How Far would you go for your pet?



  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,052 Member
    I have 75% left of a Border collie....true story!

    SO far she has lost most of her teeth, one rear leg to cancer, she's going deaf and possibly incontinent.....

    Over £5000 spent on her so far.....
  • kitiarascott
    kitiarascott Posts: 30 Member
    I would do anything for my Bentley, he is my baby. I personally would make the difficult decision to put him to sleep if he was living in constant pain.

    I had a cat for 14 years who we had to put down because he had cancer, it was the hardest thing ever but hes happy and pain free now.
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    I thought I must just add another comment to all of you who have experienced such devastating and difficult decisions with your is obvious that there are many of us who have the same empathy and want to care for these beautiful and trusty animals.
    I do not have any pets now as I am disabled and live in a first floor flat so I know I wouldn't be able to see to it's needs especially as some days I can barely get out of bed myself till nearly midday. I did have a little poodle when my children were young and also a cat. Then later another dog, a Jack Russell that was so timid as she had been owned by gypsies and beaten dreadfully and they had kicked out her front teeth. She was adorable and died after many years of just old age. I spent pounds and pounds on their upkeep and vet bills, as one does, and wouldn't have had it any other way.

    Sorry, had a bit of a ramble there... thanks again for all your stories.
  • Izzyd1979
    Izzyd1979 Posts: 24 Member
    Just came accross this post before going into work after a looong work weekend... as a veterinarian in an emergency/referral center!

    Its nice to see people who want to do what's best for their pet and understand the costs associated. It is sadly not to case for everyone and while I would love to save all those pets for free, it is not possible and people need to take responsibility for their pet. I saw a few people on here saying they have pet insurance and for all of you who own pets, consider it! (unless you are one of those very organized persons who can put $50/month in a bank account under "Fluffy"'s name!). It is truly a life saver and can take off the pressure when making a decision - the decision can be purely medical, not financial! There is also a tremendous difference in working in the US (I did for 10 years) and Canada (I just moved here) where people have NO idea of what medical care can cost, thanks to free healthcare for them! I am yelled at, insulted and called names on a daily basis... sometimes over $20!

    Oh and to answer the initial question... I spent $5000 on my 12yrs old cat last year (yeah, vets also have to pay vet bills..). I was hoping to buy him 3-6 months with this. Miraculously, he is still alive and well and I would do it again in a heartbeat!
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    For me, I would do whatever. I wouldn't settle for just trying different creams, I would insist I get an answer. I recently went on vacation and my parents dog-sat my puppy. They totally love her too, so I had no qualms about leaving her (of course I made my dad email me daily updates!). I told my mom before I left, if anything happened to LouLou or she got sick, etc., take her to the vet and pay ANYTHING to get her well. I would reimburse them when I got home!

    EDIT - of course if she was really suffering I wouldn't prolong would be harder on me than her I think. Darn, it, I'm getting teary just thinking about it! She's only just over a year old so hopefully we have many years left together!
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    Great News!! My sister was telling me she she has taken her cat to another vet now and it turns out that the previous vet had not examined it properly and there is a massive infection in it's ears. The treatment is being done to get it into a healthy condition. Am soo relieved. Like to think that my few chosen words have had a good affect.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    That's great news! Hope Kitty gets better. :smile:
  • reilly21
    reilly21 Posts: 3
    Consider a mixed-breed dog. Poodle mixes, often called "doodles" can be hypoallergenic, and have a lower chance of carrying genetic diseases than pure-bred dogs. <a href="">pet food online</a>
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    Consider a mixed-breed dog. Poodle mixes, often called "doodles" can be hypoallergenic, and have a lower chance of carrying genetic diseases than pure-bred dogs. <a href="">pet food online</a>

  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    When my vet wasn't making any headway with my cat's problems, I went somewhere else. Getting a solution and helping my cat was all I cared about, not stepping on the vet's toes or hurting the vet's feelings.

    I love my cats, and they mean the world to me. When I adopted them, I was making the commitment to care for them and do what is best for them.
  • SweetNaughtyLips
    SweetNaughtyLips Posts: 374 Member
    I would do anything for my pets; I see them as my adopted children.

    A few years ago, my tiny toy poodle was in distress and I wasn't sure what was happening I just knew that he needed to go to the hospital and quick! I called his doctor who gave me directions to the nearest hospital. My husband and I were rushing to get him in the car and get there as fast as possible. While in route, he died in my arms! I was crying hysterically and yelling at my husband to drive faster. When we finally arrived at the hospital, I ran inside screaming for help and told them to do whatever they had to do to bring him back to me! They rushed him back; I signed a ton of paperwork allowing them to do everything and anything! I was a nervous wreck, my whole body shaking and could not stop crying! The nurse finally came to me and said they were able to shock him back and he’ll have to stay overnight so they can figure out what happened. Long story short, that was a Christmas Eve and the next day they called me with his update calling him the Christmas Miracle.

