Holy heck, am I undereating by that much?!?!



  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I had the same problem with not eating enough and I was shocked because I really didn't change my diet much when I started MFP. I had been trying to loose weight for months and now I understand that it's because I haven't been eating enough.

    I started throwing in extra little snacks throughout the day. I have a desk job so its easier for me.

    I will eat breakfast about 8:30, have a snack at 11, lunch 12:30, snack 2pm, dinner 5:30-6 and then a small snack around 8pm (if I still need more calories). I feel like I'm eating all day long, but it seems to be working for me.
  • wrecked_willow
    Add some snacks that are healthy but high in calories! Like any kind of nuts or lean meat :)
  • haleyrutter
    haleyrutter Posts: 9 Member
    More fruit and veggies. I would add some grains to it as well, quinioa, brown rice, things with more fiber.
  • Ianultrarunner
    Ianultrarunner Posts: 184 Member
    You need to eat Calorie Dense foods such as Peanut Butter, Cheeses and mix those with Bananas and other fruits for balance.
    Try an Avocado and don't just eat Chicken for meat but others too.
    You'll find you can have more Calories without feeling too full.
    Just try some experimentation.
  • debgcook
    debgcook Posts: 64
    You do not have to eat the calories or extra calories that you burned. Maybe on cheat days. But you shud be eating what you calorie says only.
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    Lots of great advice here. You're on the right track. Keep going and you'll get there.

    Just out of curiosity... NOT counting other beverages, how much water are you drinking daily on average?
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    avocado, nuts, coconut oil/butter, full fat dairy

    ^^^^ This - also eggs, salmon, olives, nuts, nut butters.....

    My diary is open for people to look at - I eat over 2000 calories most days - and the additional calories come from these foods - so I dont have to eat more "bulk" - just some smart foods!!
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    You do not have to eat the calories or extra calories that you burned. Maybe on cheat days. But you shud be eating what you calorie says only.

    When you exercise, it adds to your daily calories though, right?
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    You want to eat all your calories if you are planning on losing more fat than muscle - your body will 'eat' anything to sustain itself on a defecit, so you'll lose muscle as well as fat if you undereat. That's good news for the scale, but bad news for your strength (and being able to sustain your weight if you reach goal). So lift some weights, and eat all the good fats.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Lots of great advice here. You're on the right track. Keep going and you'll get there.

    Just out of curiosity... NOT counting other beverages, how much water are you drinking daily on average?

    All I drink is water and tea.

    I think I went through 3 liters of water today, not counting the 4 cups of black tea :)
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    Hey Guys,

    So I just signed up for Fitbit and MFP. Well anyways it says I am supposed to eat 1880 calories a day before exercise.(and thats after setting that I want to lose 2lbs per week).

    After my hours of Insanity not it says I gained an extra 600 calories today (today was pure cardio and cardio abs).

    So at the end of the day I have 1313 calories left over to hit my target..... how in the heck can I eat 2500 calories in one day without some form of junkfood...I dont have that much time to devote to eating!

    Yesterday I had 720 calories, today ~1200.

    Just for an FYI this is what I ate today:

    Breakfast = Wheat English muffin + a morning star veggie patty
    Lunch = 6" Double Turkey + chesse on wheat sandwich from Subway + a bag of Jalapeno chips
    Dinner = 1 chicken breast, 1 cup steamed white rice and 2 cups of steamed broccoli

    Snack = 3.5 cups Air popped popcorn

    Any suggestions?

    thats a ton of food to eat in one day if its health food. Id have to eat 80 cups of broccoli to get there lol

    Here are some suggestions for you that have been good for me.

    1/4c....or 28g of nuts is 200 cals. For me that fills my palm....not much. They are good fats. (NOT Peanuts)
    Buy raw and toast at home...no salt. .. Almonds, walnuts, pecans.

    Eat full fat yogurt if you can eat dairy.

    I usually eat 2 chicken breast depending on the size... usually about 7-9 oz worth of chicken.

    If you like eggs... try 100% whites... egg whites instead of or with veggie burger.

    Try a protein bar... or a piece of fruit.

    Hope this helps ya.
  • nszocinski
    nszocinski Posts: 156 Member
    bump for later
  • Amberetta82
    Amberetta82 Posts: 153 Member
    Drink milk.
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    I'd add in a small snack - like a protein shake you can sip at during the day? That could add about 200 calories. What about adding some light cheese to your breakfast sandwich?

    I ignore my fitbit calorie count and only log in MFP. I aim for being around 200 calories of my goal each day, and going over one day. It's worked so far for me!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i have noticed a lot of topics from people stating they think their calorie amount is listed as too high.
    i am not a nutritionist or anything, it does seem like a lot though.
    maybe you should seek a professional opinion to make sure you are eating the correct amount?
    although if you are working out a lot, that may be the correct amount of calories.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member

    But my question....does that seem high? It all seems so counter intuitive to losing weight.

    You probably didn't put on your weight in a month or two- so you weren't eating that far above your calorie goal before. Just enough that it added up over the days and months of non-activity.

    Take a moment and log in a whole day of what you used to eat- all of it. You can erase the entries (assuming you are on a computer and not a phone) once you're done entering them all. Take a look at what your normal day used to look like- I can almost guarantee you used to eat far over what you're trying to eat now.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    who said you have to skip the junkfood??
    I eat pizza at least once a week..........
    candy here and there, some beers, some booze.............its all a numbers game.
    with a deficit like that you will do more harm than good long term, you will lose weight undeoubtedly, but it will be more than just body fat.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    But my question....does that seem high? It all seems so counter intuitive to losing weight.

    No - it sounds pretty spot on ..... I use a Bodymedia Fit - similar to the FitBit

    On days I exercise (lifting heavy, or kickboxing) my TDEE according to Bodymedia is around 2900 to 3200 - I try and eat between 500 and 750 calories less than that (daily deficit), and I have lost 4kg's (8lbs) since Easter.....

    I am 5'9 - and weigh 214lbs

    One of the most informative posts on MFP - Well worth working through this information to understand your personal numbers:

  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member

    But my question....does that seem high? It all seems so counter intuitive to losing weight.

    You probably didn't put on your weight in a month or two- so you weren't eating that far above your calorie goal before. Just enough that it added up over the days and months of non-activity.

    Take a moment and log in a whole day of what you used to eat- all of it. You can erase the entries (assuming you are on a computer and not a phone) once you're done entering them all. Take a look at what your normal day used to look like- I can almost guarantee you used to eat far over what you're trying to eat now.

    wow wow wow....i just did that...a typical day....and i was pushing 3500 calories easy (including soda and what not).....whoa....thanks a bunch, you guys rock.

    I am headed to the store now, will post up what I got when i get home!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Add nuts, healthy oils and dairy.