Anyone else have asthma?



  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    I've had allergies since I was 6yrs...developed the asthma when we moved to Oregon in 2003....the grass pollen capital of the world! Found a wonderful asthma doctor. After several experiments with meds, we came up with Advair 500/50 daily to reduce the inflammation, Zyrtec (now over the counter) and Flonase. I still feel it a bit when I swim, take a hit off the ol' Albuterol before I jump in.

    That is very similar to what my son does. He has allergies to grass, and once we found out he had asthma, we took him to an asthma/allergy doctor who put him on Singulair, Advair, Nasonex, and now another nose spray. His allergies aren't too bad in the summer, so he only takes the Singulair then, and if he needs to he also does the Advair.

    My middle son was put on Singulair when he was about 4, but it made him very hyper (he has a lot of energy anyway, but he went super hyper:laugh: ) so they changed it to zyrtec and an inhailer called Q-var, and his is pretty much under control. My youngest developed asthma at about 6 months old, and has been taking Singulair since then.

    I was told that they might outgrow the asthma since they got it at a young age, but it seems to get worse every year with all of the pollen and strange weather patterns. I just hope to get my oldest son to do the allergy shots and hope they work so he doesn't have to keep taking 5-6 medicines everyday.

    We are also very concerned with having to give them steroids when their cough gets out of control, so we'll see how the allergy shots go. :smile:
  • soggysox
    soggysox Posts: 18
    OOh its very interesting to hear what US docs do with athsma compared to whats offered on the NHS... i think a lot of the names are just changed...

    I have had athsma since I was a child... badly up until about 12/13 then slightly milder as an adult... both of my kids now suffer.

    Singulair is a wonder drug for my lil girl who hasn't now been in hospital for an entire year (record in our house!) but we're all suffering with allergies at the mo (grass pollen season in UK).

    I never knew about caffine,,,i shall give that a go when i come in wheezing like a train after bike riding!

    Has anyone tried any breathing techniques to control mild attacks? I can normally control a minor one for long enough to get to a ventolin but they can't stave off the big ones!
  • trudance45
    trudance45 Posts: 45 Member
    i have astham my whole life, when i was younger i was in and out of hospital for a least 2-3weeks at a tiime 5-6 times a year, especially around xmas, i used to dance alot which i loved but my doctors made me give it up because it was affecting my asthma which really sucked as i loved it.

    i tried to start the couch to 5k but since i did it my chest has been very tight and that was 3 days ago, my mum drove past me and told me to get into the car because she seen i couldnt get a breath, and been taking my inhaler a lot since last.

    but i take walks and now im back to dancing once a week but i still need to take it easy and on days were im bad i cant exercise at all, or else itll bring on an attack - im on a ventonlin inhaler, singular and simbicort inhaler.

    plus i have a topic exzema (which is under control with nerol), hayfever and allergies which i take a load of medication for lol.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Has anyone tried any breathing techniques to control mild attacks? I can normally control a minor one for long enough to get to a ventolin but they can't stave off the big ones!

    I usually find I can as long as I stay calm. It makes it far worse if you start to hyperventilate from stress. I find if I am going to the hospital, that makes me more nervous, and I get worse. But if I relax at home and do gentle breathing I can get past most things I have today. Only problem I really have these days is getting some kind of lung infection every winter.
  • reisingmel
    reisingmel Posts: 50 Member
    My best friend wants me to run with her and swim. But this always triggers an attack. I can't get the air in and I get so exausted. What are some of your favorite workouts that don't trigger an attack? I think I was diagnosed as a child but wasn't treated for it ever because my parents couldn't afford insurance for me.

    I have issues when I run and swim as well, but I've found the elliptical to be much easier on my lungs while still getting a great work out as long as you have appropriate resistance settings. I just focus on nice even breaths and I can do an hour or so and not even touch my emergency inhaler. Best of luck to you!