    I love my babies and will do anything for them!

  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Our cat just turned five this weekend. Within her first six months of life, she managed to break her right hip and left rear leg (at different times). At the time, my boyfriend had just got her and we weren't living together yet, but that kitten was his entire family. He was shattered at the idea that she was hurt and couldn't even entertain the idea of putting her down; it was really like seeing someone being told to just kill their kid rather than helping them. Having next to no money for it, we called around nonprofits that provide vet services, but they all wanted to amputate or euthanize. We finally tried a vet nearby and not only did they have an expert in that sort of surgery, but they'd fix the injury for half the price the other placed quoted for just cutting the leg off. They allowed us to make an installment plan (it was technically against their policy but I think they could tell how serious we were and we did pay it off). In total, it was about $2500 for both surgeries and follow-up. Today, she's the friendliest, most even-tempered, energetic and playful cat I've ever seen. You'd never think she'd ever had any injuries and she's constantly doing hilarious things that keep us entertained.

    Worth it.
  • Toxictwist
    Toxictwist Posts: 274
    My 2 cats are like my kids (don't have human kids haha)
    So if anything was to happen to them, I would do whatever I could/spend whatever I had to to help them.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I've spent thousands on training for my dogs. One is a bully breed and I don't want to take any chances that she'll do anything that will make someone else make me put her down. My pups are my first children and an essential part of my life. Isis (the older one) and I saved each other, I can never do enough to repay her for her companionship.
  • melonerski
    melonerski Posts: 306 Member
    i have a white cat who has had to have one ear amputated due to a tumor on her ear. ever since we had the ear tip removed she has been just fine. i would go to great lengths and have done so to make sure my animal is happy and well taken care of. if she just wants to have it put to sleep then she doesnt deserve the cat in the first place
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 778 Member
    $5000 when my Bandit, 13-year old daschund, got in the middle of the big dogs. After 100 staples, drain tubes and a week in the hospital (which was 30+ miles away - visited every night), I brought him home. Even with the "cone", he managed to pull out most of the staples within hours of being home. Drove him back to hospital at midnight. They sedated him until morning, called me & I made the decision to let him go.

    My hubby still gives me a hard time about it, but he knows I will go to any length to save my "kids".

    This is coming from someone who, as a teenager, took her hamster to the vet & paid $50 to have it put to sleep. And cried the whole day.

    I've toughened up over the years, but not by much. We raise goats now, and it's still hard to see a kid struggle for life. It's not uncommon for me to have a goat kid sleeping in a box next to my bed so that I can bottle it at 2 am-4am-6am or worse, tube-feed it.
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 778 Member
    I would do anything for my pets; I see them as my adopted children.

    A few years ago, my tiny toy poodle was in distress and I wasn't sure what was happening I just knew that he needed to go to the hospital and quick! I called his doctor who gave me directions to the nearest hospital. My husband and I were rushing to get him in the car and get there as fast as possible. While in route, he died in my arms! I was crying hysterically and yelling at my husband to drive faster. When we finally arrived at the hospital, I ran inside screaming for help and told them to do whatever they had to do to bring him back to me! They rushed him back; I signed a ton of paperwork allowing them to do everything and anything! I was a nervous wreck, my whole body shaking and could not stop crying! The nurse finally came to me and said they were able to shock him back and he’ll have to stay overnight so they can figure out what happened. Long story short, that was a Christmas Eve and the next day they called me with his update calling him the Christmas Miracle.

    I love my babies and will do anything for them!


    This is so me!!!!! The world needs more people like you!
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    My pets are treated very well. They are like my children. We just got a baby kitten and I was home with her for 10 days during my vacation. I almost cried when I had to leave her on Monday. Broke my heart and I thought about her all day, hoping she was doing well with our other cat. We do whatever they need done, unless it is excessive.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I think I'd find a diff vet. But in answer to your question, I'd lay down my life for my pets. They would do the same for me
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    So, first. To answer the question - how far would SOMEONE ELSE go for your pet?

    When I was a teenager my puppy walked out onto an ice covered dugout with an aeration system. The ice was weak. The water ice cold. The puppy fell into a hole in the ice near where the aeration tube was. A complete stranger who was passing by crawled onto that ice and pulled the puppy (I couldn't swim). That was damned risky but he did it...

    The puppy died on the way to the vet.

    As to the second, REAL question. I don't think you should EVER put your family at financial risk for a pet. If you have the money to have the work done then go for it but if you just can't afford to have your pet's pain relieved without making your family suffer financially then I don't think you're a bad person for saying no to the work.