Sad but determined

Yesterday my family and I went to a ball game. We took a bunch of pictures. When I look at the pictures I truly do not recognize myself because of all of the weight that I have gained. I look really big and my eyes looks very small. I, even while overweight, have always been confident in my appearance and loved taking pictures but that all changed yesterday and it is very sad to me.

The bright side is that I restarted my journey recently and this has made me more determined than ever for this to be the time that I stick to it. I don't want to continue being the girl that gave up everything she loved because I loved eating my emotions more.


  • I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes I wonder how I ever let myself get like this. I know that I am a beautiful and smart woman but I lack confidence because of the way I look. I promised myself to make a change. It has been hard to get started but I will do it. I have to. I have a wonderful husband and beautiful little girl counting on me. Good luck with everything. Remember... WE GOT THIS!!!!!
  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes I wonder how I ever let myself get like this. I know that I am a beautiful and smart woman but I lack confidence because of the way I look. I promised myself to make a change. It has been hard to get started but I will do it. I have to. I have a wonderful husband and beautiful little girl counting on me. Good luck with everything. Remember... WE GOT THIS!!!!!

    Indeed we do!
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    I had the photo wake-up call too. It isn't pleasant, but it has shaken me out of my complacency. I don't know about you, but it doesn't help when all my friends say I look beautiful in a shot that I think makes me look like a cow.... :ohwell: I know they love me, and that makes me beautiful to THEM, but not to ME. I am not beating myself up, though, just remembering what it means to have standards and goals. Please keep up updated!
  • egwatkins
    egwatkins Posts: 9 Member
    Forgetting those things which are behind, press toward the mark...

    Sure these are words from the Bible, but relevant nevertheless. There's not a thing we can do about the decisions in our past that led to our present unhealthy situations. But we can certainly move forward, keeping our eyes focused on the mark - being physically fit and mentally charged to conquer all obstacles, even if the obstacle is ourselves.

    We are winners and we are blessed to have a team of winners encouraging us to keep at it! Indeed...we got this!!!
  • MidnightRadio
    MidnightRadio Posts: 56 Member
    I'm with you on this. I first noticed how different I look in photos about a year ago, and I've been struggling with it ever since. I officially have no good angles left. Wish I knew how much weight I'll have to lose to get my old face back.

    FYI: your profile picture is gorgeous!