
I have a question for people who do pilates. I have never done it so I am not sure what it is about or its benefits so I guess my question is does it burn fat and tone? Or is it just a breathing and stretching? i would like to try it out but would like others opinion on it.



  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    bump, I would like to know too...
  • sammanchester
    sammanchester Posts: 32 Member
    I think there are a lot of different levels but I try to do POP pilates on you tube (just do a search on google). I find these workouts much harder than anything I do at the gym, I couldn't walk for 4 days after the last one...definitely not just breathing and stretching, that sounds more like Yoga. Good luck :)
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    The Pilates workouts I do get my heart rate up and get me sweating. So, you do burn calories. It's not as much as circuit training and you do have to find the "right" instructors/lessons to be sure you are really pushing it. It also really does tone, especially your core, if you do it correctly.

    Plus, I find the breathing helpful in other areas of my life and the stretching is always a great help.

    I walk 2 days a week, do Pilates one day, Pilates AND Yoga another day, circuit training two days, and one day off. I need to change things up all the time so I don't get bored. Short attention span!
  • annie24342
    annie24342 Posts: 49 Member
    I took a Pilates class as an elective two years ago. I haven't done it since then because I don't have the money for a class. However, it really toned me up! Most of the exercises are around your core. My arms and legs didn't get much stronger, but they did get much more flexible. The hour-long, twice a week class gave me abs for the first time. If you are trying to build a better core, I'd definitely recommend it.
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    Pilates is great! It's not just stretching and breathing by any means. Lots of toning using your own bodies resistance, and sometimes light handweights or other tools. I do it because I have arthritis and get stress fractures in my feet all the time from working out, but this is one of the things I can do that isn't high impact but gets great results.
    I started out using the 10 minute solution Pilates DVD which is great for beginners. As someone else said there are lots of videos on youtube you can try as well to see if you like it before you go buy a DVD.
  • carrotstick
    Pilates focuses on "core" strength. This means abdominal muscles - the idea is that the core is the most important part of your body to strengthen. A strong core aligns the spine, allows for better breathing - more oxygen to get to the muscles, etc. Pilates also strengthens legs, arms and hips. The strong core also means better balance and posture. I absolutely love pilates. It is not like a hard cardio work out or even like strength training - it's very focused and the movements are small, but controlled. However, pilates will definitely have you sweating and burning! I think everyone should do pilates - the benefits are amazing.
  • jcomley1
    jcomley1 Posts: 133
    Pilates encourages strength training from your core. Everything you do is about using the correct form and building long, supple muscles. it combines the stretching and strength from yoga with a more intense use of your muscles. It increases circulation, greatly increases the level of control you have over your body and strengthens your back. Its very good for pregnant woman, and for people who have had injuries and need to strengthen specific muscles, and also just good from a fitness aspect. Miranda Kerr claims pilates was the key to getting her body back after the birth of her son. I was astounded once I started doing pilates and they showed me the importance of form, and using your core as your balance and strength- I had been doing weights in such bad form.
    Use pilates to supplement your cardio and weight training and you will have the most amazing body ever.
    I love it!
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    i used to do a pilates dvd, it definitely got me sweaty and out of breath, i really enjoyed it before i discovered jillian michaels. but i am obese though so i dont know if that makes a difference? sammanchester gave good advice, look on youtube and see if it's for you, then you could search ebay/amazon for some cheap dvd's...not sure if thats much help :blushing: but best of luck :flowerforyou:
    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    Pilates encourages strength training from your core. Everything you do is about using the correct form and building long, supple muscles. it combines the stretching and strength from yoga with a more intense use of your muscles. It increases circulation, greatly increases the level of control you have over your body and strengthens your back. Its very good for pregnant woman, and for people who have had injuries and need to strengthen specific muscles, and also just good from a fitness aspect. Miranda Kerr claims pilates was the key to getting her body back after the birth of her son. I was astounded once I started doing pilates and they showed me the importance of form, and using your core as your balance and strength- I had been doing weights in such bad form.
    Use pilates to supplement your cardio and weight training and you will have the most amazing body ever.
    I love it!

    just out of interest - did you go to the gym or a home dvd, was wandering what dvd ppl would recommend? thanks in advance :smile:
  • EbAbYgONhArD2013
    Thanks for the help I am trying to change up my routine and was curious about pilates I am still kind of new to exercising so I am exploring my options. Thanks again :)
  • angelew
    angelew Posts: 133 Member
    I've taken a reformer pilates class for about three years now. The reformer, cadillac, barrel, chair & tower are the equipment you might use in class, if you You Tube or Google it you'll see what it looks like. Mat pilates classes are also popular-no equipment, just you and your mat. I think it was created many years ago as a rehab for injured dancers. I love it because it increases flexibility and core strength by lengthening and stretching out your muscles. This is especially beneficial for runners or those who do a lot of strength training in the gym with heavy weights. There is little risk of injury or overtraining muscles. There is also a focus on alignment and precision of movements which has helped me a lot with other athletic activities such as running and cycling. I love it-reformer pilates can be expensive but I call it my "therapy"!
  • mommamisty823
    I use "Weight Loss Pilates" with Erin Barrett. (It's streaming on Netflix.) I :heart: it. It's helping to tone me up and make me more flexible as well. The breathing has also helped in other parts of my life as well. It doesn't burn as much calories as aerbobics or anything but I really enjoy it.
  • jcomley1
    jcomley1 Posts: 133
    Pilates encourages strength training from your core. Everything you do is about using the correct form and building long, supple muscles. it combines the stretching and strength from yoga with a more intense use of your muscles. It increases circulation, greatly increases the level of control you have over your body and strengthens your back. Its very good for pregnant woman, and for people who have had injuries and need to strengthen specific muscles, and also just good from a fitness aspect. Miranda Kerr claims pilates was the key to getting her body back after the birth of her son. I was astounded once I started doing pilates and they showed me the importance of form, and using your core as your balance and strength- I had been doing weights in such bad form.
    Use pilates to supplement your cardio and weight training and you will have the most amazing body ever.
    I love it!

