Do you ever stop and look at your accomplishments??

gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
I went to my usual running spot today and I was just off. I felt deflated physically so I just kind of pushed myself as far as I could go but I knew there were hills coming up...lots of them. So knowing that I also wanted to run tomorrow I decided I was happy with what I did and I would walk the rest of the way. It was so interesting to go slow and SEE what I run. I cant believe at all that I am the same person who trucks up those hills, curses at them and tells them I wont be beat by them. I cant believe I can make it all the length of some of these inclines!! They look insane to me as a "walker" I was just speechless today at what I can really do when I have energy!! I had to share because this board and so many people on here have been my motivation/support etc for the last six months and I ma so proud of where I am now!!

What have you been amazed by lately????


  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS! You have to b so proud. I feel like I was right there with you! Its awesome you have a place that beautiful to run.

    I'm amazed everytime I look in the mirror. I'm amazed everytime I can tuck my legs into my tummy. I'm amazed that I don't run looking for a cigarette every time I'm stressed. I'm amazed at how my hubby looks at me again. I'm amazed how natural being, feeling, thinking, acting, and living healthy is to me now. I love my life!!!!

    Thank you for that inspiration. I so needed to take a step back and see my reality. I'm only 17-20 pounds away from my goal weight. It has gotten a little hard to find motivation lately. Thank you for sharing your words.

    :drinker: :heart:
  • ledward
    ledward Posts: 15
    That is so awesome that you mentioned this. I have been struggling the last few days because I am not improving as much as I "expect" myself to. I was beating myself up and getting depressed over it until yesterday when I stopped to actually look at how far I have come.

    When I first started trying to get in shape, I could only run for about 2 minutes before I was totally out of breath. Now, I am running 3-4 miles every day. You are very right about what you said, I was beating myself up because I was having to take short walking breaks after the first 2 miles. It's kind of funny when you put things into perspective.

    2 months ago I would have laughed if someone told me I would ever be able to run 2 miles without stopping, and now I am getting sad because I can't do 4 miles (yet :smile: ).

    We definitely need to keep striving forward but also be proud of how far we have come. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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