New!!! Looking for friendly support and tips :)

sbimba Posts: 4 Member
Hi, I'm new on here looking to love about 40lbs. I just wanted some friends to add for support and tips. If anyone has any good suggestions on workouts or recipes plz help. I have been working out daily and MyFitnessPal suggested eating 1200 calories a day because I sit at a desk most of the day. Other websites have suggested 1900-2100 calories. I'm not even sure how the amount of calories I eat affects my losing weight. I just know I need to burn a lot if I wana lose weight that's why I am keeping track. Do you think I should use the suggested amount or eat 1900-2100 instead?! Please help!!!


  • rileyk54
    rileyk54 Posts: 10
    If you're getting that wide of a range, I would recommend eating somewhere in the middle, between 1200 and 2100. The amount of calories consumed should depend on the amount of calories burned in exercise, but the absolute minimum should be 1200, never less.

    Calories affect your weightloss because your body burns a certain number of calories simply being alive, your BMR (basal metabolic rate). So, if you calculate your BMR and add the amount of calories burned, you want that number to be less than your calories consumed for the day (calorie deficit). There is 3500 calories in a pound of fat, so if you have a deficit of 500 cals everyday, you'll have a weekly deficit of 3500 and should lose 1lb of fat a week.

    BMR+calories burned> calories consumed.
    BMR+calories burned-calories consumed= net amount.

    You can find calculators online to calculate your BMR or you can use this formula:
    Women: BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )

    I hope some of this helps! I'm here if you have any other questions, and you can add me as a friend, if you want :)