    just out of interest - did you go to the gym or a home dvd, was wandering what dvd ppl would recommend? thanks in advance :smile:

    i did both. but i found going to the gum was far more beneficial. The instructor could see if my form wasnt correct and would come over and correct me. Also the instructors are trained to push you and encourage you to really stretch yourself. I found with the DVD, it was good to get me familiar with the concept, but I got frustrated because I didnt know where I was going wrong, etc and I began treating it more as a stretching session rather then the work out. But some people find they are far more comfortable doing it at home by themselves in their own living room. It can be more costly though cause you will need to buy the pilates ball , the matt, sometimes hand weights, medicine balls, etc as you go up in the levels.
    But give it a go and see what works best for you!
  • EbAbYgONhArD2013
    Pilates focuses on "core" strength. This means abdominal muscles - the idea is that the core is the most important part of your body to strengthen. A strong core aligns the spine, allows for better breathing - more oxygen to get to the muscles, etc. Pilates also strengthens legs, arms and hips. The strong core also means better balance and posture. I absolutely love pilates. It is not like a hard cardio work out or even like strength training - it's very focused and the movements are small, but controlled. However, pilates will definitely have you sweating and burning! I think everyone should do pilates - the benefits are amazing.

    Thanks so much it definately sounds like something I am going to start doing!
  • mommamisty823
    Pilates encourages strength training from your core. Everything you do is about using the correct form and building long, supple muscles. it combines the stretching and strength from yoga with a more intense use of your muscles. It increases circulation, greatly increases the level of control you have over your body and *****strengthens your back. Its very good for pregnant woman, and for people who have had injuries and need to strengthen specific muscles****, and also just good from a fitness aspect. Miranda Kerr claims pilates was the key to getting her body back after the birth of her son. I was astounded once I started doing pilates and they showed me the importance of form, and using your core as your balance and strength- I had been doing weights in such bad form.
    Use pilates to supplement your cardio and weight training and you will have the most amazing body ever.
    I love it!

    So true. My husband had back surgery 5 years ago (and then another about a year ago) and his doctor told him that he might think about doing pilates to strengthen his spine and the muscles around his spine. He told him that it would improve his posture and help with back pain.
  • cbart2818
    cbart2818 Posts: 188 Member
    Bump for later.... Love this
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    *Bump* great info ladies :)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Pilates focuses on "core" strength. This means abdominal muscles - the idea is that the core is the most important part of your body to strengthen. A strong core aligns the spine, allows for better breathing - more oxygen to get to the muscles, etc. Pilates also strengthens legs, arms and hips. The strong core also means better balance and posture. I absolutely love pilates. It is not like a hard cardio work out or even like strength training - it's very focused and the movements are small, but controlled. However, pilates will definitely have you sweating and burning! I think everyone should do pilates - the benefits are amazing.

    I agree with all of this!

    However, it is very easy to be in the wrong posture and I strongly recommend taking a few classes with a good instructor before going it alone at home. If you start at home, chances are you will be doing it wrong and won't be getting the greatest benefit you can from the motions you are going through. There is a certain technique and once you get it down, then I think it is fine to practice at home on your own. Once you know what a "neutral back" feels like and learn to "pull in your abdominals" you are good to go.

    I take 2 pilates classes a week- one is a mat class which also can involve some props (stability ball, bands, etc.) then I take a class using a pilates tower machine. After 1.5 months of pilates, I lost a pants size (but no weight) and really firmed up my legs and abs.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    I use "Weight Loss Pilates" with Erin Barrett. (It's streaming on Netflix.) I :heart: it. It's helping to tone me up and make me more flexible as well. The breathing has also helped in other parts of my life as well. It doesn't burn as much calories as aerbobics or anything but I really enjoy it.

    Do you mean Ellen Barrett? If so, I love her workouts. I also stream on Netflix and her "Pick a Spot Pilates" and "Pick Your Level Pilates" are great for a beginner. Her "Super Slim Down: Pilates and Yoga Blend" has be swearing at the TB and dripping sweat. I want to try her "Fat Burning Pilates" as well!

    Due to multiple injuries to my legs (all starting with a bad knee injury while playing soccer), I can't do high impact stuff every day. So I have to have something that will help strengthen my muscles and increase my flexibility while still burning some calories but with low impact. Pilates is great for this.

    Tomorrow is my Pilates and Yoga day! I need it because I am still sore from my first try of 30 Day Shred!