eating back your exercise calories?



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    How can we have enough energy to do intense workouts if we do take in energy?

    Well in my case there's 7 pounds of surplus fat on board which is worth 28,600 calories so I would be looking to do intense workouts by using some of that.

    If you have very low body fat this obviously can't work, but if you're looking to lose fat then the calorie deficit comes from your fat reserves. If you exercise you make a bigger deficit.

    An intense workout getting 70% of it's energy needs from carbs won't find your 7lbs of fat all that useful.

    Even if you stayed totally in the fat-burning zone, only 50% is fat.
  • Annafly3
    Annafly3 Posts: 63
  • topbombin
    topbombin Posts: 33
    Ive only been on here a week and Ive heard this alot. It is confusing so i decided to put it to a mega trial.

    On monday I ate healthily all day - cereal, salad etc and pretty much used approx my 1400 cals - then i went to a high impact aerobics class. My teacher said "youve worked hard, you can go and eat a pizza now. So i did - a 500 cal one!!!! I still didnt use up my cals with exercise but i figured if i burnt 600 cals why not put the theory to test. the next morning i lost another pound!

    I dont know whether this was a fluke or truth but i figure that eating calories back is not a bad thing - however i must stress that i wouldnt go eating a pizza everytime (i was just trying to play devils advocate!).

    I think that if you are hungry you should certainly eat something back - just eat healthily and eat what you need to replace. Listen to your body. When you feel healthy i guess youve cracked it.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Ive only been on here a week and Ive heard this alot. It is confusing so i decided to put it to a mega trial.

    On monday I ate healthily all day - cereal, salad etc and pretty much used approx my 1400 cals - then i went to a high impact aerobics class. My teacher said "youve worked hard, you can go and eat a pizza now. So i did - a 500 cal one!!!! I still didnt use up my cals with exercise but i figured if i burnt 600 cals why not put the theory to test. the next morning i lost another pound!

    I dont know whether this was a fluke or truth but i figure that eating calories back is not a bad thing - however i must stress that i wouldnt go eating a pizza everytime (i was just trying to play devils advocate!).

    I think that if you are hungry you should certainly eat something back - just eat healthily and eat what you need to replace. Listen to your body. When you feel healthy i guess youve cracked it.

    Fat loss and fat gain cannot be seen in one day. Your 1lb loss one morning will have nothing to do with how much you ate the day before and merely water fluctuations.
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    So how many calories are you really burning? I personally workout 3 days a week for an extra 600-800 burn for the week. Eating or not eating those calories is not going to make or break me. This is such an individual thing. I say listen to your body.
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    I eat them if I feel that I need them and I think most of the time I do, for fuel to continue working out to get stronger and healthier...I am guilty of not eating all of mine, but if I find myself hungry at any time during the day, I re-fuel and will continue doing this. So far I have not made a day when I have been able to eat them all back, but I don't let it worry me as long as I continue losing. I am seeing a dietician on May 1 and will follow her advice, when asked this important question.