look like a model with this one weird tip*



  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    I've been at my size for quite a while now. But, when I first was losing the weight, everyone was asking what I was doing. I just say, "Diet and exercise." They look at me like I'm an alien.

    This... and then the disappointed.. "Oh".
  • jcomley1
    jcomley1 Posts: 133
    hahhaa LOVE this!
    Dont you just love those vibrator packs people put on their abs and under their thighs with the promise that a twenty minute session is equivillent to 1000 squats. UH YEAH RIGHT!
    Sad thing it you get a morbidly obese person with the misconception that that is going to get them results...
    Hard work in= results.
  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    WHAT? No pills, potions, crazy wraps or shakes? Boo, I'm out!
    Dedication, some hard work and consistancy will get results every time.
  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    hahhaa LOVE this!
    Dont you just love those vibrator packs people put on their abs and under their thighs with the promise that a twenty minute session is equivillent to 1000 squats. UH YEAH RIGHT!
    Sad thing it you get a morbidly obese person with the misconception that that is going to get them results...
    Hard work in= results.

    I also love the sauna suits. You dress up in an aluminum foil suit to sweat more? Yeah, that's long lasting.
  • Twinsmama75
    Twinsmama75 Posts: 76 Member
    Great post.

    I have to say that I was pretty ignorant to how to lose weight.. how can you get to 44 and still think that eat less and exercise more is the way to do it. It is the short term fix that some people on here are still buying into.

    I think that you hit the nail on the head.

    Then how DO you lose weight? I'm honestly confused by this? Eat less crap, more healthy food which will be overall less calories, and exercise more....isn't that what MFP is all about? How is that a short term fix? And I'm not trying to be rude, I just keep reading this and am confused.
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Why are people always after the quick fix that costs money and doesn't work and can't accept its HARD work.

    cause everyone gets a trophy in little league now, not just the winners. So everyone grows up, puts in no effort and expects that trophy.

    ^^ THIS!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I totally want to cash in... I have found the ULTIMATE diet drink! Dihydrogen oxide. I'd sell bottles labeld, with the instructions, just add water! I could really make a bundle with it, I'm sure!

    Sorry, that conflicts with my patent on Hydrogen Hydroxide. Please send me very large wads of small, unmarked bills as a patent licensing fee.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Great post.

    I have to say that I was pretty ignorant to how to lose weight.. how can you get to 44 and still think that eat less and exercise more is the way to do it. It is the short term fix that some people on here are still buying into.

    I think that you hit the nail on the head.

    Then how DO you lose weight? I'm honestly confused by this? Eat less crap, more healthy food which will be overall less calories, and exercise more....isn't that what MFP is all about? How is that a short term fix? And I'm not trying to be rude, I just keep reading this and am confused.

    Sarcasm is often confusing, but then again often that's the point. :)
  • jonnyb62
    jonnyb62 Posts: 426
    One simple thought about supplements, diet pills, weight watchers, wraps, et al.

    If any of these really worked for real - I'm talking long term, here - wouldn't they be out of business?

    I so want to tell some of the people here at work who keep losing the same 5 pounds over and over to just stop throwing away their money, but they will NOT listen. I do not know what I'm talking about and I'm doing it all wrong. Whatever!!! I've lost 31 pounds doing it wrong, and you? Oh that's right, you lost 5 (again.)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Love this!

    I had a funny conversation with a co-worker in the elevator recently that went along the same lines:

    Her: You are looking great! How are you doing it?
    Me: Thanks! Watching what I eat and exercising. The good old fashioned way.
    Her: Damnit! I was hoping you wouldn't say that!

  • Charliesuccess
    Charliesuccess Posts: 181 Member
    What about the people who need Gastric? j/s
    But I totally agree! there is NO quick fix at all under the sun Period
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    If you ever notice, all of the magic pill or easy fix products always add "in addition to diet and exercise" if only we would just see that and forget the magic pills and easy fix products then we would be on our way.
    I am disgusted that Dr. Oz has jumped on the easy fix way endorsing odd products and such...

    I always loved that.

    "When combined with a healthy diet and exercise." Makes me chuckle every time. Like saying "when combined with our patented cup, the water you drink will be wet!"

