I just ate..

InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
dinner a few hours ago and I am STARVING. I only have 17 calories left so I am trying to wait it out but why am I so hungry!? It was a decent dinner that I cooked, and it turned out to be a pretty big portion, so why am I hungry again?! Every time I cook, I'm usually good for the night. Argh, this suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks :grumble:


  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    I see your problem right away in your diary - not enough protein! No wonder you're still hungry! Try to get more protein throughout the day and I bet you won't be as hungry. :)

    As for a temporary solution, have a healthy snack. Being 100-200 calories over on one day isn't the end of the world, and clearly your body is trying to tell you it needs food.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    Have you been drinking enough water?
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    if you're starving you need to eat...otherwise you'll probably binge later. if you're set to lose then take that deficit and just eat it...make it a maintenance day.

    that means you can eat..

    500 cals if set to 1 pound per week
    250 cals if set for 1/2 pound per week

    no damage done. just reach your goals 1 day later.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Have you been drinking enought water?

    Like a tap! LOL, water doesn't do anything for my hunger. Nothing at all. I wish it did!
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I see your problem right away in your diary - not enough protein! No wonder you're still hungry! Try to get more protein throughout the day and I bet you won't be as hungry. :)

    As for a temporary solution, have a healthy snack. Being 100-200 calories over on one day isn't the end of the world, and clearly your body is trying to tell you it needs food.

    Dinner was 28g of protein. Isn't that enough to keep me from getting hungry again after, if protein is the filler everyone claims it is?

    And, hmm, I'm considering it as it's a new day so calories have reset, but I was over a couple of days ago. On Monday, I was 321 under, so technically, I can still go over today but I HATE going over. So much.
    PHLLLY Posts: 160 Member
    People sometimes misinterpret thirst for hunger. Drinking more water like Linda said is a good start. A good goal to help with hunger is to eat smaller meals more frequently with breakfast being the most important meal of the day! Shoot to eat every 2-3 hours albeit a snack of some nuts, protein shake, or a nutritious 100-200 calorie snack like fruit. (NOT JUICE NOR DRIED FRUITS) To stay fuller eat more complex carbohydrates that are whole grains not refined. The body has to work more to break down the more complex foods rather the the refined sugars that get absorbed rather easily.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    well...nearly 500 calories of your 1700 were weight watchers cake, milky way something, chocolate something (things I'm unfamiliar with)...tea lattes or something similar at starbucks.

    That comprises a pretty good chunk of your calories ...over 25%.

    It's okay to have treats but more substantial meals earlier in the day will help you tremendously. An egg, hummus and carrots/pita, bowl of oatmeal from starbucks instead of the steamed milk and mocha syrup...

    or just move a bit more and up your calories.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    if you're starving you need to eat...otherwise you'll probably binge later. if you're set to lose then take that deficit and just eat it...make it a maintenance day.

    that means you can eat..

    500 cals if set to 1 pound per week
    250 cals if set for 1/2 pound per week

    no damage done. just reach your goals 1 day later.

    I doubt I'll binge hun. I've been hungry like this for the past few nights and never binged.

    I don't wanna eat at maintanence because last week I didn't lose anything, scale wise, and I feel like it set me back :indifferent:
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I am sure it will all balance out in the end. There will be days you feel hungry, and days you don't after dinner. It will not harm you to have a snack. It is more harmful to continuously ignore your body's natural signals that it needs something else. Just have some yoghurt or a piece of fruit, or tuna or cottage cheese or somesuch, there will be days you eat under and it will just balance itself over the week.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    well...400+ calories of your 1700 were weight watchers cake, milky way something, chocolate something (things I'm unfamiliar with)...tea lattes or something similar at starbucks.

    That comprises a pretty good chunk of your calories ...nearly 25%.

    It's okay to have treats but more substantial meals earlier in the day will help you tremendously. An egg, hummus and carrots/pita, bowl of oatmeal from starbucks instead of the steamed milk and mocha syrup...

    or just move a bit more and up your calories.

