
katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
So I have hit a plateau for about the last 3 weeks and its getting very frustrating! I lost 30 pounds over the last 5 months and although my allotted calories are 1200 I really eat around 1000 and have for the last 5 months...but I have not lost weight for going one almost 4 weeks now. Noting in my diet or exercise has changed except maybe Ive pumped up the exercise a tiny bit more...I take Yoga twice a week for 1 hr each, and I go to the gym about 3 times a week and do 30 mins on the Elliptical and about 20 mins on free weights. Im self employed so I stay pretty active during the day. Just not sure what do about this plateau...I know that a lot of people say I should eat more calories but I am small framed, only 5'1, so 1000-1200 is really enough for me and Im a healthy eater, fish, chicken, veggies fruit, whole grains, brown rice, that sort of thing....any other peeps out there with suggestions would be much appreciated ....Im also 51 and menopausal so I know that has something to do with it...
Thanks :smile: