I think I need more protein, what can I eat?

Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
I have not felt very well this last week or so. I have been doing more and more exercise which includes a few times a week of getting my heart rate up to max level for 30 or 40 minutes, several hours of yoga a week, and about 2 or 3 hrs of intervals a week. Here's what makes it difficult. It can't have carbs (I'm diabetic and at this point cannot keep my BG in line if I eat many carbs). It can have fat and sodium though. It really can't have a lot of cals either since unlike many people, I have no problem eating my BMR and exercise cals.

Peanut butter shoots up my BG and uses up lots of cals. I can only eat so many eggs a day. I eat lots of cheese. I have to seriously watch my dairy since it's also loaded with carbs so any more greek yog than a few times a week is bad. I sometimes eat fish but I'm the only one in the house who eats it and I try to at least sort of eat what I have to cook for everyone else (meaning I cook one kind of meat then make everyone else potatoes etc). I do eat an atkins low carb bar several times a week. It seems like protein drinks are often high carb (for me since I try to net about 25-35 per day) and/or very high in cals.


  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    There's nothing wrong with carbs. You need them to survive. The only carbs you really need to limit are refined ones, like the ones that come from white bread (they cause your blood sugar to spike). I would try to eat Greek yogurt every day. Eggs, as you said, are also a great source. Feel free to look at my diary as I tend to get over 100 grams of protein a day.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    anything that had a mother
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Tuna and chicken are my two protein power houses.
  • teripen
    teripen Posts: 15
    Try vanilla protein shakes mixed with a banana and 1 Tbl of cocoa powder. So good and good for you.
  • jolarocknrolla
    jolarocknrolla Posts: 236 Member
    i've been eating lots of hardboiled eggwhites. i'm sick of them too ... but with a wee bit of mustard and wrapped in a lettuce-leaf, not so bad. You get a LOT of protien w/ egg-whites.
  • Quickster34
    Quickster34 Posts: 209 Member
    id say the low energy levels are do do the low carb intake for one. and as for protein like he said above, animals, chicken , beef, turkey...

    and proetin shakes generally have VERY few carbs , Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard has 3g per serving, its also excellent tasting and great quality. and i would consider finding slow carbs like above mentioned, sweet potatos, while grains etc.. they dont spike insulin levels
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hmm.. I was gonna suggest greek yogurt but if its too carby to eat everyday, Im not sure.. I have no idea how many carbs are in whey protein but I put a half scoop in my greek yogurt post workout and it works well for me.
  • lbcbeachbum77
    lbcbeachbum77 Posts: 78 Member
    I like to drink Genuine Muscle milk light, vanilla or chocolate flavor. It has 100 calories, is lactose and sugar free. Packs a whopping 15g protein, 2.5 fat, 5 carbs, 1 fiber. I have a broken bone and need high protein. This helps me get it without all the extra dairy or sugar.

    Oh forgot to say that it is available at most grocers, walgreens and the best value is at Costco.
  • schwim
    schwim Posts: 65
    Quinoa is quite high in protein.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    What about plain greek yogurt mixed with a packet of splenda and a splash of vanilla? It's one of my favorite treats and has 150 calories, 9 carbs and 20g of protein (I eat the Fage 2% plain). Sometimes I add fresh berries to that mixture too and that's awesome as well.
  • lookfierce
    Find a good protein shake, not all are high carb, especially if you have them with water and not milk e.g. http://www.myprotein.com/uk/products/impact_whey_protein

    Eat more meat, lean beef/steak which isn't too high calorie, if you want even lower calorie, just eat lots of chicken/fish.

    Be wary of the comment about refinded carbs, any bread is bad for BG, wholemeal or not, wheat-based products are always nutrient poor and carb heavy food.

    Full-fat Fage Total Greek Yoghurt is exceptionally low carb (3.3g per 100g) and tastes great.
  • kevsprincess
    nuts, peanuts, almonds, soy
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    It's funny how the suggestions of high-protein foods, are usually not meat. It's not really a surprise that peanut butter's source of calories mostly come from fat, not protein.

    Eat anything that was born with a face and you'll generally find a good source of protein in there. Sorry, Elvis, Jesus, or Michael Jackson mystery appearances in cookies or chips don't count.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    There's nothing wrong with carbs. You need them to survive. The only carbs you really need to limit are refined ones, like the ones that come from white bread (they cause your blood sugar to spike). I would try to eat Greek yogurt every day. Eggs, as you said, are also a great source. Feel free to look at my diary as I tend to get over 100 grams of protein a day.

    I'm diabetic so I actually test 2 hrs after I eat. All carbs will spike me. I ate half an apple the other day and had it spike to almost 200. One time I ate a couple tablespoons of peanut butter before bed and it shot me to 150 fasting the next morning. Normal for a non diabetic is generally under 100 with really carby meals getting you to 120. It is different for us than for normal people.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    id say the low energy levels are do do the low carb intake for one. and as for protein like he said above, animals, chicken , beef, turkey...

    and proetin shakes generally have VERY few carbs , Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard has 3g per serving, its also excellent tasting and great quality. and i would consider finding slow carbs like above mentioned, sweet potatos, while grains etc.. they dont spike insulin levels

    I don't get a choice in the low carb thing. I have found that if I eat more than 25 total carbs in a meal my BG goes to 200. Sweet potatoes send it even higher. Diabetics don't work the same as people who choose low carb. Some of us are forced into it and I even take drugs and have to eat like this. I agree that some of my energy problem is lack of carbs but since even exercise doesn't counteract the carb problem I have I can't eat them. even whole grains and healthy stuff will shoot me out of the safe range. My fasting BG on low carb is still above the recommended amount.

    I have been thinking I need a protein drink and will look for the one you mentioned.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    I like to drink Genuine Muscle milk light, vanilla or chocolate flavor. It has 100 calories, is lactose and sugar free. Packs a whopping 15g protein, 2.5 fat, 5 carbs, 1 fiber. I have a broken bone and need high protein. This helps me get it without all the extra dairy or sugar.

    Oh forgot to say that it is available at most grocers, walgreens and the best value is at Costco.

    Ooo, I'll have to see if I like this. I can probably manage 4 net carbs.
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    I try to eat moderate carbs, 60-90/grams per day. I feel better eating fewer carbs. I just cannot eat processed carbs anymore. Or at least if I do (lack of strength) I feel sick.

    I love Jennie-O extra lean turkey burger. Mmm so good. 120cals and 26 gram protein. no carbs. I smush it up with curry powder and cook it in a skillet with virgin coconut oil. Yummy, filling, healthy. Give it a try. You can cook it with any spice or herb.
  • skinnylion
    skinnylion Posts: 213
    Muscle Milk might help you. It's a little expensive but only like 6g of carbs per bottle and ~30g protein. Very filling. Or you could try the whey powdered muscle milk to make shakes.

    Otherwise, you're kind of limited. Since dairy is out, I would stick with lots of meat! Chicken, pork, beef, nom nom. I can't remember if beans have a lot of carbs or not... but eat beans and legumes as well (and nuts/seeds)!
  • hkatrobos
    hkatrobos Posts: 49
    anything that had a mother

    hahah yes!