Baby bearing hips

This is a vent: I have always had "baby bearing hips" I am exactly what people talk about when they say somebody is "pear shaped" but it didnt look bad on me when I was skinny. Being in a size 12 pants, and extra small shirts at 130 lbs. Now at 200 pounds, its not so flattering. I have lost 30 pounds in 3 1/2 months and tons of inches on my waist. But now I have a 34 inch waist and still 50 inch hips. Its just frustrating that nothing is coming off my hips. I want so badly to lose pant sizes or at least 1 pant size for petes sake, but nothing. I just am getting so frustrated because I wonder if my hips will ever get any smaller, and its making me so mad. I know that 30 lbs is awesome but I just want to start fitting into some of my old pants and skirts =/


  • I am right there with you. I lost 3 inches in my bust, and the girls don't have much to start with, but only 1/2 inch in my hips. I've lost 15 pounds but am only down 1 pants size. On the bright side, people always think I am smaller than I am because my top half isn't overweight. I just wish I could find pants that didn't gap.
  • Yeah ive lost weight in my breasts too and its the same thing, not very big to start with but i havent lose any pant sizesat all. 30 pounds is a lot to lose without losing a pant size in my opinion
  • And with my waist being so tiny and my hips so big I keep getting asked or people(like my mother) insisting that im pregnant. Im like wtf im not pregnant.
  • valenief
    valenief Posts: 134 Member
    Guys I have lost 20 lbs and have not lost a single inch off my hips ....I do run and have very shapely legs but it does get discouraging not to even go down 1 pant size...
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I tend to put weight in my hips a lot too. And when I start to lose, my chest is the first to shrink (even more!)

    Do you do resistance training? I really work my legs - I figure if I tone them up, it will help. I do lunges and squats and things like that. Jillian Michaels is the friend I love to hate (during the workouts I hate her, but afterwards I love the feeling and it seems to be helping so I love her! :laugh: ) 30 Day Shred is a good starting place, but No More Trouble Zones and Extreme Shed and Shred really hit the legs, hips, butt, thighs, etc.

    Hang in there! You're doing great and it will come
  • I also have "baby bearing hips." I get too thin up top, and still too big in the hip/thigh area. SUCKS! However, I am starting to see changes. Lifting heavy does amazing things for your body! I just wish it made my boobs bigger. Ha.
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one. People are always posting about going from a 16 to a 6 or whatever. My dream is a 10, but I haven't been under a 12 even at my lowest weight. I haven't bought new pants even though my 14 and 16 are lose in the waist (but fit my hips comfortably) because I keep hoping for a 10. Maybe if I could lose the saddle bags I'd be more comfortable showing my shape, but for now its just annoying.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Can't change your genetics. Just have to work with what you got.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    I bought Brazil Butt Lift and really love it. What I like is that he wants to build your butt without making your legs big. It is a great cardio and butt, inner thigh, and outer thigh workout.

    Like you said, you will always be heavier in the booty area, but it would be nice to drop down one pant size.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    I have always had big hips also. I am currently working on losing my baby weight. But when I started losing weight in 2010, I did pilates and they really helped my hips and thighs.

    People always think I'm smaller than I am. I have friends that weigh more than me, but they wear a smaller pant size than I do. It's really frustrating.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I've lost fat off my belly and top half a LOT quicker than my hips and bum, unfortunately if that's where most of our fat is located, that's where it's gonna be slowest to come off.
    Running helped a LOT (I got to week 7 of C25K to build my aerobic fitness) and now I'm doing the 30 Day Shred and my hips are finally starting to budge.
    Just like apple shaped girls fight to lose it off their bellies, us pears (and hourglasses) struggle to get it off our arses and saddlebags.
    I'm in a war with my thighs, and right now, it seems like I might possibly win! KEEP GOING!
  • I do leg/thigh/buttock workouts at the gym
  • Megs052
    Megs052 Posts: 3 Member
    I am your typical pear shape! I wear a small on top but my hips are a size 10. Also, i have large calves which i cannot get rid of.
  • don't they say that roughly 20lb lost = 1 pant size? i though i've heard that somewhere before. so maybe you shouldn't get frustrated yet :) i have 4 little girls, and also have that pear shape and wide hips. someone told me that they will never get any smaller than they are, but i just keep on going and hope for the best :)
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    got to just keep at it with the calorie deficit. eventually it does come off, but if you've got muscular legs like me you'll never be the same size as your top, but no sweat, booty looks good. in my profile there are pics of me at lowest healthy weight - at that point i had managed to clear a lot of fat off my hips/butt, so it was shapely muscle that was left.

    hang in there, pears!
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    iHEARTcardiacnurses Posts: 437 Member
    don't they say that roughly 20lb lost = 1 pant size? i though i've heard that somewhere before. so maybe you shouldn't get frustrated yet :) i have 4 little girls, and also have that pear shape and wide hips. someone told me that they will never get any smaller than they are, but i just keep on going and hope for the best :)

    I WISH! I've lost 65 without dropping a single size!
  • Im right there with you!! I have lost 20 lbs I thought for sure by now I would have lost one pant size! but nope!! still the same as what I was 8 months ago!! Everyone says I look great, and they can tell I've lost weight, but when I tell the ones close to me about not going down a size they dont believe it!? I have lost anything I ever had in my chest area though, so thats a bummer! but oh well, I feel great and Im a work in progress. I keep telling myself not to quit, one day I will go down a size!!!! Keep up your good work! Don't get discouraged! I heard by a trainer lady that the first place you gain weight will be the last to come off! So, maybe thats whats going on!!?? :happy:
  • cbear017
    cbear017 Posts: 345 Member
    Learn to love them. My hip measurements don't move ever. I started here with 41" hips and after I've lost a total of 20lbs they'll probably be 40" if I'm lucky. Everyone is different. Ask someone with smaller hips and they'll tell you they wish they were bigger.
  • WOW 50inch hips...i wish I had child bearing hips. I think those proportions are great. Nice waist to hips ratio. Like if I had big hips and a bigger chest where I am right now in my weight I wouldn't need to lose any weight. My waist would look alot smaller. Everyone has their own idea of what they'd like to look like so I'd say keep walking or running. They'll go do eventually. I'm a runner and I've always been told to not run so much because you'll lose all your curve in the bottom half of my body but I don't care. It's the only way I get the best results in losing weight. So lots of cardio should help help your bottom half reduction.
  • I too have the same baby bearing hips and I also bought Brazilian Butt Lift. I have only done it a few time b/c I mix my workout up between running and Turbo Jam and BBL but I have to say BBL is really great! You really feel it in the hip/bum area. give it a try. Good luck!:smile: