Am I Addicted??

I started my journey in Im hitting my 4 month mark. I did not have alot to lose, but I needed to get myself into shape..hated the way I looked and the way I felt.

I was the type of person who would be "GUNG-HO" in the beginning ..eating healthy, exercising and after 3 weeks or so, STOP!!! This time I was determined and have continued on. I have now lost 12 lbs (which I can tell, but noone else can) ...HOWEVER.....I'm now wondering if I'm a bit "addicted" to this. Not so much with the food or eating...but with the gym and how I look. I CONSTANTLY am looking at myself in the mirror!! Looking at EVERY part wanting to lose here and there. I find myself WANTING to go to the gym ALL THE TIME..which may seem ok, but I MEAN ALL THE TIME!!!!!
If I can't get to the gym, I get upset. Even when I do go to the gym, I stil come home and workout. (just push-ups and crunches...but alot of them!) I know I am not supposed to overdo it and give myself a "rest day" but I honeslty cannot stop.

I notice also that I am now looking at EVERYONE and comparing my body to theirs. I want my arms like her, my legs like hers.

I have never had an addiction to anything, but I have to say that I really think I have one now. Im not sure if its neccesarily a "bad" addiction, but its starting to effect me a bit. Its ALL I THINK ABOUT!!

It started off just wanting to lose a few pounds, which I have, but now Im not sure where I want to be.


  • faithjobes
    faithjobes Posts: 104 Member
    I feel the same way. But I don't care. I'm healthier now. It's better to think about it all the time than to never give it a thought and be fat, ugly and unhealthy. It's good to be focused! Obviously, you're losing weight and sculpting your body the right way so don't feel bad! But what will you do when you reach all your goals? You are obviously alot closer than me. LOL
  • Juicey1401
    Juicey1401 Posts: 126 Member
    I know just how you feel. I feel the exact same way. I recently posted almost the same thread a week or so ago and got a lot of flack about working out 4 or 5 times a day and 7 days a week. I know I need to have @ least 1 rest day but I can't stop. I started school on this past Monday and had to cut my workouts down so what I do is I power walk several times a day while @ school. I'm always wearing my HRM to see keep up with the calories burned during my walks so I can come home and log them into MFP. I can't really say whether or not you're addicted but I was told that I am BUT I don't even care because I needed to lose 110lbs and now I only have 63 lbs more to go and I didn't lose it too fast I don't believe. I started this journey in Sept 22 08 so its been 8 going on 9 months. All I can say is do what feels good to you and don't injure yourself. Listen to your body and if it say rest the you should do just that. Much success to you on your journey and if I can do anything to assist you please do not hesitate to let me know.

    PS: I'd rather be addicted to exercise any day then smoking, drinking, drugs and all those other negative things. Keep doing you and be happy.

  • nikii14
    nikii14 Posts: 403 Member
    I know just how you feel. I feel the exact same way. I recently posted almost the same thread a week or so ago and got a lot of flack about working out 4 or 5 times a day and 7 days a week. I know I need to have @ least 1 rest day but I can't stop. I started school on this past Monday and had to cut my workouts down so what I do is I power walk several times a day while @ school. I'm always wearing my HRM to see keep up with the calories burned during my walks so I can come home and log them into MFP. I can't really say whether or not you're addicted but I was told that I am BUT I don't even care because I needed to lose 110lbs and now I only have 63 lbs more to go and I didn't lose it too fast I don't believe. I started this journey in Sept 22 08 so its been 8 going on 9 months. All I can say is do what feels good to you and don't injure yourself. Listen to your body and if it say rest the you should do just that. Much success to you on your journey and if I can do anything to assist you please do not hesitate to let me know.

    PS: I'd rather be addicted to exercise any day then smoking, drinking, drugs and all those other negative things. Keep doing you and be happy


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My mom used to say " This too shall pass" I am guessing you are in a high energy cycle right now, and should go with it!

    In a few weeks it will likely wear off, and you will be back to normal.

    I have times that I just want to go, go, go...........and so I do!!

    As long as you are eating, and eating right, I dont think you can harm your body by doing exercise or all the farmers and construction workers would be dead!!

    BTW I think you look healthy, and not too thin. HEALTHY should always be the goal!!
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    I also heard that obsessive exercise is also considered purging the body believe it or not. It's not a good thing, exercising for an hour or two is okay. But I wouldn't consider going over two hours.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    It is normal to long for a better body! Make sure you are eating enough to fuel those workouts.
  • Juicey1401
    Juicey1401 Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks and congrats to you also.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    About 5 years back before I had my 2 kids i was the same exact started out just wanting to shed a little bit of weight and actually turned into an obsession...I wanted to be fit and look nice...I finally reached my goal and I was satisfied, but it wasnt until I had lost every pound that I felt complete and happy with the way my body looked, even when I was one pound over it didnt make me happy....I would work out for on average 5hours a day and ate really healthy and nutrious foods....Personally i think as long as you're being safe and eating good foods there isnt a problem....I just wish after having my two kids i could find the energy/time to get back into full ...but goodluck with it and I'm sure in time you'll find satisfaction with everything you've accomplished and how much healthier and better u feel inside as well as outside :)
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    Just wanted to say that I'm the same way right now! I'm getting home from the gym where I burn about 600-1,000 calories everyday & then I start working out again! Nothing big, just lifting weights or with my resistance bands while watching tv.

    Anyways, as long as you're still eating enough, I see no harm in being a gym rat!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    You do need to be careful as this is how many eating disorders start. Just make sure that you're eating the right things and in the right amounts. Also...don't get upset if you can't make it to the's okay to miss a day or two. :smile: