Lower abdominal exercise....



  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    The exercise I find that really works the lower abdominal muscles is to lie on the floor on your back and hold one weight with both hands straight above so your arms are perpendicular to the floor. Then keep a controlled move past your head down towards the floor (but don't touch it) and return to starting point. Use as heavy a weight as you can. Really effective in working those lower abs.
  • Meloonie
    Meloonie Posts: 144 Member
    Anything will help to strengthen the ab muscles as long as you have them engaged. Even when you're walking pull your tummy button in, imagine you have a string pulling it into your back and this will help to strengthen the core msucles too. I do it all the time, when I'm walking around the house doing things, vaccuming, dusting, even just stood at the counter chopping veg and I can feel my muscles getting stronger. Perhaps try some of the exercise peo[ple have suggested too and you'll feel and see a difference in no time.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    A PT showed me where I was going wrong myself, i was doing standard bent knee sit ups
    he watched me for a while (he wasn't pinching his nipples at the time) and then came over and said;

    'Try a 3 set workout
    1st set legs flat feet an inch off the mat, hands/arms flat to the floor and then pull your knees to your chest (reading this it's JM style
    2nd set in a plank position and for want of a better description make love to the floor, pull your *kitten* up so your body is at 120 degrees (i think) then lower it
    3rd set on your back knees at 90 degrees back flat reach up with your hands to the ceiling and pull yourself up using your abs to about a 60 degree angle then lower yourself back down

    The reaching up makes you engage or switch on your abs for the whole exercise which is the key where as it was more on/off with the way i was originally doing it and I really felt the difference too personally. You've got a stack of good advice in the above posts so I hope it helps and you start to see results :happy:
  • hag101108
    hag101108 Posts: 22
    Thank you everyone!! I did a couple of the exercise's that a few people suggested yesterday & I am feeling it today! Thank you so much!
  • GraceK2012
    GraceK2012 Posts: 64 Member