    I know, I know - you're right. But I have the soya at work and love it. I always get our smallest size, so it's pretty low in cals. And when I finished work, I got the vanilla roobis which is 0 cals with half a short steamed soya. Winner. It helps fill me up on my breaks so I don't eat the damned pastries we have that tempt me. But I was fine all through today. It's just now I'm starving hungry.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    People sometimes misinterpret thirst for hunger. Drinking more water like Linda said is a good start. A good goal to help with hunger is to eat smaller meals more frequently with breakfast being the most important meal of the day! Shoot to eat every 2-3 hours albeit a snack of some nuts, protein shake, or a nutritious 100-200 calorie snack like fruit. (NOT JUICE NOR DRIED FRUITS) To stay fuller eat more complex carbohydrates that are whole grains not refined. The body has to work more to break down the more complex foods rather the the refined sugars that get absorbed rather easily.

    For some reason, fruit doesn't fill me up. I had a banana today, and it was lovely, but it didn't fill me up one bit. The drink filled me up more. Even oatmeal only fills me up for an hour at most. Water doesn't stop hunger pangs for me either, I don't think I've ever mistaken thirst for hunger. They're two very different feelings for me.

    I'm trying on the complex carbs. I don't have white bread anymore. But, of course, refined carbs are everywhere :sad:
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    if you're starving you need to eat...otherwise you'll probably binge later. if you're set to lose then take that deficit and just eat it...make it a maintenance day.

    that means you can eat..

    500 cals if set to 1 pound per week
    250 cals if set for 1/2 pound per week

    no damage done. just reach your goals 1 day later.

    Are you getting your period maybe? Im always ravenous when its coming. Also are you really hungry or just bored? Are you hungry like your stomach is growling or hungry like "i could have a snack". Sometimes i think im hungry but im just bored. Bottom line is there needs to be a reason you are hungry. If your stomach is growling you arent giving your body the proper nutrients.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I am sure it will all balance out in the end. There will be days you feel hungry, and days you don't after dinner. It will not harm you to have a snack. It is more harmful to continuously ignore your body's natural signals that it needs something else. Just have some yoghurt or a piece of fruit, or tuna or cottage cheese or somesuch, there will be days you eat under and it will just balance itself over the week.

    I hope so. I've never yet been over my weekly net calorie goal, but I guess I'm just very wary as last week I didn't lose anything and that was upsetting. I don't eat meat/fish, but I might just have some yogurt with granola as it's a new day, so I'll use those calories.
    PHLLLY Posts: 160 Member

    Check that article out. She gives examples of some foods that make you full and make you hungry. Maybe it'll give you another reason why you feel so hungry often.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    if you're starving you need to eat...otherwise you'll probably binge later. if you're set to lose then take that deficit and just eat it...make it a maintenance day.

    that means you can eat..

    500 cals if set to 1 pound per week
    250 cals if set for 1/2 pound per week

    no damage done. just reach your goals 1 day later.
    Are you getting your period maybe? Im always ravenous when its coming. Also are you really hungry or just bored? Are you hungry like your stomach is growling or hungry like "i could have a snack". Sometimes i think im hungry but im just bored. Bottom line is there needs to be a reason you are hungry. If your stomach is growling you arent giving your body the proper nutrients.

    Na-uh. She's gone, thank God. And I think I am honestly hungry. My stomach feels really empty and I have that weak, sick, slightly, physically painful feeling that you get when you're really hungry. It subsides somewhat when I distract myself, though. I dunno. Sigh. Think i might just give in and eat some yogurt. I get so hung up on this weight loss thing and calories sometimes.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Definitely drink more water.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member

    Check that article out. She gives examples of some foods that make you full and make you hungry. Maybe it'll give you another reason why you feel so hungry often.

    But the thing that is confusing me is that my dinner was;

    A) High in protein
    B) A good sized, even large (but measured!) portion
    C) Contained veggies
    D) Homecooked (which usually fills me up longer anyway) and usually fills me up just fine.
  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    Eat some almonds if you have less than 30 calories left. They'll fill you up!
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Definitely drink more water.

    But I've been drinking loads of it. Just makes me pee all the time and is not doing anything for my hunger.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Eat some almonds if you have less than 30 calories left. They'll fill you up!

    Almonds are very high in cals though! I love nuts, in fact, I have peanuts downstairs, but they're stupidly high in calories.