


  • DanielleRN8
    DanielleRN8 Posts: 409
    I absolutely HATE eating breakfast. I try to eat a blueberry muffin, breakfast bars, toast, or raisin bread sometimes. But yes, you need to eat more. Your metabolism has slowed down because it's used to not needing as much to function. Try eating at least your bmr.
  • IslandDer
    IslandDer Posts: 27
    Breakfast is so important! I used to be a skipper, but when I embarked on my weight loss "odyssey" a few years ago, I made a point of having breakfast every day AND not going longer than 3-4 hours without eating thru the day. Avoid getting "hungry" since, over time, it causes your body to go into "starvation" mode. I tell this to my patients too - sometimes they'll go thru a brief weight gain when they start, but once their body gets used to it and believes it won't be starved, it will stop storing and hoarding those calories.
  • jammiemd
    jammiemd Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks everyone! I appreciate all of the tips. I know its going to be a long, life changing journey and I cant wait!
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    just wanted to say, you dont have to eat " breakfast foods" for breakfast ..

    i rarely eat "breakfast" i might have a wrap or something when i wake up
    my diary says "meal 1" "meal 2" meal 3 .. snack 1 etc

    when i think "breakfast" i think eggs, sausage, grits etc.. but any food counts :flowerforyou:
  • jmatney79
    jmatney79 Posts: 80
    ok...so....my BMR is 2554.8. If I eat 1600 calories a day that is a 954.8 deficit and I would lose 1.91 lbs a week without exercise...and more with exercise. That sounds like a plan! :)

    :) 1600 calories can go really far with lots of veggies!!!!
  • jmatney79
    jmatney79 Posts: 80
    just wanted to say, you dont have to eat " breakfast foods" for breakfast ..

    i rarely eat "breakfast" i might have a wrap or something when i wake up
    my diary says "meal 1" "meal 2" meal 3 .. snack 1 etc

    when i think "breakfast" i think eggs, sausage, grits etc.. but any food counts :flowerforyou:

    So true!! I can't eat cereal, yogurt, oatmeal etc...I need protein in the morning!! If I eat sugar or carbs I get shaky in an hour or two. My blood sugar drops. I usually scramble 2 eggs with lean ham and cheese
  • CrystalGetFitJackson26
    you may want to make sure your "What is your Goal?" is set on Lose 1-pound per week RECOMMENDED option instead of the Gain 1 pound per week that same thing happen to me, my calorie intake was like 2,000 something I knew that had to be wrong lol but it was because I had it set on the wrong thing; hope this helps.
  • CrystalGetFitJackson26
    It's at 2140. That's what automatically generated when I entered my height and weight. That just seems like a lot of calories...

    you may want to make sure your "What is your Goal?" is set on Lose 1-pound per week RECOMMENDED option instead of the Gain 1 pound per week that same thing happen to me, my calorie intake was like 2,000 something I knew that had to be wrong lol but it was because I had it set on the wrong thing; hope this helps.
  • Lightbulb1088
    Lightbulb1088 Posts: 189 Member
    I wasn't a breakfast eater either, so I started slow, with small things to start with. the important thing with eating every 3 to 4 hrs is so you don't put your body in starvation mode. I now have 1 sausage patti and high fiber cereal or greek yougurt.
    When I first started in the morning I started with 2 oz of juice or fruit, then I changed. Pick somehting you like and eat a small amount early in the day. it is better to eat early in the day then later in the day.
    Hang in there you can do this.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    You do NOT need to eat breakfast....or lunch for that matter, or 6 meals a day.... it's calories in vs calories out and it's a old wives tale that you have to eat every few hrs..... many many people on this site eat in a 8hr window from noon -9pm and fast for 16hrs, 9pm-noon....

    If you are not hungry in the morning...don't eat, then later on in the day you can have bigger more fulfilling meals....

    You have to fast for at least 48 hrs before "starvation mode or a slower metabolism" kicks in...not 3 stinkin hrs... sheesh....
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I under eat almost every day. I'm just not hungry. If I'm not hungry, I don't eat. Eating when I wasn't hungry is why I got fat in the first place.

    As far as breakfast goes, breakfast just means breaking a fast, so the first time you eat after X number of hours of not eating. My doc would recommend that your first meal of the day (at 9am or 4pm) be protein with no more than 5g of net carbohydrates. This prevents a spike in your blood sugar that works some kind of black magic on your whosiwhatsit. Whatever. It works for me. :)