Falling off the Weight Loss Train-HELP!

For the past month, I have been eating like crap. I've still been working out at least 2-3 times a week but its not enough. I feel so unmotivated and out of control. I know I'm not the only one so I'm looking for people who went through something like that and has bounced back. I need some words of wisdom or just some pushy friends (lol). I'm desperate for anything. I lost 13 lbs and now I've gained all but 5 back.


  • Slice1
    Slice1 Posts: 193 Member
    This time last year I lost 15lbs (was half way to my goal of losing 30lbs) and I was feeling fabulous. Didn't think I'd ever go back to eating junk.
    But I did...last summer. I went right back to eating nothing but junk.

    I gained back the 15lbs pounds plus a couple more.

    Now I'm back on the wagon. And still very disappointed in myself for what happened, but moving forward.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    You've accepted that you've fallen off the wagon. That's most of the battle. Now you hop right back on that wagon and get going!

    Seriously, no one can do it but you, and every day you wait is another wasted day in your life that you aren't working on it. Go back through today and fill out your food and exercise diary, then start planning what you are going to eat tomorrow and start entering that so you have a plan.

    Right now. Stop thinking about it. Fenceposts are pointy nasty things that just leave marks when you sit on them. Get off the fence and get going!

    And do 10 situps, right now, to kick off your second journey to the new you...

    - Pushy

    PS: You're still reading this. That means you aren't doing your situps. NOW! MOVE!
  • BlueJue2
    BlueJue2 Posts: 77
    So, on the bright side, you haven't gained it all back yet. Now is the time to take action! You must be intending to or you wouldn't be here now. You can do it, you know you can because you have done it before. I challenge you, let's see what you are made of!!!
  • Slice1
    Slice1 Posts: 193 Member
    You've accepted that you've fallen off the wagon. That's most of the battle. Now you hop right back on that wagon and get going!

    Seriously, no one can do it but you, and every day you wait is another wasted day in your life that you aren't working on it. Go back through today and fill out your food and exercise diary, then start planning what you are going to eat tomorrow and start entering that so you have a plan.

    Right now. Stop thinking about it. Fenceposts are pointy nasty things that just leave marks when you sit on them. Get off the fence and get going!

    And do 10 situps, right now, to kick off your second journey to the new you...

    - Pushy

    PS: You're still reading this. That means you aren't doing your situps. NOW! MOVE!

    Excellent motivator!!
  • chatter27
    chatter27 Posts: 121
    I am just now getting back on that wagon as well, it is true only you can take that step. Good Luck!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I can relate, but the ONLY thing that saved me , to get back where I was is to stop and get back on the wagon

    DONT beat yourself down, it makes it worse........Learn from your mistakes and keep going.......Im proud of your accomplishments.....
  • quigzgrl
    quigzgrl Posts: 1
    Through the years of I have gained, lost, gained, lost... I will exercise to excess and set crazy work out schedules and then fall off the proverbial wagon for months loosing all my hard work and gaining all my weight back. I've tried everything under the sun. This time I just want to be healthy and look as good as I can in a pair of jeans at 45 with 3 descent work outs a week. You're beautigu, you're smart, and you're determined.... The great thing about girls like us honey is we never give up. ;) hang in there.
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    I find that having Fabulous MFP friends has helped me a ton with my motivation.

    I was doing well with exercising but not so much on the eating. I found some new friends on here that have been amazing at having my back and encouraging me.

    Something else that I have found that really helps me get and stay motivated is checking out the "success" threads and seeing progress pictures of some of the other members on here. Seeing their great results motivates me to stay on track.
  • PurpleGyrl13
    PurpleGyrl13 Posts: 84 Member
    You're not the only one. Take it one day at a time or as I like to tell myself...baby steps. I have been fighting the weight loss battle for years...have lost and gained and lost and gained, etc., etc. And now I'm here.
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    I have been in this situation in 2005 I lost 30 and regained 40... it was lame. The one thing that has been the best for me to learn was consciously stopping the negative talk. I always would call myself bad things like a failure and ugly, making an effort to say to yourself (outloud even if you want to) is "no you arent a failure, life happens and a few steps back does not negate all the positive progress you have made". You are still working out regularly which is great (that was always my biggest problem), it is now just re-incorperating the healthy foods and learning the power of "no thank you" :)
  • schillewis
    schillewis Posts: 144 Member
    You've accepted that you've fallen off the wagon. That's most of the battle. Now you hop right back on that wagon and get going!

    Seriously, no one can do it but you, and every day you wait is another wasted day in your life that you aren't working on it. Go back through today and fill out your food and exercise diary, then start planning what you are going to eat tomorrow and start entering that so you have a plan.

    Right now. Stop thinking about it. Fenceposts are pointy nasty things that just leave marks when you sit on them. Get off the fence and get going!

    And do 10 situps, right now, to kick off your second journey to the new you...

    - Pushy

    PS: You're still reading this. That means you aren't doing your situps. NOW! MOVE!

    This is awesome!!! I may print this out and read it every morning to keep me going in the right direction :smooched:
  • mctiernan
    mctiernan Posts: 51 Member
    Im right with you. I am really struggling. I am having trouble in the evening and trouble getting motivated to get to the gym. Maybe we can encourage eachother?
  • Melissa_Dawn90
    Melissa_Dawn90 Posts: 40 Member
    you all are great. I need more people like you. please feel free to add me and thank you for your responses. I'm definitely taking mental notes!
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    I have completely fallen off the wagon. Haven't worked out but once in two months, and only started this week to eating well again.
    I can tell a big difference between when I was working out and now that I am not. I have gotten pudgier but still a size 6...
    Trying to get back in the swing of things, would love to hear how others are doing it.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Please add me :)

    I began my weight loss journey three years ago and lost 50lbs the healthy way. However, once I got to a comfortable weight (for me, 130lbs at 5'5) I fell into a binge/'restrict' (by restrict I mean go back to eating as healthy as I did when I lost weight, usually between 1400 and 1800 cals with exercise) and I haven't been able to get out of it!

    I'm back to eating well the last two days in a row, after an 8 day all-out face-stuffing session of 4000+ cals per day!

    I need support too, as much as I can get X
  • grex1949
    grex1949 Posts: 130
    Been there, done that. I lost 40 pounds a couple of years ago with no support system comparable to MFP. I felt good, thought I looked good (I obviously should have, since I went from "obese" to merely "overweight") and promptly quit paying attention to what I was eating.
    By last fall, I had gained 17 pounds back. One day I stepped on the scale and it read "200". This scared me into getting back on the wagon. The difference this time is that MFP is here for support when I need it, which is frequently.
    DO NOT GIVE UP! You are still 5 pounds down, aren't you? Build on it!
    Good luck!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Excellent motivator!!

    I just love it when people ASK me to be a jacka$$, then COMPLIMENT me for it. :)
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    This is awesome!!! I may print this out and read it every morning to keep me going in the right direction :smooched:


    Any time you want me to "yell" at you, you just let me know, OK?

    Now, how many more calories is typing in caps, exactly? ;)
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Did you do those situps yet?

    Did you think I was kidding?
  • Melissa_Dawn90
    Melissa_Dawn90 Posts: 40 Member
    Did you do those situps yet?

    Did you think I was kidding?

    did them :) now getting ready to head to the gym!