
i've been trying to loose weight my whole life now, and nothing has changed. I've gained wait more than i expected. Im in the 200's now, and im trying my best to stop eating as much as i used to and exercising more. Exercise for me is kind of hard. I dont want to take anything to help me loose weight, but i would like to find a way that would help me figure out how to loose weight and be the healtht person I was before..

Any Advise?


  • amykluver
    amykluver Posts: 184 Member
    Start small! Tracking your intake here on MFP will be one step, and the next is to move. That doesn't have to mean run a marathon, but go for a walk or bike ride. Even an easy one will help get you moving. Get out and play with the dog, or neighbor kids, etc.

    Small steps will help you start to feel better and over time you'll see results - that will make you want to keep moving. Don't give up! It's hard but it can be worth it!
  • elisabej
    elisabej Posts: 30 Member
    I have an exercise bike in my room, it wasn't that expensive and it isn't the top of the line, but it works. My thing is I love to read, so I don't allow myself to read unless I have ridden the bike or I am riding the bike. I also watch the news while riding. That way it doesn't feel quite so much like work. Or you can walk, that was another thing I did when I first started and initially I lost my first weight doing that. I grabbed my ipod, hit my music and went or I would grab my cell phone, pick a song in Pandora and let it pick the music for me.
    The idea is to start small and make little changes that over time will lead to big results. Don't think too hard about how far you have to go, just get through today. Then tomorrow wake up and decide what changes you are going to make tomorrow. Just make sure you keep putting one foot in front of the other and when you need help, the community boards are here. :) We are all here to support one another!