
Im new to this and I am in need of some support. After 30 years of being overweight I have finally decided to do something about it. I have an 8 year old son that is my motivation, because I want to see him grow up...... Its been a hard road so far but I am on my way. I have lost 17 pounds son far but I have about 118 pounds to go :laugh:


  • insaneandroid
    Congrats on loosing the 17 pounds!
  • TammyBee
    TammyBee Posts: 178
    You are starting out great!
  • TinaCleg_cancel
    Sent you a friend request. There is a lot of support here ! I have an eleven year old son who is everything to me...my little man. I understand
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    WAY TO GO on the 17lbs. I have about 100 more to lose and this place has the motivation and support...all you have to do is log on...its awesome. Sending a friend request. Best of luck