Least favorite 30 DS moves



  • torizia
    torizia Posts: 140 Member
    I'm on day 9 of level 1 and still hate those damn side lunges. I can't seem to do them without rolling my knee forward, and my arms do not want to lift up!

    Torn between looking forward to level 2 (no more side lunges!) and dreading it (as it sounds like there will be a whole new range of exercises to hate!)
  • amy4586
    amy4586 Posts: 96 Member
    Any plank move!!! And she lovesss them, lol. But she is great and gets results.
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    I am on level 3 now and it feels good to do the work out but my sides hurt - not used to feeling those muscles so much. An update from my push ups on level2/day6 I spoke about earlier in the thread - I can do the travel push ups without stopping and like the one where you do the plank on your weights and lift arms then legs.

    For some reason though, since I started level 3 my daughter decided that just when I start to sweat and I'm in the middle of a plank move she will sit on my back or call me or want something or argue with the next door neighbour kid and I have to pause and fix it before I go on with the work out. I wonder how much that affects the effectiveness of calories burned, shred. The other day I was 10 minutes in and her and the neighbor boy (both 5 - we have it set up where he walks through the backyard to get to mine and comes and goes a lot to my place) decided to both throw a temper tantrum at the same time - same high pitch cry, same fighting and kicking! I had to drag one home and hold my kid back at the same time - THAT'S resistance training! (I also learned I am very mean when my work out is interrupted and my body is hurting - I think my exact words were "NO - THIS IS MUMMY TIME AND YOU RUINED IT!!" in a tone that outdid either of their whines!!!).

    (Edited to add, I don't know why I shared this but since I did I feel I should explain that I wasn't letting 5 year olds run wild without adult supervision - I could see them, and my husband was home but he was cooking dinner so I took care of it)
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I am on level 3 now and it feels good to do the work out but my sides hurt - not used to feeling those muscles so much. An update from my push ups on level2/day6 I spoke about earlier in the thread - I can do the travel push ups without stopping and like the one where you do the plank on your weights and lift arms then legs.

    For some reason though, since I started level 3 my daughter decided that just when I start to sweat and I'm in the middle of a plank move she will sit on my back or call me or want something or argue with the next door neighbour kid and I have to pause and fix it before I go on with the work out. I wonder how much that affects the effectiveness of calories burned, shred. The other day I was 10 minutes in and her and the neighbor boy (both 5 - we have it set up where he walks through the backyard to get to mine and comes and goes a lot to my place) decided to both throw a temper tantrum at the same time - same high pitch cry, same fighting and kicking! I had to drag one home and hold my kid back at the same time - THAT'S resistance training! (I also learned I am very mean when my work out is interrupted and my body is hurting - I think my exact words were "NO - THIS IS MUMMY TIME AND YOU RUINED IT!!" in a tone that outdid either of their whines!!!).

    (Edited to add, I don't know why I shared this but since I did I feel I should explain that I wasn't letting 5 year olds run wild without adult supervision - I could see them, and my husband was home but he was cooking dinner so I took care of it)

    I didn't think that at all, but it really did make me laugh. So, thank you very much for that. :smile:

    I start level 3 on Monday. I'm looking forward to being finished with level 2! I'm also excited to take my level 2 pictures and measurements tomorrow. :happy:
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Hey I actually love level 2 lol!
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    Hey I actually love level 2 lol!
    I've actually gotten to where I kinda like the strength and I *really* like the cardio on circuit 2... But I still totally hate the chair squats with a V raise... I've done level 2 for 10 days & have one more... That move still kills me every time. lol
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Hey I actually love level 2 lol!
    I've actually gotten to where I kinda like the strength and I *really* like the cardio on circuit 2... But I still totally hate the chair squats with a V raise... I've done level 2 for 10 days & have one more... That move still kills me every time. lol

    Oh that move kills me too, don't get me wrong. Maybe that's why I like it :tongue:
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Aw man! I shouldn't have read this thread. I just bought the DVD and now I'm scared!!! LOL.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    Aw man! I shouldn't have read this thread. I just bought the DVD and now I'm scared!!! LOL.

    lol It's not easy, but it is so totally worth it. Check out my progress... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/577423-30ds-progress-finished-level-2-pics
    I'm pleased with how far I've come. I still have a ways to go, but you can see that it's changing my body. I have 11 more days of 30DS. After that, I have a few days that I'll be taking a break, but then I plan to start Ripped in 30, because I want to get even MORE awesome results. :smile:
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    I got 30DS in the mail yesterday and frankly you people are scaring me.....
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    Aw man! I shouldn't have read this thread. I just bought the DVD and now I'm scared!!! LOL.

    My thoughts exactly!
  • ConkreteChic
    ConkreteChic Posts: 72 Member
    I'm actually OK with all the exercises/moves, but I get so FREAKING sick of Jillian and hearing the same phrases from her over and over again, and the same super-light bass-pump music in the background. I don't even do the DVD that much (only when I miss boot camp) and I have to wear headphones and put Jilly on mute just to get through it!
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    Chair squat V raise OMG.
    THE DEVIL, I tell you! :devil:

    Agreed! Aaaaaaand Squat thrusts - I friggin' HATE squat thrusts!
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    I'm actually OK with all the exercises/moves, but I get so FREAKING sick of Jillian and hearing the same phrases from her over and over again, and the same super-light bass-pump music in the background. I don't even do the DVD that much (only when I miss boot camp) and I have to wear headphones and put Jilly on mute just to get through it!

    "I want you to be gargling you heart by the end of this"

    "I want you to feel. like. you're. going. to. DIE!!!"

    "You wanna look like this, you gotta work like that"

    "AMAZing job. Amazing"

    "You probably think i am a crazy person, and its probably true, but I get results"

    Ya - I hear ya.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    Aw man! I shouldn't have read this thread. I just bought the DVD and now I'm scared!!! LOL.

    My thoughts exactly!

    Awww... Go check out my progress thread I posted a couple posts up... It's worth the effort!
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I'm actually OK with all the exercises/moves, but I get so FREAKING sick of Jillian and hearing the same phrases from her over and over again, and the same super-light bass-pump music in the background. I don't even do the DVD that much (only when I miss boot camp) and I have to wear headphones and put Jilly on mute just to get through it!
    I totally want to turn her off... But, at least in level 2, with all the plank moves, there's a lot of the time where I'm not watching the screen, so I'm afraid I would miss the move changes if I turned the sound off! lol How do you work around that?
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    Chair squat V raise OMG.
    THE DEVIL, I tell you! :devil:

    Agreed! Aaaaaaand Squat thrusts - I friggin' HATE squat thrusts!
    Me too! I'm so glad I finished level 2 today! lol
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    I remember when I first started, lvl 1 was a nightmare, now I do it when I need a 'light' exercise day.

    My least favorite moves:

    lvl 2: chair sit with a V raise. I always drop to 3 lb weights for that one
    lvl 3: jump lunges - though I am getting better. I can do 20 in the first set & 15 in the second before I switch to wimpy version
    lvl 3: scissor ab move - For the life of me I cannot make it through 30 seconds. plank sides at the end? cake.

    Also, I struggle with any cardio jumping. Need to do more kegels. 'nuff said.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I hate planks and oblique twists!!!:grumble:
  • cmckenzie2
    I hate the push ups and crunches, only because I cannot do them :(