any success stories on/from...LAZINESS?



  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    haha, I was curious about the responses.

    I'd been feeling generally lazy the last 2 months and I just decided I was going to run 5k randomly today. It took 44 mins. Hah, I definitely am bummed about the time, but the fact that I did it and I'm insanely competitive, especially against myself, it's given me renewed vigor.

    I agree with what a couple people have said. I too want a life that I'm living, versus seeing or watching. I want to be doing. And that's the reason why I'm moving. :]

    You Rock! I can't even run yet, and it takes me 25-30+ minutes to WALK 2 miles, so I'm proud of you!!! Thanks so much for posting. I love that being competitive with yourself--that's the BEST way to be competitive to me--YAY for you:bigsmile:

    Thanks so much for saying that! That is really what I needed to hear and what I wanted to hear. I told my mom that, and she just said, in her professional voice (the voice that she uses when she's in public and around people at work) "Oh, good for you!" And all I wanted was my mom to say, "Hey, I'm so proud of you! You can do anything!" - anyway, thanks for saying that. Means alot to me. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: You're wonderful! :flowerforyou: Ya took me YEARS and YEARS to learn to do all things as unto The Lord, rather than man. Everyone is different and many people don't go for that type of thinking for one reason or another, and that's okay--because everyone is different. BUT, when I finally got to the place of doing things unto God, instead of man (that'd be people--parents, friends, husband, children, even myself) BAM! I saw people and things and even myself in an entirely different way. it was as if invisible gates that 'seemed" to hold me prisoner were opened for me. I haven't arrived at that place of totally looking to/for The Lord's Approval alone...but I've left the place of looking to please men/people. and Oh Boy, what a EMPOWERING place that it.

    {{{{ Hugs }}}}


    P.S. I'm actually in quite the hurry and typed this really fast without re-reading, forgive me in advance for any typos and stuff like that, but I've got to go and have some FUN now:wink:
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    Last two days I have been sorely unmotivated... did do run around block with my dog, so that was something, but yeah I get lazy. LOL more often than I get motivated haha
  • Wouga
    Wouga Posts: 145 Member
    I spent years (almost a full decade) being lazy or making excuses after I had my first baby. I gained a LOT of weight with that pregnancy, I told myself I was too big to accomplish the weight loss. Thought I would be able to just diet and get down to a "comfortable" weight to workout again. All that managed to accomplish was yo-yo weight and being heavier. Then I started jogging (I used to love running) and did something truly stupid being overly competitive entirely too quick and tore my ACL. I then used that as another crutch. That was almost 2 years ago (this July it will be 2 years); now I work out 6 days a week, at first I couldn't do as much. My squats and lunges were pathetic (they still probably are by some people's standards), but I do what my knee will allow, and it's getting stronger day after day, the squats are getting deeper, the lunges are better. I'm losing the weight, I feel so much stronger and more accomplished. And there are days (like today) where the thought of getting up and doing my workout terrifies me, not because I'm feeling lazy but because the workouts take more work then I have put in in years. But I just finished today's workout, I feel better because despite the fact that the thought of getting off my butt and DOING it scared me, I conquered it! If I can do it, anyone can, all it takes is small amount of faith in yourself combined with determination. You got this! Just give yourself the chance to prove it!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I spent years (almost a full decade) being lazy or making excuses after I had my first baby. I gained a LOT of weight with that pregnancy, I told myself I was too big to accomplish the weight loss. Thought I would be able to just diet and get down to a "comfortable" weight to workout again. All that managed to accomplish was yo-yo weight and being heavier. Then I started jogging (I used to love running) and did something truly stupid being overly competitive entirely too quick and tore my ACL. I then used that as another crutch. That was almost 2 years ago (this July it will be 2 years); now I work out 6 days a week, at first I couldn't do as much. My squats and lunges were pathetic (they still probably are by some people's standards), but I do what my knee will allow, and it's getting stronger day after day, the squats are getting deeper, the lunges are better. I'm losing the weight, I feel so much stronger and more accomplished. And there are days (like today) where the thought of getting up and doing my workout terrifies me, not because I'm feeling lazy but because the workouts take more work then I have put in in years. But I just finished today's workout, I feel better because despite the fact that the thought of getting off my butt and DOING it scared me, I conquered it! If I can do it, anyone can, all it takes is small amount of faith in yourself combined with determination. You got this! Just give yourself the chance to prove it!
    Last two days I have been sorely unmotivated... did do run around block with my dog, so that was something, but yeah I get lazy. LOL more often than I get motivated haha

    You ladies are fabulous, thank you so much for posting!!!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I am so very lazy. Unfortunately, I blame it on the fact that I have two toddlers, and a full time job. About a year ago, I lost almost 35lbs on MFP BUT due to laziness I gained almost all of it back. I don't know why it's so hard for me to get motivated this time around to lose the weight and KEEP it off. Today, I woke up with difficulty breathing (allergies and a cold) BUT it reminded me of how my mother might have felt when she passed away in her sleep, almost 8 years ago at the age of 46 (she had sleep apnea and COPD). She was very overweight! I HAVE to do this for her! I HAVE to do this for my children! I HAVE to do this for ME! STARTING NOW!!

