need some help... is odd for men and females

What should I do to become more female like... What do females do to be more like a lady... What do men look for in a lady...


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Be true to who you are, even if that means being tomboyish, and you will attract the right people into your life who appreciate that about you.

    I burp, fart, swear, and love power tools, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    Be true to who you are, even if that means being tomboyish, and you will attract the right people into your life who appreciate that about you.

    I burp, fart, swear, and love power tools, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.
    I'm doing it for me because its what I want I wanna be more like a female but the same personality
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I like to get muddy/dirty/greasy and hate reading instructions or asking for directions...
    And I also wear sky high heels and dresses and read fluffy historical romance novels.

    Someone will like me for who I am. Someone will like you for who you are, too.

    The awesome thing about people is that we all have our own preferences and there is no "perfect woman" or "perfect man" - be the best YOU that you can be.
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    And we all love lorina! Lol I burp fart etc lol lpve basketball, hate heels.. But wear them sometime. As always I agree with lorina. Just be yourself. Life would suck if u had to keep up a pretend persona all the time
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    I'm hesitant to reply because I like the others think you should be true to yourself, but if you *really* want to be more girly, I'll list a few thing I do to feel girly...

    Wearing dresses and skirts, a lot
    Painting toenails a girly color
    Glam up the makeup a bit (red lipstick, smoky eyes)
    Cute ponytail with little curly bits down
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    I was pretty tomboyish growing wasn't until my 20's that I really started experimenting with makeup and hair styles and stuff! :)

    I think you should keep your personality, because you are who you are! But if you want to appear more girly, some simple moves are to paint your nails, wear some feminine makeup (I like a nude (taupe) eye, some brown liner and mascara, a pink blush, and some lip gloss for an everyday look), and invest in a couple of dresses that make you feel pretty!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    What is inspiring you to be more "like a lady"? Are there women that you like their look or style? Just start adding in the elements you like and give yourself time to grow into who you want to be. I was raised by a single dad and grew up very tomboyish. Later I realized I wanted to be more girly and just started changing things a little at a time. Now I love wearing skirts and doing "girly" things but I also love Taekwondo, shooting pistols (well, rifles too but pistols are my favorite) lifting weights, fishing and I still quite enjoy getting dirty. It's the best of both worlds. :) Just embrace who you are and don't worry about what men want in a woman. The right one will like you just as you are.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Are you talking about signs of classic femininity that you want to absorb into your own style?

    Ive found that so many girls start doing this as the get closer to what they want to look like physically. Its almost as though, when we are larger, we feel those silly little details are just ridiculous when we feel so un-feminine and all bull-in-a-china-closet but then we get closer and start embracing them.

    Not necessarily you, not everyone of course... just random observations of mine- but was that what you are talking about?
  • KLaurean
    KLaurean Posts: 112
    Youtube is an excellent place to start.
    I would watch tutorials on "natural" looks and gradually add more drama until you're comfortable.
    Go out and buy some cute heels too :)
    Also, little things will make you feel more girly. Like sexy underwear, painting your nails, wearing accessories, and even perfume.

    Good luck!
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    I'm just wanting to appear girly oh I'm keeping the darting burping anf getting down right filthy but I wanna dress up
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Two words: LIP GLOSS

    Kidding. Well, sort of. :smile:

    I'll be honest here. Since losing weight and feeling so much better, I've been more concerned with actually 'looking better'. I find myself wearing just a little more make-up and taking time to do my hair.

    Oh, and I am addicted to lip gloss!
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    Two words: LIP GLOSS

    Kidding. Well, sort of. :smile:

    I'll be honest here. Since losing weight and feeling so much better, I've been more concerned with actually 'looking better'. I find myself wearing just a little more make-up and taking time to do my hair.

    Oh, and I am addicted to lip gloss!
    Lol I likes it ill see what I can do
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    As I started feeling better about myself, I got some cute shorts and tanks. I like wearing scented lotion and having my hair up. I'm sweaty when working out but I'll be damned if I don't put on a little make-up when I'm done! Take a look around, see what catches your eye. Try it out!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    perfect a clear nail polish manicure and pamper your hands. Mine are always getting all roughed up and ugly playing outside and swinging, climbing trees and stuff (hi Im 12) and I miss having pretty hands and nails. My ex always said I had piano fingers and they always looked dainty. Getting fit has destroyed that so Im working hard to get back to it this spring.