    About the only thing that actually does work to lose weight without diet or exercise changes is strong stimulants. They FORCE your metabolism up and suppress your appetite and you do lose weight. Assuming, of course, they don't kill you outright. And understanding that once you stop using them, you're the same unhealthy person you started out being, you just weigh less. But you'll put it back on in a hurry because you haven't built calorie-burning muscle or developed solid eating habits. And you'll die sooner because your organs have been beat to hell purging the stimulants from your system.

    But, hey, your body will look GREAT in a bikini!

    Well, OK, there's also liposuction.

    Stomach surgery doesn't count - that's an enforced dietary change by making your stomach smaller than the average sandwich.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I've been at my size for quite a while now. But, when I first was losing the weight, everyone was asking what I was doing. I just say, "Diet and exercise." They look at me like I'm an alien.
    ^^^ this.

    had people ask me what my "trick" was. I said "I eat 1200 cals a day and work out" the response I always got was "I couldn't do that." Well, you probably don't have to do exactly what I did, but the sentiment was always the same...oh no? Dieting and exercise? I tried that! It didn't wooooooooooork!

    oh...but after 2.5 years and weighing less than I did when I was anorexic and being stronger than i ever have in my life and eating 1500-1700 cals a day now, I would say it worked pretty well!
  • jonnyb62
    jonnyb62 Posts: 426
    What about the people who need Gastric? j/s
    But I totally agree! there is NO quick fix at all under the sun Period

    A lady here at work lost 116 pounds. She now weighs a svelte 140 - very toned. It took her 4 years. A friend of hers who had yo-yoed for years got jealous and had lypo and bariatric - was at her ideal weight instantly. So there is a miracle fix. Now how long it lasts, we'll see.
  • tinam76
    tinam76 Posts: 59 Member
    the prepared meals that go to people's houses get me i see the stuff and think some of it looks so gross. i cook at home most of the time and even when i eat out i feel cheated fast food isn't even food . i never made hamburger at home that looked like mcdonalds. i think everything with portion control i refuse to go through life angry at food. i got me here and i am the only one that can get me out. portion control and planning . everyone of those products need to say but when you stop taking it you will gain it back and sometimes more.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I know, I don't get the whole Gastric surgery. My mom wants to have it done, but she has to lose 30 lbs first???!!! If you can lose 30 lbs why not just keep losing the weight? Why go under the knife and maybe die? A friend from of mine from work almost lost his wife because she died on the table getting that gastric thing done (they knicked one of her bowels and she had to go back into surgery to get that fixed later, after almost bleeding to death on the table). Myself I will just stick with this good "old style" way of losing weight.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What about the people who need Gastric? j/s
    But I totally agree! there is NO quick fix at all under the sun Period

    A lady here at work lost 116 pounds. She now weighs a svelte 140 - very toned. It took her 4 years. A friend of hers who had yo-yoed for years got jealous and had lypo and bariatric - was at her ideal weight instantly. So there is a miracle fix. Now how long it lasts, we'll see.

    Losing weight that quickly though, you gotta wonder what she looks like under her clothes. Likely there is a lot of lose skin. I imagine the lady that did it slowly looks a lot better now, even if their weights are similar.

    I do believe there sometimes a need for weight loss surgery and that it can be a miracle from a medical standpoint, though.
  • acresfield
    acresfield Posts: 122 Member
    Great post.

    I have to say that I was pretty ignorant to how to lose weight.. how can you get to 44 and still think that eat less and exercise more is the way to do it. It is the short term fix that some people on here are still buying into.

    I think that you hit the nail on the head.

    Then how DO you lose weight? I'm honestly confused by this? Eat less crap, more healthy food which will be overall less calories, and exercise more....isn't that what MFP is all about? How is that a short term fix? And I'm not trying to be rude, I just keep reading this and am confused.