    This was so me. One of my main excuses for packing on the pounds and living like lazy bum was when I started having children. I used the monotony of being a homemaker and mom as my "excuse" of being tired:yawn: and unmotivated:indifferent: to eat right and exercise regularly. UGH! As look back on it now, I see clearly that laziness is a master of "reasonable" excuses to sit on one's rump and get bitter and bigger:grumble:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I was searching for something to get me out of my lazy funk and found this thread. Definitely feeling more and more lazy as my pregnancy progresses, but I'm afraid if I stop pushing myself to exercise then everyday activities will get harder and I will not want to do anything until my due date, after which I will have a bevy of new excuses. So thanks for all your responses, going to go hit up my Jillian workout now (NMTZ)
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I was searching for something to get me out of my lazy funk and found this thread. Definitely feeling more and more lazy as my pregnancy progresses, but I'm afraid if I stop pushing myself to exercise then everyday activities will get harder and I will not want to do anything until my due date, after which I will have a bevy of new excuses. So thanks for all your responses, going to go hit up my Jillian workout now (NMTZ)

    Congrats on being pregnant, how fabulous!!!!

    Ya know, good old fashioned walking is such fabulous exercise and is just so, ummm...I don't know--beautiful. Listening to the birds sing, smelling the fresh air, looking at the gorgeous flowers and green stuff growing, it's fabulous physically, mentally, and every other way. Just start slow may...10 minute walk and move up--I LOVE walking and it kicks the "mess" out of laziness for me too. My laziness absolutely HATES walking outside--that's why I love it:laugh:
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Oh, I was the definition of lazy. That was really my only excuse for being heavy. But in October 2010 when I decided enough was enough I started controling what went in my mouth. That really helped and I dropped 20 pounds. It wasn't until this year that I started exercising, but now that I'm at goal and just trying to maintain I like that exercise is something I can do when I don't eat the best. And it makes me feel better when I do it. I don't want to before hand but after I feel amazing. Strength training has really changed the way my body looks. I don't hate looking in the mirror now!

    You can do it!
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    Sitting on my couch... my mind would run.. " i work 8 hours.. come home make dinner and am a mom... I am allowed to be lazy and relax... dont worry about it.. the house will get clean sooner or later... i have tomorrow for what i dont do today... i am fine i am fine i am fine......." and still sitting.. day after day night after night.. no end in sight... looking around at what became my world.. so tired i couldnt play with my kids... so blah that i didnt want to leave my house... so depressed i would eat.. and i would sit..... and always had an excuse to not get up....


    I wanted to do something good for my kids.. I wanted to go and play with them... but I didnt have the energy... and then I stepped on the scale...
    That was the bulldozer to my excuses...

    I now dont give myself the chance to be lazy. My new rule is no sitting and doing nothing till everything is done. I go to work.. I am a mom.. i cook i clean.. I go to the gym every day.. i work hard.. and play harder.. And i sit and enjoy down time.. when I want not becuase i have to... I am now full of energy life and excitment when i wake up in the morning... Life is sure alot better now... I am sure my couch misses me... but i do not miss it.. or the 50+ lbs i have lost

    Lazy is the weak persons excuse.. get up.. get going.. work hard.. and be thankful you can!!!!!
  • dymin327
    dymin327 Posts: 11 Member
    These posts are great! Thank you for starting the thread. I'm just starting over, trying to get healthy....REALLY healthy this time....but I'll have to battle with the lazy monster, because that is a big problem. Really amazes me just how lazy I've become, and it would horrify others to see how lazy I can be. I've beaten myself up for months over it but continue to watch the pounds increase and my wardrobe decrease to just a few pieces I can stand to wear. Ridiculous!!! I hope to use the inspiration I've read here, along with other topics, to fuel my focus and do this for myself.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    You can't get the *kitten* you want by sitting on the *kitten* you have.

    Plain and simple, you have to want that leaner *kitten* more than you don't want to do anything.

    For me, getting started was a matter of not making it optional. I knew if I let myself go home from work and ask myself "do I want to go to the gym?" I would NEVER say yes. So, I decided that I was not allowed to not go. My rest days were just slow elliptical for half an hour, but the important thing was that not going was never ever an option. I had to go before work if I had something to do after work or skip a social event if I had to. Gym being closed... NOT an excuse, run outside, do circuits, take a long walk with a friend. TOM... NOT an excuse. Still had to put in at least 20 minutes. If I was still miserable after 20 minutes, I could leave without guilt. For 6 months I went to the gym every single day. Now I live a more active life and skip the gym sometimes in favor of other things, but except when I'm truly sick, like can't go to work sick, I get in daily activity.

    Boyfriend thinks it is a bit selfish because I still sometimes I do have to put the gym over him, but I just try not to let that deter me. I'm so much happier being this girl, that someone cannot both love me and not want me to continue doing what I'm doing.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I'm still lazy. I loathe exercise with every fibre of my gradually decreasing being.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    You can't get the *kitten* you want by sitting on the *kitten* you have.

