How to avoid energy crash after lunch?



  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I also drink diet soda. I hadn't really thought about it until now, but could this be a "crash" from not having caffeine for a few hours? I usually have three cans of soda per day--two in the morning and one in the afternoon (just having it now). I do stay tired throughout the afternoon, though.

    It could. Save half the diet soda from lunch and drink it an hour later. (with plenty of water to buffer the caffeine's diuretic effects, especially if you're tired and breastfeeding). If the "crash" moves out an hour or goes away, then it's caffeine letdown.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    If this happens consistantly after eating you may want to check into several things:

    Lower the amount of carbs you are eating. Sugar and the resultant insulin response could be causing the issue.

    Talk to a doctor about an insulin resistance test. After having a baby my wife became insulin resistant and does not deal well with carby foods

    Have your thyroid checked. Changes to the thyroid can occur after pregnancy, and one of the symptoms of hypothyroid can be an afternoon crash. Again, taking in less carbs is your best defense here as well.
  • I noticed a huge difference when I was drinking diet soda. I gave it up. I have an occasional one. If you can, I would just stop drinking it. I feel a little tired after lunch too but it is more because I am bored or work is extremely quiet.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'm pretty sure you're supposed to get some extra calories in your daily allowance for are a couple articles on it. As far as I know, there's even a listing for breastfeeding under the exercise diary so you can add it on.
    (see about halfway down the page for this one)

    These extra calories might help you add in a few extra snacks that'll help keep you going. Some good options: hard boiled eggs, nuts, carrots/apple with peanut butter. And definitely look into adding more protein to your diet. Since you like oatmeal, check out Kashi Go Lean's honey cinnamon oatmeal - it's sooo good and there's a ton of protein to help keep you full.
  • slsmoot123
    slsmoot123 Posts: 98 Member
    Avoid the simple carbs and sugar at lunch. Eat a protein based meal and follow up about 30 min later with water!!!!

    Crashing is either carb or sugar issue. Eat protein which gives you real engery, no crash!!!

    Oh and get rid off or really cut back on the diet soda.......

    Best of luck!!!

    Sounds like to me your lunch contains too much sugar and hidden sugars. You didnt say if you were using whole grain pasta but the regular pasta is a simple carb. How much sugar is in the yoplait greek yogurt? Usually yoplait is really sweet, switch to plain greek yogurt and add real fruit that is low in glycemic index like strawberries or blueberries. How much sugar and hidden sugar is in your protein bar? Carrots-is a sweet vegetable. Snap Peas-is a sweet vegetable. Even the grape tomatos are know for their sweetness. Diet soda is fake sugar and when you have pre-diabetes, insulin resistance, or anything along those lines the body really reacts the same as if it were real sugar. I really think your culprit is sugar. It will be tough weaning off but once you can and stick with it, youll really see a difference in your after lunch energy even with your frequent night feedings. Good luck!
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    i'm not seeing a whole lot of healthy fats. For example, I had a salad with romaine, grape tomatoes, radishes, and a can of tuna in olive oil with some red wine vinegar for breakfast around 8 (yeah, I eat weird) and I wasn't hungry for a snack until about noon. I wasn't tired either.

    My lunch (around 2:15 after a snack of beef jerky around noon) was leftovers from the night before: ground beef, peas, kale, carrots, mushrooms, and onions cooked with some beef broth, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes and sriracha. Its now 4:50 and I haven't gotten tired and I'm not hungry. This was about 350 calories and the beef wasn't drained of fat (it was grassfed, organic beef).

    The lack of carbs and the high healthy fat and protein content prevent me from getting sleepy in the afternoon or starving before lunch.
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    I would have a mid morning snack and a smaller lunch. In fact, I do. =D

    I do this if I can. This morning I had clients back to back and they all came early, so no break.
  • abcwhite10
    abcwhite10 Posts: 140 Member
    My mom has just progressed into diabetes in the last couple of years and she has to be so careful with her simple carbs. She needs to avoid any of the flavored yogurts and has switched to greek yogurt and adds her own fruit in (but she can't eat pineapple anymore - spikes her sugars too high)
    ****also for her, tiredness was a huge symptom because her sugars were unstable - along with peeing all night which you may not notice if you're up with a baby. I always made it a habit of sorts to get a drink and pee while I was up feeding at night.
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    I'm pretty sure you're supposed to get some extra calories in your daily allowance for are a couple articles on it. As far as I know, there's even a listing for breastfeeding under the exercise diary so you can add it on.
    (see about halfway down the page for this one)

    These extra calories might help you add in a few extra snacks that'll help keep you going. Some good options: hard boiled eggs, nuts, carrots/apple with peanut butter. And definitely look into adding more protein to your diet. Since you like oatmeal, check out Kashi Go Lean's honey cinnamon oatmeal - it's sooo good and there's a ton of protein to help keep you full.

    I do account for breastfeeding when calculating my calorie goal. My BMR is either 1214 or 1416 depending on the method used. I have my goal set at 1700 but will eat more if I am really hungry. The last week or two I have been going over slightly quite often, though (lack of planning and not as good of food choices as I would like, along with the holiday and travel). I truly don't think I need more than 1700 or possibly 1800 on a regular basis. If I exercise I eat back some of those calories but otherwise am very sedentary in my job.

    I didn't think I had eaten that many carbs today but when I checked, both my yogurt and the Zone bar had quite a bit of sugar. Will have to re-evaluate those food choices.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Try cutting down on the soda, could be caused by caffiene. Add some protein to your lunch, that will fill you up for longer.
    Also try and have a protein based snack in the afternoon like some nuts or your string cheese :-)
    Check you are adding enough cals for your breast feeding, I'm sure it's at least 500 a day, that would put your base cals at 1200 which is pretty low. If your bmr is 1214, times that by activity level (1.3 for lightly active, you may be higher with running round after the kids!) = 1578
    Plus your breast feeding cals so really you should be eating 2078.
    That doesn't include exercise either, so you would need to eat back exercise or choose a higher activity level x