

  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member

    Love it.

    Also make sure that you net those 1200 every day. You could probably handle more on top of that. Have a look at this thread too :

    Really useful information. Good luck x
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 477 Member
    I eat them back, maybe not all, but some...and I have lost 40 pounds in 3 months. You'll still lose the weight. :flowerforyou:
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Eat them. Your defecit is already set by MFP so if you don't eat them you would just be givving yourself a larger defecit, but that is unnecessary.

    As long as you have a Heart Rate Monitor that is giving you an accurate burn. If you are using an average estimator, proceed with caution. :frown:
  • Astacia74
    Astacia74 Posts: 166 Member
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    My opinion: Subject lines typed in all caps are extremely annoying and do not guarantee a response. It's like walking into a room and shouting..."HEY HEY, MY *kitten* IS TOO BIG AND I WANT YOU ALL TO LOOK AND AGREE BEFORE I LEAVE!!"
  • MiChaChelle
    MiChaChelle Posts: 125 Member
    Hey:) I actually tried both. I was working out really hard at first and netting around 600-700. I asked a similar question to MFP users to see what's wrong because i reached a plateau eating 600-700 cals net (i was eating 1200 calories - (600ish calories from exercise) = 600 NET). I got pretty harsh comments but it made me realize that i really was doing such a horrible thing by not eating back at least 80% of my exercise calories. I didn't lose a single pound for more than 3 weeks. I upped my calories and started netting at 1200 as MFP suggests and i lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks! Your body will hold on to all the fat and to everything else you eat and wouldn't let you lose weight properly and even if you do u'll reach a plateau for sure if you don't net at 1200. Eat back those exercise calories..enjoy the extra food and watch that weight come right off.
  • mpizzle421
    mpizzle421 Posts: 80 Member
    Okay it is showing I am supposed to eat 1200 cals a day.... I am exercising about 4 to 5 days a week burning 400 to 550 in cals depending on the day. Then its giving me more calories to eat but I dont know if I should eat them! I want the best weight loss possible!

    One of the primary reasons it's recommended to eat exercise calories (as I understand it) is to avoid a slowdown of your metabolism resulting in less calories burned during the day. Some people suggest that your body can go into "starvation" mode and hold onto it's precious stores of fat if your calorie intake is too low hindering progress. Meaning you work harder by eating less, but you lose "efficiency".

    A more practical way of thinking about it is that you want to keep your lbm (lean body mass) loss to a minimum while dieting. You don't really want to lose "weight", you want to lose fat. Eating too little results in a loss of lean muscle, and while your weight goes down, it's quite counter-productive to your over-all goal (of looking good!!).

    ALWAYS remember that. You aren't working hard to lose weight. You are working hard to lose fat. :)
  • CinJay
    CinJay Posts: 157 Member
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    My opinion: Subject lines typed in all caps are extremely annoying and do not guarantee a response. It's like walking into a room and shouting..."HEY HEY, MY *kitten* IS TOO BIG AND I WANT YOU ALL TO LOOK AND AGREE BEFORE I LEAVE!!"

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • hanna6774
    hanna6774 Posts: 225

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    To the OP - it may sound counter-intuitive to eat back your exercise calories but if your caloric deficit is too high you end up feeling fatigued which in turn leads to lower workout intensity which reduces the non weight loss related benefits of exercising.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!! BRILLIANT!!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Also (and it might seem obvious, but people do sometimes wonder...) you don't have to wait until after the exercise to eat the calories. If you know you're going to do a workout later on, but don't like eating too much at night, you could just have a bit extra for breakfast or lunch. Then you'll have more fuel to do work out. :smile:

    Yep. I like to estimate my exercise calories and work them in to my meals/snacks throughout the day. I've always eaten all my exercise calories and it has never stopped me from losing weight.
  • djh0505
    djh0505 Posts: 5
    I eat part of mine and still lost. Granted I only joined this month, but it the past I have used other sites and ate my "bonus" calories. After such a intense workout, you might need protein (I think). I have a daily allotment of 1400 and eat them. Good luck
  • marticapitt
    marticapitt Posts: 27 Member
    I don't count them. My lower caloire intake will make me lose, burning off extra with exercise I figure is a bonus in getting to the size I want to be! That said, I am careful to not go overboard with the exercise and I chose the foods I eat carefully to ge the most value for my calorie "buck".
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Eat when hungry and don't starve yourself.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Okay it is showing I am supposed to eat 1200 cals a day.... I am exercising about 4 to 5 days a week burning 400 to 550 in cals depending on the day. Then its giving me more calories to eat but I dont know if I should eat them! I want the best weight loss possible!

    One of the primary reasons it's recommended to eat exercise calories (as I understand it) is to avoid a slowdown of your metabolism resulting in less calories burned during the day. Some people suggest that your body can go into "starvation" mode and hold onto it's precious stores of fat if your calorie intake is too low hindering progress. Meaning you work harder by eating less, but you lose "efficiency".

    A more practical way of thinking about it is that you want to keep your lbm (lean body mass) loss to a minimum while dieting. You don't really want to lose "weight", you want to lose fat. Eating too little results in a loss of lean muscle, and while your weight goes down, it's quite counter-productive to your over-all goal (of looking good!!).

    ALWAYS remember that. You aren't working hard to lose weight. You are working hard to lose fat. :)

    Good explanation for those new to this concept of losing fat, not losing "weight." :drinker:
  • eightpock
    eightpock Posts: 61
    Okay it is showing I am supposed to eat 1200 cals a day.... I am exercising about 4 to 5 days a week burning 400 to 550 in cals depending on the day. Then its giving me more calories to eat but I dont know if I should eat them! I want the best weight loss possible!


    My weight-loss slows when I eat back the calories all the time. I've found if one week I eat them back, and the other week stick to the goal without figuring calories burned, I tend to lose weight quicker.

    I'd try both, and see how well your body responds.
  • season0508
    Thanks everyone for the advice! : ))
  • season0508
    & Hicker and Tina dont comment on my thread if it "bothers" you. Whats the point in leaving unnessasry comments? You have nothing better to do than be rude??
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Definitely eat your exercise calories. MFP is designed so you remain at the right calorie deficit to lose your target amount every week when you eat them back. Many of us have enjoyed long term success this way, with the bonus of not feeling tired and hungry because we eat more!

    By the way, what are your goals set to? 1,200 is too low for most people. See what MFP gives you to lose 1lb a week. You'll probably have more calories to play with, lose weight steadily and more sustainably, have energy for your exercise and not feel hungry :flowerforyou:
  • season0508
    Thanks Berry! Your information is helpful and I see whatever your doing is working great for you! 27lbs! Def CONGRATS!