    Plain and simple, you have to want that leaner *kitten* more than you don't want to do anything.

    For me, getting started was a matter of not making it optional. I knew if I let myself go home from work and ask myself "do I want to go to the gym?" I would NEVER say yes. So, I decided that I was not allowed to not go. My rest days were just slow elliptical for half an hour, but the important thing was that not going was never ever an option. I had to go before work if I had something to do after work or skip a social event if I had to. Gym being closed... NOT an excuse, run outside, do circuits, take a long walk with a friend. TOM... NOT an excuse. Still had to put in at least 20 minutes. If I was still miserable after 20 minutes, I could leave without guilt. For 6 months I went to the gym every single day. Now I live a more active life and skip the gym sometimes in favor of other things, but except when I'm truly sick, like can't go to work sick, I get in daily activity.

    Boyfriend thinks it is a bit selfish because I still sometimes I do have to put the gym over him, but I just try not to let that deter me. I'm so much happier being this girl, that someone cannot both love me and not want me to continue doing what I'm doing.

    Uhhhhh...YOU ROCK!!!!!! Love this post!!!!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'm still lazy. I loathe exercise with every fibre of my gradually decreasing being. too! It's a never ending battle and a challenge. Because I'm rather competitive (especially with myself), I use my lazy temptation to nag myself (rather than others, as was one of my other temptations:noway: )
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I wouldn't say I'm lazy. But somewhere along the way I learned that EXERCISE is a bad word. Go do fun things like swimming, biking, dancing, playing hide & seek, or badminton or 100 other things, let's go. But somewhere in my head exercise is not fun and I don't want to do it. I don't know where that came from. But I have been working on changing that. The number one way to overcome is to realize how fantastic I feel after exercise. Still don't want to do it sometimes, but I'm a lot better than I was.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Working out is difficult. Staying in bed is easy.

    Staying in bed just seems like the better option - and it's really hard to convince myself otherwise.

    So you're not alone.

    But this is what I tell myself: If I want to be someone different than who I am now, the only way to do it is to get up.

    Because getting healthy consists of many small choices over short periods of time all adding up to one big change over a long period of time.

    You have to make those small choices in order to get the big change.

    It's all drops in a bucket.

    Every time you work out, it's another drop in the bucket, and eventually your bucket will be full.

    You won't see the change at first, but after many workouts you will.

    It just takes time.
  • bfairlamb
    bfairlamb Posts: 31
    One of the HUGE reasons for my being fat was/is...laziness! Many of us like to use justification and "crutches" (no matter how legit they may be), as an excuse for "petting, nursing and allowing" a lazy slothful attitude/spirit to rule and reign in us and thus is a main contributing factor for us being FAT (well..again, that's MY main reason anyhoo).

    I saw some of these quotes today on laziness, because I'm feeling VERY lazy today, I wanted to post these and ask:

    Any success stories on/from your being LAZY? Your replies will help a GREAT many MFPer's...especially me:sad:

    Here's some quotes:

    Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired. ~Jules Renard

    I like the word "indolence." It makes my laziness seem classy. ~Bern Williams

    All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness. ~Mark Kennedy

    It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance? ~Ronald Reagan

    I slip from workaholic to bum real easy. ~Matthew Broderick

    Minds, like bodies, will often fall into a pimpled, ill-conditioned state from mere excess of comfort. ~Charles ****ens

    Poor Charlie. They cut out his name. Too bad :cry:
  • CynGoddess
    CynGoddess Posts: 188 Member
    6 weeks ago I was living on lthe couch or in bed. now I get crabby if I don't work out or hike 5 miles every day. You can do it. start by finding something you love to do, for me it was hiking and I started and felt I wasn't in good shape to do it, so I kept going and got in better shape, then went to the gym to get even better. Now I love my exercise time.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    6 weeks ago I was living on lthe couch or in bed. now I get crabby if I don't work out or hike 5 miles every day. You can do it. start by finding something you love to do, for me it was hiking and I started and felt I wasn't in good shape to do it, so I kept going and got in better shape, then went to the gym to get even better. Now I love my exercise time.

    So true!!! I now love walking, the treadmill & bike (actually it's the fat crying sessions that come along with these that I really love) and of all things that stepper. I pretend my Nordic track full body stepper is my Elliptical (sp :blushing: ). I literally couldn't do the stepper, treadmill or bike when I first got started, now I LOVE them!!!
  • Caramel2610
    Caramel2610 Posts: 22
    oh yes, laziness was my best friend! Don't you dare say workout, exercise to me, those were forbidden words that I didn't live by! I was sexy, I was beautiful, I was fat and unhealthy. I looked in the mirror one day and didn't reconize the women I'd become. I stopped caring, stopped doing my nails/pedi, stopped doing my hair, frankly just stopped living. I was going through the motions of life but not living life anymore. I decided to make a change, and let me tell you oh boy... Life has never been so good. Sure my best friend laziness comes back every now and then, I welcome him with open arms. I give him a day of my attention, sometimes a few days but then I'm back at it with my new friend workout and things couldn't be better....

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