Savory Golden Zero Carb/Gluten Free Bread Loaf



  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Why is it called zero carb when the flax seeds have carbs in them?

    because you subtract the fiber from the carb count. then after it is divided into slices there is only a fraction of a carb per slice

    Good to know although with diabetes it does not always work out that way.

    Actually the ADA set the standard on subtracting fiber. Finer is not broken down into glucose.

    For me flax seems to work ok. MIMS don't jack up my BG. Sadly, for diabetics all bets are off and what shouldn't cause a spike does. There are loads of things that I can't eat that most low carbers can. I just eat to my meter and eliminate what spikes.

    Thanks for the recipes, it looks yummy.
  • cherrytulips
    flax is SO awesome for flour-free baking! I've made muffins like this before but I'll have to try this bread, sounds yummy!
  • SierraElegance
    SierraElegance Posts: 86 Member
    Sounds yummy!!!
  • loulouBean
    loulouBean Posts: 47 Member