Weaning myself off sugars in my drinks

bashiera Posts: 140 Member
Hey guys. I apologize if this thread has been made before, but I did a search and didn't find any advice I found useful. I have a big problem with honey, sugar, agave, etc. I have a really hard time not using any of them. I've tried switching my coffee to watered down juice, herbal tea, black tea, or just water in the morning, but I can't give up the taste and the aroma. So, my cup of coffee is now a vehicle for sugar and milk. Just today in my herbal teas and coffee I've had 300 calories just from my sweeteners. I really need to stop this. Any suggestions? I was considering going back to stevia, but work is slow right now and I'd go through it like crazy, and we have about 10 pounds of sugar in the pantry for my grandmother's baking and honey from a friend so we're using all that up.


  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    You seem to have an awful lot of excuses to keep using so much sugar in your diet.

    I went cold turkey. You CAN do that, you also CAN cut back but, you've just CHOSEN not to so far.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    I went cold turkey as well and eliminated temptation wherever I could... the other thing I did was drank plenty of water...

    You will have withdrawels and the first few days will be hard push through it.... dont give in! :D
  • bashiera
    bashiera Posts: 140 Member
    You seem to have an awful lot of excuses to keep using so much sugar in your diet.

    I went cold turkey. You CAN do that, you also CAN cut back but, you've just CHOSEN not to so far.
    Honestly...you're right. I have chosen not to. But I find the taste of anything without sugar gross. Did you just have to retrain your tastebuds?
  • Its_All_Kung_Fu
    Throw it all OUT.:wink:
  • bashiera
    bashiera Posts: 140 Member
    Throw it all OUT.:wink:
    I'd love to do that! Except the three other people in my house like honey and sugar in their coffee ): I can hide it when I'm home, though.
  • Its_All_Kung_Fu
    You seem to have an awful lot of excuses to keep using so much sugar in your diet.

    I went cold turkey. You CAN do that, you also CAN cut back but, you've just CHOSEN not to so far.
    Honestly...you're right. I chosen not to. But I find the taste of anything without sugar gross. Did you just have to retrain your tastebuds?

    Exactly....You can do it...That word "can't" is death...literally. Stop using it. Remember, luck has absolutely nothing to do with our success here.
  • plzlbsbegone
    Once you have eliminated it, you will crave it much less! Just replace it with stevia occationally, other times, just drink water! It does wonders!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I used to have a big sugar thing, 3 spoons in my tea and I used to drink a LOT of tea (being English by birth and all ;)).

    I cut it down to one cup in the morning but then I read 'Sugar, Sweet Poison' and realised we don't need it in our diets at all.

    Since I cut carbs (not totally but way down) I find I am more sensitive to sweetness now and sweet foods/drinks I would routine consume have become unpalatable.

    So, for me, it's a retraining thing. I had become used to the constant bombardment of sugar and the insulin rollercoaster problem that it brings.

    I can recommend 'Sugar, The Bitter Truth (Short Version)' on YouTube if you have any interest in finding out why sugars should be minimised :)
  • bi0nicw0man
    bi0nicw0man Posts: 56 Member
    If quitting cold turkey sets you up for failure, then wean down the amount you are using. Try using half of what you use now, then go down more and more. I went from two sugars and lots of milk down to one sugar and now no sugar just some almond or soy milk.

    If you are using that much sugar then you clearly don't actually like coffee. You might do best to just not drink it at all.