Soda vs Chocolate/sweets



  • DreasMommy
    Fruit!!!! Eat some grapes or a banana or an orange or grapefruit, or an apple, or a tomato.....

    In an ideal world, I agree… but sometimes, fruit just doesn't do it. When battling my sweet tooth, that apple or kiwi or orange doesn't satisfy, and I end up eating both it AND the thing I originally wanted, lol. Kudos to those who can successfully substitute fruit for chocolate!
  • DrewMaxwell
    DrewMaxwell Posts: 269 Member
    Google Jamie's Eason Chocolate Protein bars. These are my saving grace when it comes to sweets cravings! All natural, low in calories, low in sugar (all natural sugar), and it series tastes like cake!
  • cassietn
    cassietn Posts: 48
    Both are full of sugar but sodas can actually dehydrate you because of all the sugar in it. (I may be wrong but that's what I learned in biology xp). I would go with the chocolate. You can also get dark chocolate so it's a little healthier and lower in calories. Just portion it out and allow yourself to only have 1 serving. I have cravings for sweets alllllll the time so this is what I do. But I haven't had a soda in weeks and I don't miss it :)
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    Most often after dinner, I make my wife and I Chai Tea, using 3 tbsp Half-n-Half and 2 tsp Stevia Extract.