Need some good motivation


I am just new to this site 2nd week on here,already i am finding it hard to get motivated. In the past i havent had much issues with weight loss but i am now looking to better myself. I want to feel good about myself and enjoy my body. I need motivating tips from people to help me get back in the grove of things. I feel tired and lazy more often then not. Me not being in shape and doing something about it is starting to effect my relationship, i want my bf to look at me and be like WOW you look good babe. If anyone has any uplifing and motivating comments please do help me :(



  • I think everyone is motivated differently. Speaking only for myself, my four little girls motivate me. I think about being there for them down the road. I decided to start my weight loss journey last week after viewing a good friend lying in his hospital bed after having his 4th heart attack. As I saw myself in his condition, I realized that I needed to make some INSTANT life changing decisions, and that I did. That has been a HUGE motivating factor for me. I think it is more important to do it for yourself vesus your b/f.
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    If you put 100% into it, you are gonna get 100% out of it! :smile: Do it for you and no one else! If you feel you are worthy, reap the reward girly! "Own your created it, you finish it"! You can do this...we are all here for you *hugs* :flowerforyou: