
Hi kids. My name is Nicole Anderson.
I just got married in February. The wedding was amazing, I got the pictures back, and for the first time in my life I realized, GOD I'm FAT! Ugh. To make matters worse, I didn't have a single period after the wedding, so my new husband and I thought we were pregnant and were estatic (We both want kids... bad) we considered having kids even before we got married! After my first missed period we rant to the doctors to get a blood test to see if I'm pregnant!.
Instead of a Yes, or NO answer, I was told my LH hormones were off the charts and I needed to come in for more test as soon as I could.

Not Pregnant.
I have polysystic ovarian syndrome. (
Being overweight makes it worse and I want children.

My Husband is petite in all aspects of the word, and can eat all day and not gain an ounce.
My best friend is the "fattest she's ever been" and she's a size 6
My mother is a 60 year old Fashion Model, she's a 4 without trying.

I joined this site, at first just to figure out if I'm keeping my carbs down like instructed.
But now I'm feeling very overwhelmed with all of it, and looking for some encouragement and comradery.
I yoyo between a 22 and a 24. I want to get some weight off (80lbs per my doctor), and keep it off.

I want children, so badly.
I want to be able to work out, and not be mortified that I'm the fat girl at the gym.
I want to jiggle less when I play softball and and run to first base.


  • christiemac80
  • Sunny_Sunflower
    Sunny_Sunflower Posts: 136 Member
    WOOT WELCOME! NO WORRIES I AM 238 lbs and 24 years old with a family history of heart disease. I have major depression, generalized anxiety, borderline and adhd so to say the least my medications have really screwed me. But I am taking charge and grabbing the reigns back and my goal is 130-140 by next summer. No gastric or surgeries all me....
  • Rachbell84
    Rachbell84 Posts: 16 Member
    Don't give up! I have PCOS too. I thought I'd never have children. I had many other "female" issues as well as the PCOS. I used to obsess about babies. And i mean OBSESS! About 3 and 1/2 years ago i had joined curves, my dr had put me on the metformin for the PCOS and i dropped 30lbs. I had finally come to terms that i'd probably never be a mother and instead of driving myself insane over it, i just stopped thinking about it. I had started to have some pains in the uterus i went to the dr to get checked out and had also scheduled a consult for new birth control. Well, after getting my Nuva Ring the dr decided to do an ultrasound to check out my ovaries and see if the cycsts had gotten worse. What they saw in there was not a was a heartbeat! I was pregnent (keep in mind i hadnt really been trying and the timing was all wrong, but i was pregnant nonetheless and more than happy). My son will be 3 in September and he is wonderful. I'm a single mom but doesn't matter one bit to me. I have my baby. You will too!