In the need of support....

Hi Everyone!

I am in the midst of a plateau.... I have tried so many things. I have read so many forum posts about how to get out of one.... There are two things that I keep seeing on how to get out of it.

1. Keep going! Stay with it!
2. Get support!

There is so much advice out there, but these are the two things I know I can do. So.... that brings me to this post. I am looking for friends that are supportive and similar to my situation. I am 24 years old, married, no children, and a kindergarten teacher. I have about 3 weightloss goals... hahaha! My first goal is to lose 20 pounds (stopping at the weight I weighed when I graduated from high school), my second goal is 20 more pounds (when I was the happiest with my weight), and my last goal is 20 more pounds (which I am pretty sure my body just can't be), but I can still try! :)

Thank you so much and good luck to everyone on reaching your own personal goal!