Hi All-- Just need a little motivation


I am 31 years old and have been very active in my life. About 2 years ago, I was training for a marathon and my knee decided it was done. I have been working out as much as I can. But in this two years, I have had two surgeries on my knee. I am not very active at the moment unless its walking here to there (desk to bathroom, or couch to bathroom). Just a little more info, I had knee surgery last week for a torn meniscus and while the Dr. was in there, he found my ACL torn 50%.

Anywho, I started MFP last week April 9th, because I knew that if I wasn't careful, I would gain weight instead of lose it. Now I have read that the first two weeks to a month is hard because your body is adjusting. Here is my frustration though, I weighed myself before surgery: 159, so I weigh myself this morning, 161.4. I know water weight or premenstrual but still. Sometimes the motivation in doing something is watching the numbers fall.

I thank whoever reads this because I know deep down what it is but sometimes it is good to just vent. lol


  • amykluver
    amykluver Posts: 184 Member
    I am the same way with needing to see the progress (ie seeing the numbers fall), but last month some friends challenged me to ditch my scale for 4 weeks, and reluctantly I did. I stayed active and journaled on MFP - and when the weigh-in came finally - I had a 6# loss! I was so happy and more carefree from not stressing myself with the scale that I'm doing it again this month.

    I'd encourage you to do the same thing. Journal religiously on MFP, do what you can physically (look on youtube for exercise videos for the upper body - like working a speed-bag - or even an imaginary one) - and set a date that you will weigh-in (but NOT before it!). There's no peaking, just do those things and it might help you concentrate on letting your body fully recover.

    You may also want to change your settings to either maintaining your current weight or losing no more than half a pound a week.

    Good luck!