Just saying hello

Hi Folks

I've been using MFP for 14 weeks now but only just logged on using the PC (used my iPhone until now) so didn't realise this section existed!

I have a LOT of weight to lose and it's going to be a long journey but I really do feel like this time it's going to happen. I started using MFP then a couple of weeks later took the massive step of joining a gym - I was in tears with embarrassment at my first session, my legs were shaking just at the thought of going and having people stare BUT I know go at least 3 times per week, have a fitness programme to follow and am weirdly actually enjoying it!?!

I've lost just over 44lbs, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit frustrated at how slowly the weight's come off the last few weeks but just trying to stay positive and keep thinking at that at least it's coming off and not going on.

Anyway - hi to all of you! I hope you're enjoying this journey as much as I am!

L x


  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member

    Welcome to the boards! I find them a great asset to MFP because you have others to motivate & support you :)

    Congratulations on your achievements so far, 44lbs is amazing and also your achievements in going to the gym, despite how low your confidence was. Well done!

    Keep up the good work,

  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Well done on your loss so far and slow is better more likely to keep it off that way. Exercise for me is the key and eating as healthily as possible but I am by no means perfect. Add me as a friend if you like. I mainly use my iphone too. and am wasting time at the minute should be out running but its raining.
  • Lally1980
    Lally1980 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks Girls. I've started a wee blog today too - I'm hoping it will be something worth reading when I'm fit and healthy and want to remember how this all began.

    Not sure in doing things the best way. I manually set my calorie limit to 1400 and always aim to be as much below that as possible. On gym days I often finish with a deficit but read someone else post who said they eat more on these days. I thought the whole point was to take as little calories as possible without going hungry???

    Any advice??

    L x