    Perhaps I should elaborate. Firstly please understand that I am not having a go at anybody who wants to improve their health. In fact I applaud it.. so whatever works for you then thats fine. But in my own experience doing what I said in my response is a short term fix. Even when I started using MFP I did so to help me figure out how much I should be losing with my restricted calorie diet. Last year, I lost 20lbs in exactly the same way as I always have, by cutting down on the amount of food i eat, (which wasnt particularly extravagant - 20lb puts me smack in the middle of the healthy BMI), and exercised more. And then by christmas I had put half of it back on. When I started using MFP I was able to figure out why I had gotten into this yo yo routine.
    By logging both my calories in and out via exercise I was able to see that I was netting about 600 calories per day. Have a look at my diary its open. So consequently my body was burning muscle and storing fat. There are a million posts about starvation mode and I dont intend this to be another. Now, I have been working really hard to redres the damage I have been doing to my body for all these years by teaching it to do the reverse. Burn fat and build muscle and its really working.

    So in response to your question.. there are a variety of ways.. pick one that works for you. Eat at maintenance, and dont eat your exercise calories back, or follow MFPs advice and leave a calorie deficit but eat back your calories.

    I am currently doing a 30 day trial of the latter (see here - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/559638-30-day-mfp-proof-of-concept-an-experiment). I am on day 7 and its going really well.. feel free to follow me. I post regular updates.

    I am not preaching, just stating an opinion about where I feel I have been doing it wrong all these years. And I agree with th eOP for these reasons.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    The biggest misconception is that they can look like the person on the bottle..well sad to say..genetics has lots to do with it..your body either can or cant..
    And as far as a magic pill there isnt one. I reached goal by eating sensibly and moving my big fat *kitten*..(which is no longer big or fat..LOL). I have insulin resistance, Poly cystic ovarian syndrome, hypothyroidism, and adrenal fatigue. I bet most peopel on here have issues with weight cause of the type of food..nothing medical.

    If I can lose the weight with my medical drawbacks..anyone can. I think people forget that we all started at some point..just some of us thought that our bodies were too important to give up on..atleast I did..and now..I am proud to say a year ago I was a size 14 clothes and L/XL in undies..I am now a size 6 and a small undies..

    Get over it..if there was a quick fix..we would not have an obesity epidemic .....!!!!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Great post.

    I have to say that I was pretty ignorant to how to lose weight.. how can you get to 44 and still think that eat less and exercise more is the way to do it. It is the short term fix that some people on here are still buying into.

    I think that you hit the nail on the head.

    Then how DO you lose weight? I'm honestly confused by this? Eat less crap, more healthy food which will be overall less calories, and exercise more....isn't that what MFP is all about? How is that a short term fix? And I'm not trying to be rude, I just keep reading this and am confused.

    Perhaps I should elaborate. Firstly please understand that I am not having a go at anybody who wants to improve their health. In fact I applaud it.. so whatever works for you then thats fine. But in my own experience doing what I said in my response is a short term fix. Even when I started using MFP I did so to help me figure out how much I should be losing with my restricted calorie diet. Last year, I lost 20lbs in exactly the same way as I always have, by cutting down on the amount of food i eat, (which wasnt particularly extravagant - 20lb puts me smack in the middle of the healthy BMI), and exercised more. And then by christmas I had put half of it back on. When I started using MFP I was able to figure out why I had gotten into this yo yo routine.
    By logging both my calories in and out via exercise I was able to see that I was netting about 600 calories per day. Have a look at my diary its open. So consequently my body was burning muscle and storing fat. There are a million posts about starvation mode and I dont intend this to be another. Now, I have been working really hard to redres the damage I have been doing to my body for all these years by teaching it to do the reverse. Burn fat and build muscle and its really working.

    So in response to your question.. there are a variety of ways.. pick one that works for you. Eat at maintenance, and dont eat your exercise calories back, or follow MFPs advice and leave a calorie deficit but eat back your calories.

    I am currently doing a 30 day trial of the latter (see here - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/559638-30-day-mfp-proof-of-concept-an-experiment). I am on day 7 and its going really well.. feel free to follow me. I post regular updates.

    I am not preaching, just stating an opinion about where I feel I have been doing it wrong all these years. And I agree with th eOP for these reasons.

    I agree with the OP also. I must be missing your point, but other than surgery, there really is only one way to lose weight and that is to eat less calories than your body uses. If you want to lose weight then the way to lose weight is to eat less and/or burn more (exercise more).

    How much less/more may vary person to person, but the basic concept does not.