Ello from Essex

Hi I am Chelle, been trying to lose weight now for an eternity it seems, last year I hit a record of 5 and half stones loss, but well then I had an all inclusive holiday and christmas and gained a stone and half back :-( so here I am trying something different. Ive tried WW, SW, slim fast, phenetermine, duramine, I even brought a body bugg!!!!!!!

I was over 20 stones couple years back and laughed at getting out the pool on holiday!!! so made it a mission to start the mission of getting fit and healthy!!!! I used to have trouble walking up stairs, I now do 5 gym sessions a week inc spin, bodypump, combat, zumba, I may still weigh alot but im getting much fitter!!!!!.

Id love to wake up tomorrow and experience what it must feel like to do a class weighing 5st less!!!! maybe this would give me the push I need to stay away from the bad foods!!!!.

Anyway onwards and downwards again!!!!!



  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    Hello Chelle and welcome!

    I've tried all sorts too, including Duramine many many years ago (it's banned now in the UK I think - awful awful drug!!). Have about 5 or 6 stone to lose at the moment. Lost 7 1/2 stone many years ago, although i did that the really bad way - crash dieting and bad faddy diets - hence why it all went back on again!

    I'm here to lose weight the safe and sensible way!

    Welcome aboard and good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. :)
  • essex_chelle
    essex_chelle Posts: 6 Member
    Hello and thanks, Yeah Duramine and Phenetermine banned, although its still easily found at a local beauticians to me!!!!!!! I lost 6 stone taking the stuff 10 years ago in 4 months but gained it all back and more lol. Good luck with your journey too. Ill add you thanks x
  • Dragonfly7701
    Welcome :)
  • essex_chelle
    essex_chelle Posts: 6 Member
    Hi and thanks x
  • Whisperinghorse
    Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
    Ello Essex from Suffolk :flowerforyou:

    Welcome theres some really good advice on here about doing it sensibly although there is a lot of it :glasses:

    Grab a cuppa and get what works for you xx
  • essex_chelle
    essex_chelle Posts: 6 Member
    Hello and thank you for the welcome from Suffolk lol. See you too been the gym and burnt loads today, I had a great session, one of the gym instructors took time to help me with my weights and heart rate today, given me loads of advice about planning my weekly classes too and mixing some stuff about. Have tracked properly and hopefully MFP is gonna be my key to getting this sorted once and for all. x