Can you lose weight by running?



  • anraq13
    anraq13 Posts: 16
    iMO I've never been a fan of doing cardio for weight loss reasons. First of all, notice how cardio always gets you even more hungrier after you do it? Then you may end up gorging on food, but reasoning that you worked out hard so you either deserve it or it will not make you gain weight. The latter is true if you do it often, but will it make you lose signifigantly? Most likely not unless you have good genes and aren't prone to obesity. The key is to do muscle building exercise, eat MORE healthy foods such as protein and veggies. The best veggies are the ones that are grown above ground. Below ground, rule it out. Muscle burns fat and you don't have to do it like a body builder to see results. I know my beliefs might get some back lash but this information isn't something that I came up with. I recommend the book "The smarter science of slim" by Jonathan Bailor. It supports "my theory" on the idea of eating MORE, excersising LESS. To lose weight with running, you'd have to run at least 5 miles OR MORE every day to actually see your body physically change. Have you ever seen a fat marathon runner? No, because they run 5 miles or more, as I said . Have I ever seen a fat AVID runner? absolutely. He ran less than 5 miles daily and didn't change his diet, got only hungrier after running, and still has a spare tire. Well... Here is the link to that guys theory.
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    Lost 60+ lbs. running.
  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 127 Member
    I want to lose 20lbs as I have an unhealthy weight for my age and height. I eat a low calorie diet but I want to up the ante and see some good results by actually exercising. I can't afford workout dvds like P90x and I'm not sure if 30DS would help ME lose 20lbs as opposed to somebody who weighs more and has more to lose. So I was just wondering if it was possible to burn around 100-200 calories from running a few times a week or skipping (jumping rope).

    Basically, I have the diet aspect under control but not the exercise as I am lazy and not exactly sure what I need to be doing.
    Funny thing is, I'm asking for tips but I'd also need to motivate myself to follow them!

    Any advice?
    Thanks! xx

    I didn't want to spend the money on P90X and not do the work outs or have them be too tough,. I purchased XFactor by Wieder at walmart for $30.00 it is a series of DVD's that are similar to the P90X. I would say it was a stepping stone to incorporates a lot of strength and cardio using your own body..... I run dailly and do the dvd's M-W- F I dropped 9lb in 1 week once I stepped up the running with the dvd.
    Also, the 30DS is for those looking to lose their last 20 or so.......

    Hope this helps..
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Strength training is important because the more muscle you have the more calories you burn.
  • anraq13
    anraq13 Posts: 16
    Rumor has it the reason cardio is frowned on in some circles is that it increases your appetite, so as long as you aren't eating more due to it, it's good!

    Weight training tones you up and prevents lean body mass loss. When someone is in the process of losing weight some of that weight loss will come from muscles. Weight training counteracts that.

    I agree 100%, as I was just talking about that but I hadn't seen your response until now. :)
  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    As a female runner, I will be honest with you. I NEVER lost weight when I trained for several 5Ks. I was about 20 lbs overweight when I trained for my first of about 6 5Ks. BUT, I was ONLY running daily (5-6x a week) . You need to also incorporate other daily cardio (cross training) AND weight lifting. That is when I started to lose not only weight but inches as well as a clean diet with a calorie deficit will help you lose weight.

    I had a friend who had this same issue. Keep in mind though, everyone is different.

    Good luck!
    I agree with this.
  • tjdimplez
    tjdimplez Posts: 11
    YES indeed! I've lost 20 lbs running 3 to 4 x a week. Plus I incorporated weights to help build muscle. I love running and how it makes your body look and feel....long, lean and healthy. I've also noticed my energy levels are through the roof and my mental ability has increased. I'm more productive at work and home. Running is great!
  • anraq13
    anraq13 Posts: 16
    YES indeed! I've lost 20 lbs running 3 to 4 x a week. Plus I incorporated weights to help build muscle. I love running and how it makes your body look and feel....long, lean and healthy. I've also noticed my energy levels are through the roof and my mental ability has increased. I'm more productive at work and home. Running is great!

    It is great and good for your heart, stamina...etc but for weight loss, it's not considered the best thing, and won't work for a majority of people. You are one of the lucky ones whom it worked for, and maybe you lost Because you did incorporate weights and that's what encouraged the weight loss.
  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    running is GREAT for calorie burn, but it's so easy to get into the trap of "i can run if i want to eat THIS"... (or fill in the blank with any treat or indulgence you may someday feel you earned) i have been running for 2 years now and at first it really helped me lose weight. but once i trained for my marathon, i had already gone deep into that thinking of entitlement and i actually GAINED weight.

    so.... be careful. do not base your intake on your "burn" and you will be doing great. :)

    Wow, Thanks for posting this! I have been doing this and didn't even realize it until I read your post! THANK YOU so much for the "Light Bulb" moment! I haven't gained but def have not been losing and now realize that this is why!
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    everything thats been said plus:
    definitely do some cross training, if you want some free workouts, in addition to c25k you can look up "200 squats" "200 situps" and "100 pushups" google it, or if you have an iphone there's an app that I have for each (not sure if droid has an app I would assume so) that trains you in a similar way to do more of those exercises. This will help you tone up too :) AND check out your local library for exercise dvd's I can rent them from mine for free, often they're a little outdated but free is good :)

    Make sure you're stretching a TON after both running and toning exercises will help prevent injuries while running and help speed recovery time.

    I'm on week two of couch to 5k and I'm loving it :) I use an app on my iphone, its not easy and I've missed a few days (I should be just starting week three instead of just finishing week 2) but I've lost 6 pounds so far (dont pay attention to the ticker, I was loosing really good then fell off the wagon and gained, 2 more pounds to go and the ticker will start moving again!) BUT those six pounds weren't lost by running alone, I work out at a gym and have workout dvd's at home. On my c25k days I just do that in the morning and do a video in the evening (I'm using Brazil Butt Lift!) on my off days I use the elliptical or stationary bike and lift weights. Running on its own really doesnt burn millions of calories unless you're a marathon runner, my burns are usually in the 100-200 range for a c25k workout and thats not enough for me to lose!

    Also for those that said cardio makes you hungry: plan plan plan plan! I have hungry days where I feel like I need more but I try to plan it so my big carb meal is in the morning when I run, I eat oatmeal made with almond milk, usually fruit &/or peanut butter and with an egg stirred in for protein. The whole thing is close to 500 calories but it really helps me feel full and prevents the cardio hungries, and I include it in my plan for the day so I'm not going over cals. Oh! and make sure you're getting plenty of fiber and lean protein. greek yogurt with some granola and a packet of stevia is a good low cal, high protein & fiber snack to help ward off the hungries too :) Most days I net about 1400 calories after my workouts.