
This is by far the most ridiculous thing I have posted, and I feel pretty silly doing so. But I have been looking online and I have NO idea what to actually call it so I am wondering if anyone has the same problem/knows/can help.

My stomach fat is kind of...divided? When I was bigger it looked like a butt on my stomach from my belly button down. Now that I have lost a lot of weight it is shrinking, but still doesn't look like the normal chub or "fat roll" (Gosh this is so offense and silly, i'm sorry). I have not had any kids or anything, and have had someone tell me they think that my muscles detached?

Basically, if my stomach was like any other person's I have seen at my weight I would be fine with wearing a bikini this wouldn't be toned but at least FLAT. But instead I have a butt-stomach. =[ Anyone else experience this or know what I am talking about?

(I already do planks and bridges and other ab workouts as well as running FYI)

Thanks for your help, guys. Hopefully someone knows!


  • amykluver
    amykluver Posts: 184 Member
    OK - I'm trying to research this some more for you but I wanted to reassure you I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! In the past 6 mos had "Front-butt" too (that's what I called it anyway). And there are a lot of people on-line that call it that too (I find this in a google search of "Stomach looks like a butt" but not with "Front butt").

    I did have a 2nd child about 6.5 mos ago - but after my first child I didn't have this issue (but I didn't lose the weight as fast either). This front-butt is what actually helped propel me into exercising to LOSE IT!

    I believe it's just how our muscles and tendons are. I'm not sure but that's my thoughts. There is a test you can do (you'll have to google it) to see if the muscles in the front of your abs have separated - but if you haven't been pregnant that likely isn't the case. As you lose weight it should shrink but some on-line posts I'm seeing say that their doctors tell them it won't go away w/o surgery (but they sound like they are losing significant weight - one lost 168#).

    Try not to let too hung up on this, but use it as motivation. The more fat you lose, the smaller it will get - and that all takes time! HANG IN THERE!
  • kassied09
    kassied09 Posts: 397
    OK - I'm trying to research this some more for you but I wanted to reassure you I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! In the past 6 mos had "Front-butt" too (that's what I called it anyway). And there are a lot of people on-line that call it that too (I find this in a google search of "Stomach looks like a butt" but not with "Front butt").

    I did have a 2nd child about 6.5 mos ago - but after my first child I didn't have this issue (but I didn't lose the weight as fast either). This front-butt is what actually helped propel me into exercising to LOSE IT!

    I believe it's just how our muscles and tendons are. I'm not sure but that's my thoughts. There is a test you can do (you'll have to google it) to see if the muscles in the front of your abs have separated - but if you haven't been pregnant that likely isn't the case. As you lose weight it should shrink but some on-line posts I'm seeing say that their doctors tell them it won't go away w/o surgery (but they sound like they are losing significant weight - one lost 168#).

    Try not to let too hung up on this, but use it as motivation. The more fat you lose, the smaller it will get - and that all takes time! HANG IN THERE!

    Thanks for the website and test idea.. :D And good point on motivation- you are definitely right!

    I appreciate the help.
  • tulip07
    tulip07 Posts: 167 Member
    Just wanted to say I have it too and you are not alone. I got it as a result of having twins 4.5 years ago (OVER FOUR YEARS AGO)!!! That was eons ago and it shouldn't be this way anymore! But I do. But I am a short person with a petite frame and had enormous boys, well in my opinion for twins they were enormous (7.5 and 6 lbs) so I can imagine why it happened.

    I am 5'1 and 131 right now and at the top of my normal BMI. I am hoping that it will slowly go away as I get to the middle of my BMI and as my body fat decreases. Hang in there, I really want to believe that it will go away or at least get smaller eventually.
  • whalecb
    whalecb Posts: 20 Member
    I know what you're talking about as well. I just started MFP and haven't lost enough weight yet to see if this is something that will go away over time or not. Keep us updated and let us know how your progess is going!!!
  • jagged95
    jagged95 Posts: 24 Member
    Oh man I am glad I'm not the only one! I've had mine pretty much since puberty. My mom once asked the doctor what was wrong with me. Gee thanks Mom. Even after weight loss and being ideal weight for my height in high school and then now it is still there! I call it the ButtStomach or 'BS' for short. Never really has gone away :( So bizarre. I've tried many different ab workouts to no avail.