    Also... embrace the sundress. Extra points if the shoulder straps are tied in little bows. Extra Extra points if you dont double knot them ;)
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    Thanks yall rock
  • ladynica
    ladynica Posts: 329 Member
    In order to know what to tell you to do to be more ladylike, i'd first have to know what you do (or don't do) that makes you feel like you're NOT feminine or ladylike?
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    In order to know what to tell you to do to be more ladylike, i'd first have to know what you do (or don't do) that makes you feel like you're NOT feminine or ladylike?
    All I can say is I wear sweats sports bras no makeup unless I have an occasion never let my hair down for same reason... I play in dirt I let my toe nails grow longer than my grass I I get super sweaty I don't have long finger nails... On the upside I have great skin nice hair big brown eyes and I shave lol... Oh and I love sweet pea lotion
  • ladynica
    ladynica Posts: 329 Member
    All I can say is I wear sweats sports bras no makeup unless I have an occasion never let my hair down for same reason... I play in dirt I let my toe nails grow longer than my grass I I get super sweaty I don't have long finger nails... On the upside I have great skin nice hair big brown eyes and I shave lol... Oh and I love sweet pea lotion

    The only make up I wear is lip gloss (some tinted, the occasional actual lipstick) and eye shadow. So you might start with that if you don't want to do a bunch of stuff. Wear something a little more fitted then sweats and sports bras. Sometimes, i find that wearing girly/lacy/pretty underwear sets (bra and panties) can make you feel more feminine and want to look more girly on the outside. Earrings help (they don't have to be big).

    From your profile pic, I think your hair is a whimsical-pretty pulled like that so I think that's fine. You don't have to have long fingernails to look girly. Just paint them. And paint your toenails to after you trim them down. That way, when you get in the dirt, you won't show it under your toenails. :) Getting/being sweaty isn't anything a shower can't fix so I don't think that's an issue. Scented lotions are a great way to feel girly if you're not into perfume. Sweet pea lotion sounds like it would smell yummy.

    i don't think you have to change much. You're very pretty, you just need to finess some of the rough edges. But that takes very little so you really don't have to lose too much of yourself. :) Good luck.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    In order to know what to tell you to do to be more ladylike, i'd first have to know what you do (or don't do) that makes you feel like you're NOT feminine or ladylike?
    All I can say is I wear sweats sports bras no makeup unless I have an occasion never let my hair down for same reason... I play in dirt I let my toe nails grow longer than my grass I I get super sweaty I don't have long finger nails... On the upside I have great skin nice hair big brown eyes and I shave lol... Oh and I love sweet pea lotion

    Well, buy some brand new pretty bras & undies, and then challenge yourself: make a point to only wear sweats and a sports bra when you're exercising and wear "real clothes" the rest of the time. If you're going to wear a t-shirt, make sure it's a fitted shirt cut for women, not an oversized boxy man shirt. Find out what colors look best on you, and wear them.

    It doesn't sound like you don't look "feminine," it's that you don't take the time for yourself. Tell yourself that you deserve to feel and look pretty.

    Personally, I can't keep a manicure for more than 2 hours without being chipped to hell, but I paint my toenails bright happy colors (currently glittery blue).
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    In order to know what to tell you to do to be more ladylike, i'd first have to know what you do (or don't do) that makes you feel like you're NOT feminine or ladylike?
    All I can say is I wear sweats sports bras no makeup unless I have an occasion never let my hair down for same reason... I play in dirt I let my toe nails grow longer than my grass I I get super sweaty I don't have long finger nails... On the upside I have great skin nice hair big brown eyes and I shave lol... Oh and I love sweet pea lotion

    Well, buy some brand new pretty bras & undies, and then challenge yourself: make a point to only wear sweats and a sports bra when you're exercising and wear "real clothes" the rest of the time. If you're going to wear a t-shirt, make sure it's a fitted shirt cut for women, not an oversized boxy man shirt. Find out what colors look best on you, and wear them.

    It doesn't sound like you don't look "feminine," it's that you don't take the time for yourself. Tell yourself that you deserve to feel and look pretty.

    Personally, I can't keep a manicure for more than 2 hours without being chipped to hell, but I paint my toenails bright happy colors (currently glittery blue).
    I just feel so not feminine because I do all this