I'm amazed at how far I've come

It hit me today how far I've really come from even just six months ago. Yeah, I've lost some weight, but it's so much more than that.

I started off this year just wanting to drop those last 20 pounds. So I joined a gym and started running on the treadmills. At first, I could only run two minutes at a time. I'm now running 3 miles at a stretch. I ran my first 5K in May, and even finished with a respectable time. I even joined a running club with people at work. I've also started spin class, which I totally love. And I joined a women's hockey team, even though I had never played before in my life. I could barely skate at the evaluation. Tonight someone made a comment about how much better I've gotten. My husband and I joined a softball team too, although we haven't played our first game yet. And I'm playing golf too. I've become (dare I say it), an athlete. An actual athlete who joins teams and plays sports and competes against other athletes. It's crazy. I used to be terrified of engaging with strangers... but every small success has just made the next time that much easier.

What's even stranger is how little I really care about the last few pounds I have to go until I reach my goal. I mean, yeah, it would be great to say that I've finally reached 130 pounds, but not nearly as great as it's going to feel when I finish my next 5K, or when I score my first goal, or when I actually catch a fly ball, or hit that golf ball all the way from the tee to the green on a par three. It's like my focus has shifted from what my body looks like to what it can do. And man, can it do a lot! And I'm not even close to realizing my full potential either. I'll keep working at this, long after I reach that goal, because I'll always want to be stronger, faster, better at all these new found loves.


  • daywater
    daywater Posts: 20
    AWESOME!!! Very inspiring...we get one life and we need to make the most of it..sounds like you are not just living life from the outside anymore..good for you!! :heart:
  • JillDavisWright
    JillDavisWright Posts: 18 Member
    That's awesome! Congratulations!
  • ctmom1
    ctmom1 Posts: 189
    Great post! It sounds like you are very happy with yourself, and isn't that what is most important??
  • PureAndHealthy
    It's IS amazing and awesome! We get type-cast by our weight into being at the bottom of the cheerleading pyramid, the spectator, the "friend" girl, and so many other roles based on weight rather than personality or potential. It's like you get to see how other people live when you lose a significant amount of weight. Personally, I remember thinking I would die after about 30 seconds of running and now I can do a couple of miles and want to find a 5k I can run in my area! The world is wide open to us! Congrats on all the fullness you've added to your life!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    I think thats great! Youve turned exercise into something you love so that means you've made a lifestyle change. Be very proud of yourself!!

    I agree with you....I'm in it to get in shape, the weightloss is just the after effect :smile:
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    wow thats awesome
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