
msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
Just curious, tonight we went to a pennsylvania dutch flea market, and they had one of my all time favorite food items: mushrooms. Not sure how to describe them... basically they have mushrooms sitting in hot buttery water. You purchase a dish, and you basically just get a pile o mushrooms, and a little toothpick to eat them with. They usually also sell livers, gizzards, and hearts the same way, but I always go for mushrooms (not a meat eater).

Given that I had almost nothing to eat today, I ate them up, along with a diet soda and a dish of 4 bean salad. None of these are super healthy, none are super terrible.

However, if anyone has ever been to a flea market/farmer's market where they have these mushrooms, can you let me know what the nutes are? I'd really appreciate it.


  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    I'm not sure what the facts would be on these but they do sound super yummy! I also LOVE mushrooms!! I say don't worry about logging them, give yourself a day out! Plus, you were probably out and about walking a lot & like you said, the choices you made weren't bad!! Well, you're choice was a lot better than my ultimate treat yesterday of a Vietnamese sub sandwich and a bubble tea!! hehe