
Hi there,

I just thought I'd stop and say hi! I heard about the MFP smartphone app through a friend and thought it seemed like a great idea. I love that it gives me an amount of calories I can eat each day without telling me that I can only eat healthy stuff.

I'm a 23 year old student and I've noticed recently that this year at uni the work-rate has gone up, which is boring, and when I'm bored, I eat. 2 of my more stretchy (and favorite) pairs of jeans have just developed massive holes, and I've discovered that my less stretchy ones sadly don't do up anymore! My work clothes are starting to get uncomfortably tight too, and I most definitely can't afford to buy a whole new wardrobe, so getting thinner has to be the only way to go!

The biggest problem I have with dieting is my love of chocolate - no evening meal feels finished before I've had something sweet, and I have such a weakness for anything chocolatey. That's partly why I love the calorie counters on here so much - if I behave myself all day and go for a swim on the way home I have just about enough spare calories left for something sweet at the end of the day. I know it might not be the ideal way to lose weight but it's going to make me much more likely to stick to it if I can have smaller amounts of everything rather than loads of healthy stuff and nothing that I actually want!

Okay so this has worked out slightly longer than I expected it to... so I will shut up now! Nice to meet you all and here's hoping I have the motivation to actually stick to losing weight this time :)


  • rboxley
    rboxley Posts: 2
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • sgballow
    sgballow Posts: 40 Member
    Same here!!! I love Chocolate....I love sweets, and I love being able to eat what ever I want, but that lifestyle has gotten me where I am today and now I have to work hard to get back to were I need to be. I wish you the best of luck on your journey and so glad you found MFP, and I hope it brings you the faith and motivation it has for me!
    ATOLLIT Posts: 149
    Thankyou! :smile: