My Wagons' wheel.................

Swoopette Posts: 118 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
fell off and I fell off the wagan yesterday, I fell hard. From the minute I woke up I felt like crap. I am not a huge junk food eater my soft spot is my can of coke (ya thats junk food but not in my life :) it is a MUST :happy: and chips. Chips and dip don' t have them in the house or else. I never knew how many flippen calories are in chips holy man!!!!!

Anyhow back to my broken wagon story. So as the day goes on and I am out shopping and a cream puff is calling me Hey you are already having a bad day so whats wrong with me come on!! Well the cream puff won out. Then I had another Coke from Mc Donalds and not the smallest one oh no. K that is all fine and dandy, it is supper time and my friend wants to buy me supper really how could I say No I had already fallen off my wagon (only cause the wheel broke (ha ha) So we go out and I have a hamburger with Chili in it. plus I ate ALL my french fries on my plate and I had a Ceaser. Days not over yet. I am full. We go back to her house and I have a Vodka and Sprite. Kept that to one cause I am still going to eat and my stomach is sore. So now into the Sour Cream and Onion chips, probably ate half the bag. Also she has Jelly Bellies. So I picked all the cinnamon ones. K I am done for the nite. Holy man all day I felt like crap but I countinued on. I didn't even input my calories for the day.

My thought (which aren't wise ones(never said they were) I fell off the wagon so I mise well fall hard and enjoy my day. So I pigged out probably have to start all over cause the little bit of weight I had lost was all water as my clothing is all the same.

Am I mad at myself? No cause I am only human, I got my wagons' wheel fixed and I am back on the wagon and feel good about it. Now my problem today is it is mid afternoon and I still have a good 600 calories to burn (have inputted my supper already so I would know what I had left.) So I guess I am going to have to find something healthy to eat.

Anyhow the moral of my story is I fell off and ya I messed up big, but we all have to remember we are all human and make mistakes. Maybe I shouldn't have ate so much but I figured go for it ALL.

Thanks for reading my blabbery story. I had to vent and I am happy I got my wagon fixed the next day and didn't continue the eating for days. that is my positive side to my story it was only 1 day. Ya I blew it and I realize it but I am okay with it.

We are not perfect so don't beat yourself up if you have a story like mine!!



  • kvcarden
    kvcarden Posts: 175
    Thanks for sharing your story, I do tend to "beat" myself up when I over do it. This past week my wheels broke on my wagon twice :grumble: for some reason I'm not as conscience about what I eat as I was when I first started this site a month ago. None the less I have been doing pretty good today (it's still early though) but I'm hoping my wheels are fixed and ready for the long haul! Glad to hear you are back on track too!
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Must have been the day for it! I ate a huge bag of buttery popcorn at the movies! lol Loved it too! Today is much better!

    Glad you fixed your wagon! lol
  • Swoopette
    Swoopette Posts: 118 Member
    Oh ya and I forgot to input the Whopper I had before I had the cream puff. Now today I am seriously struggling with calories can't get enough. Oh well after work I will come home and have a protein shake that will make it all up. A cup of juice (only natural sugar of course) and a banana depending if I have enough calories throw some yogurt in there and some Biggest Losser protien some ice and vola protein shake and all my calories done. but then I might go for a bike ride. Ugh!!!

    Thanks for reading and your stories back.

  • I can understand that. Especially around my family. "Here Amanda just finish off these humongous garlic rolls..." -_-
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I fell off the wagon, rolled around in the dust and let it get a month down the road. And I am pissed at myself because I could've made so much more progress in that month that I was wallowing around in self-pity.

    HOWEVER. It does feel good to get back on.

    So let's strengthen our resolve to resist those temptations. They don't do us any good, and they hold back the progress we could be making.


    :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I ate 1/2 gallon of ice cream yesterday............................I know the feeling......over 1000 cals for the day.....bad bad bad.......better today.

  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    Glad you are able to look at it this way. Good luck in the future!
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