intake than the exercise portion.

Any advice out there?


  • Jpchavez
    Jpchavez Posts: 3 Member
    Basically it works as calories in vs calories out. Of course other things can vary your weight loss. 3500 calories is equal to 1 pound.

    My TDEE from one site states 2636. This means I can eat this many calories a day and not gain or lose weight. Usually for weight loss you'll drop 500 - 1000 per day (1lb - 2 lbs per week) . So 1636 would be my goal for 2 pounds a week. If I'm adding exercise to the equation of course I can drop more weight and here's where it gets tricky.

    If I burn 650 calories on the treadmill according to mfp I've gained 650 extra calories to eat. While technically true I can eat the extra calories I burned and still lose the 2 pounds a week. You decide how you want to use your extra calories burned. If you want to eat a little more for that day that's fine you'll still be on track to lose weight. If you want to boost your weight loss the extra calories burned at the end of the week will combine with the ones you are limiting in your diet.

    Hope that wasn't too confusing :)
  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    Here's a simple calculation.

    Estimated TDEE = Multiply your weight in lbs x 15.
    To lose weight = Subtract 20-35%
    Follow plan for 3 weeks.
    Adjust accordingly.

    Assuming you're 160 lbs.
    Estimated TDEE = 160 x 15 = 2400
    20% of 2400 = 480 --> 2400-480=1920
    35% of 2400 = 840 --> 2400-840=1560
    In this example to lose weight, eat between 1600-1900 calories. Follow plan for 3 weeks. Adjust accordingly.

    Then, go here:
  • cj0327
    cj0327 Posts: 3
    Thank you!