working out with no equipment! I need ADVICE!

I currently only have a set of 3 lb dumbells. I have been listening to music and dancing every single day until i break a good sweat and my legs hurt hoping that im burning calories. What is the best way to work out without equipment or fitness dvds. I also have a 2 1/2 year old who likes to get under my feet, I can work around that though. Please help!


  • tippett610
    tippett610 Posts: 67 Member
    Take your 2 1/2 year old to the park and walk or play on the playground, play tag - kids love to be chased :) Any kind of movement is going to burn calories. Do you have On Demand? They have workouts on there for free!
  • razindawn
    razindawn Posts: 24
    no we just currently moved and havent gotten our cable set up yet. Our dvd collection consists of war movies (for the hubby) and spongebob dvds lol. The closest park to me is a good 30 minute drive so thats somethign i will have to do maybe a couple times a week. Very good idea though, I hadnt thought about taking her to the park actually!
  • jasperann
    jasperann Posts: 136 Member
    Look up exercises that use body weight. Every one has that equipment. You could also use your toddler as a weight. lol I know someone that did that, the little girl LOVED it.
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    Why no DVDs? Jillian Michaels has some great ones and they are under $10.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Youtube has a lot of videos on there.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Play horsey, around the world etc with your kid.
    I watched this webinar at work and it said to use your kid as weight for strength training.

    Pretend jump rope, jumping jacks, go up and down the stairs over and over
  • redfox43
    redfox43 Posts: 39 Member
    Bob Harper has his DVDs on sale for $5 a piece and they rock. You can use light weights or simply body weight. He also has them set up for 60 minute sessions or shorter 10-15 minute sessions if you need to fit it in around your baby. I strongly recommend them.
  • Natelywills
    Do you have a Wii? They're cheaper and smaller than exercise equipment and mine has done amazing things for me. I got the Just Dance and Michael Jackson Experience for mine as well as the wii fit plus game and I love it. You don;t need the balancing board. The wii fit game has a free run game where you basically set a time and it tracks your steps. You run on the spot and can listen to music or watch TV. When the time is up, the controller tells you. It then tells you how many calories you have burned and tracks your speed so it becomes a challenge.

    I LOVE the dancing games. Again, you're rated so you have something to work towards and since you're following the steps, you don't have to think as much as you do with freestyle dancing so you lose weight effortlessly. The MJ game goes from easy to 'inhuman' levels so there's something for every level.

    Otherwise, cable TV has a lot of exercise shows on at night. Set your DVR or video to tape some to mix it up a little and do one a day. I like to tape the yoga. It's pretty hardcore and feels great on less active days.

    Good luck and well done for sticking with the plan.
  • razindawn
    razindawn Posts: 24
    I just havent made it out to buy any and im trying really hard to lose 10 lbs in the next 4 weeks or so since im going on vacation. What is the best way to shed weight? Walking the park is 1/2 mile around so two times around is a mile, at a moderate pace does anyone know how many calories i could burn?
  • Natelywills
    Bob Harper has his DVDs on sale for $5 a piece and they rock. You can use light weights or simply body weight. He also has them set up for 60 minute sessions or shorter 10-15 minute sessions if you need to fit it in around your baby. I strongly recommend them.

    ^bumped^ Thanks!!!
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Why no DVDs? Jillian Michaels has some great ones and they are under $10.

  • DreasMommy
    Having an infant, I've had to make workout routines at home…strength training with my 5lb weights and mat work for abs; for overall strength/stretching, I do yoga (there are many types, laid back to very intense) and I'm starting to throw in a little pilates. If you have netflix, check out their workout videos, there are some good ones. Also, if you have digital cable, most providers (we have Time Warner) have a fitness on demand type channel… good luck to you!
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    Bob Harper dvd's and Jillian Michaels dvds. I haven't tried Bob's, but Jillians are typically 30 minutes start to finish.
    I've been doing Shred it With Weights and I'm about to start 30 day shred.

    I'm sure your baby sleeps for at least 30 minutes a day? Seems like that would be the easiest solution for you if the park is too far etc...
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    Back to the basics: Squats, Lunges, push ups, planks, bicycle crunches, tricep dips....sooo many!! :) I'm sure if you google it you will find a ton! :)
  • lissarv68
    lissarv68 Posts: 61
    I run three times a week and walk three times a week. I take my kid with me and have for years. He is 9 now and loves to run because he's been going with mom and dad.

    I also do a bunch of floor exercises. You can go to Walmart and for around $15 buy the 10 lb ankle weights. I use those to do leg lifts and things like that. I also use the 10 lb (again from Walmart for around $15) weights to do upper body exercises.

    I just googled floor exercises and studied the photos, same for the arm exercises. Barnes & Nobles has a book on their discount section called "The Beginner's Guide to Fitness" it is around $7.98 and it is a great book. It shows exercises that you can do using a chair and other things that don't require a bunch of equipment.

    Exercising doesn't require expensive equipment or gym memberships. You just have to get creative sometimes but it can be done.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    look up body resistance exercises. you can do burpees, pushups, squats, lunges and a whole bunch of other stuff that will also help! Have a sidewalk? draw a hopscotch board and do all different kinds of jump in, jump out, side shuffle, etc, or walking side ways planks through the blocks. Fill gallon jugs with water wen you are ready to move up from 3lb weights. There are many many things you can do at home, with little or no equipment.
  • deejaycee114
    deejaycee114 Posts: 139 Member
    dancing is a great way to burn some calories. if you want to do other stuff, try walking around the a DVD or two. if you have netflix, rent them first to find out which ones you like. :)
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    Google the 100 workout... it doesn't look like much until you try do it. :-) It's the one that starts out with 100 jumping jacks, 90 crunches, 80 squats etc etc
  • mpizzle421
    mpizzle421 Posts: 80 Member
    100pushups dot com!!
  • kpwatson
    kpwatson Posts: 60 Member
    I just havent made it out to buy any and im trying really hard to lose 10 lbs in the next 4 weeks or so since im going on vacation. What is the best way to shed weight? Walking the park is 1/2 mile around so two times around is a mile, at a moderate pace does anyone know how many calories i could burn?