Not allowed to do exercise...what can I do?



  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Wow.... Firstly I'm asking on a message board which is geared towards health and wellbeing. I didn't go onto a gaming forum and ask this question on there. I was maybe looking for someone with a similar position to advise what they would/do, do.

    We're not doctors and anyone can claim anything on here. This is not a question for ANY message board.

    You may not be stupid, but thinking you're going to be safe following any advice you get here is stupid. Even the smartest people in the world do stupid things. I understand the frustration, but this is a serious medical condition and this is a question for a doctor.


    Also: Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.

    That is why people are telling you to call your doctor.. because we are not doctors, and any advice you do get, may or may not be correct. I get you are looking for similar situations, but what works for one, won't necessarily work for you.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Wow.... Firstly I'm asking on a message board which is geared towards health and wellbeing. I didn't go onto a gaming forum and ask this question on there. I was maybe looking for someone with a similar position to advise what they would/do, do.

    I'm not stupid. I'm not about to go and do any kind of cardio right now. I am of course taking the professor's advice that I saw yesterday and won't be doing any of that until he advices me otherwise. I'm not stupid, just frustrated. I'm not going to do anything to raise my HR

    Thank you to whoever it was that advised that strength training will raise my HR, that was the kind of info I was looking for.

    Firstly - NO ONE said you were stupid. That needs to be put to a halt right there.

    This site is in fact geared towards weight loss for health, exercise, etc. This is NOT a medical website. Your inquiry was medical related - a situation that requires you to go back to the medical provider who advised you not to exercise, period!

    Taken directly from your original post:
    Yesterday I was diagnosed properly with hyperthyroidism and was told not to do exercise until everything is under control. I've been on beta blockers to lower my HR for the last 1 and half and now will be on beta blockers and thyroid tablets.

    Am I still allowed to do weight/strength training? What about yoga?

    This right here is an automatic medical situation. You mentioned diagnosis, you mentioned doctors orders to not exercise until everything is under control, you are on beta blockers and then transitioning to beta blockers and thyroid tablets.

    The very person who told you not to exercise is giving you the medical advice to not exercise. Your inquiry about "Am I still allowed to do weight/strength training? What about Yoga?" shouldnt be coming here. It should go right back to the person who diagnosed you. They know your complete medical history, prescriptions, past treatments, etc. Only ****they**** can tell you if you can do weight/strength training and/or yoga... not MFP, not the members here, not the moderators, the volunteer moderators... no one...

    This isnt a slam against you, this doesnt involve calling you stupid - no one has done that at all, this was to get you to realize you are asking your inquiry on a non-medical related website. MFP simply doesnt allow it... Thats to protect people like you and other people who have medical situations involved. That is genuine!

    You need to stop taking this personally - people were actually caring here!
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    Hello - Do you know anyone who is a Doctor / medically trained?

    Might be worth asking them if that is the case - GP's in particular do have a habit of putting a blanket ban on things, asking the right questions to someone who doesn't feel you will sue them might give you a more honest, considered opinion.
  • withervein
    withervein Posts: 224 Member
    I think if I were told not to exercise, I would sit my *kitten* down.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Sit down and make a list of your questions. Some of those things you specifically asked here such as is yoga ok. I find that I forget stuff while I'm talking to the drs. office and don't ask all my questions. Then sit down with your list and call the drs. office. They will either have you talk to the dr, or talk to a nurse who can answer your questions. It is crucial that you do what your dr. tells you to do.

    Once s/he gives you exercise guidelines then I'm sure there are many people here who can suggest different activities that would keep your heart rate where your dr. wants it but until then, you really need to talk to your dr.