Chili's and Restaurant Insanity



  • debloves2ride
    Like everyone else, I look it up before hand if I can. I have found you can order a turkey sandwich and soup and have less calories than the "healthy" salads. I had a salad at applebees the other day and thought I did good WRONG! I like chili's lunch deal you can get a small dinner salad and 1/2 sandwich (I think its called pick two) and it isn't to bad. I also will order an appetizer as my meal sometimes, that helps, but boy you sure have to watch that also.
  • jpruder
    jpruder Posts: 19 Member
    Great tips! I unfortunately do not have a smart phone (boo) or that would have been my first go-to! I use MFP from my computer. I already don't eat condiments or dressing (I never have, I just don't like them) so I at least had that in my favor. I definitely need to start pre-dividing my food and boxing it right away. I will say when I busted my booty at the gym from 9pm - 10:30pm I felt much better about the whole thing!
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    Last time I traveled for work I went to Chili's 2-3 that week. I got their grilled salmon (with nothing) and instead of potato they gave me 2 servings of steamed (plain) broccoli. The cals were perfect (this item wasn't in their "light" section, it was just off the regular menu. It was a great choice and I was happy to have a heaping pile of broccoli instead of potato (be sure to ask for it steamed though, without butter or anything...otherwise it seems pretty oily.
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    I am a regular Chili's person, so I pretty much know what to get there. You can usually be pretty safe with Fajitas. I have NO PROBLEM asking them to fix it the way I want it. I tell them NO sizzle sauce (which has all the oils/fats in it). I either go with no tortillas, or ask for corn tortilla (but it's usually no tortillas). I don't get cheese or sour cream and don't like Pico de gallo, so I usually ask for extra guac on the side. Yes, Guac has a lot of fat, but it is a good fat, so I enjoy it as I wish. :wink: And if I REALLY want to splurge, I'll allow myself some chips and salsa... Their chips are so thin, that I can have a few more and still not kill myself calorie wise. Keep in mind, when I do eat the chips/salsa, I've either already gotten in my exercise for the day, or plan on it. :smile: I don't like seeing myself go over my calories goal, so I will get in my work out, even if it's walking the parking lot for an hour and a half to burn off those calories. :smile:
  • Tranquil_Miche
    When at Chili's I eat off their kid's menu. They don't give you this menu, but I choose a plain chicken breast with a side of broccoli. I usually add an extra side of broccoli also so I get full enough. It's hard to eat healthy out though.
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    I don't stress it.

    If I can look it up, I don't mind asking the server to come back while I look over the choices. Most places I eat out have items listed on MFP or other calorie tracker sites, if not their own website.

    I follow the general rule of always getting a carryout box and putting about half in there if there is no nutritional info available or I know it's ridiculously high in calories.

    I went to Longhorn last night and had the grilled rainbow trout with veggies, one slice of bread and shared a dessert. I thoroughly enjoyed my meal.

    I actually got a gift card from Maggiano's corporate office because I complained to them about a server who refused to accomodate my request to substitute veggies for the potatoes and also refused to just not bring the potatoes out. He also refused to ask if I could have my salmon lightly prepared. They said they would review their training materials to ensure that guests' accomodation requests were being honored and also they would do individual coaching at that location with the individual in question. If I'm paying, I have the right to ask for what I need to make my meal satisfactory. Leaving off a little oil/butter and giving me extra veggies to replace potatoes is not difficult.
  • monicaroozo
    monicaroozo Posts: 200
    That is mortifying. I am also often scared to eat out! I try to look up my cals beforehand... but people think we're crazy for doing this :(

    I am glad you posted this. I don't want to give business to a company that mindlessly contributes the health issues our country is struggling with.

    Knowledge is power - and I am glad you shared this!
  • kmelski
    kmelski Posts: 14
    The more we as consumers ask for healthier options and vote with our dollars, the more likely food service providers are to meet market demand - so keep "annoying" the waiters by asking how their meals can be made healthier!

    We've discovered (as I'm sure many of you have) that it's so easy to make complete, hearty, and delicious meals for under 500 calories (starting with a large portion of fresh veggies does most of the work for you... add a lean protein option and a reasonable portion of a whole-grain starch without too much butter or oil, and voila!) makes us extra frustrated at restaurants who seem to struggle with this simple concept.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    i live in maine, and within the next year (I think thats the time frame anyhow) it will be the law that all restaurants have to post cal and fat content info on the menu, for every item!
    However, i think that everywhere in the US they are required to provide it for you, if you ask. If i am somewhere i ididnt plan for or dont know the info for, i ask for nutrition facts. Sure they may roll their eyes at me when they walk away, but i dont care:)

    Other than that, i do what others have suggested. Grilled meats, sauces and dressings on the side, etc.
  • Phanscom
    Phanscom Posts: 1
    Here's a great video tip on eating out from Chris Powell (Extreme Makeover Weight).

    to your health!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I think it's good that you have your goals in order and you are serious about them, but I think you may want to relax a bit about the so strict eating. One meal out isn't going to kill you occasionally. Relax, enjoy your meal out, and hit it hard the next day in the gym, drinking your water, and with good eats. Strict thinking like yours (Makes me paranoid about ever eating out") can lead to an unhealthy view of food and ultimately can even lead to ED...try and remember that food is not your enemy, it is FUEL to run your body, so enjoy it, and work your butt off! lol!
  • princessdracos
    princessdracos Posts: 125 Member
    I'm a server, and I had to laugh at the previous poster who said to keep "annoying" us! I've found that people can be very timid about voicing their food concerns/needs, and it's sad. One thing I pride myself on is menu knowledge and how to accommodate my guests' needs. I know that most of us aren't like that, but PLEASE don't be afraid to talk to your server or a manager if your server is an idiot...I've worked with a lot of I'm fortunate to work for a company that cares about our guests which is why I've worked there for over 10 years.

    That being said, I also prefer not to be lied to. If you are avoiding something for non-allergy purposes, just tell me. For instance, I loathe cilantro, but it won't make me sick or kill me. I tell my server, "I really can't stand cilantro, so can you help me avoid it, please?" Then again, that's just me.

    And finally, don't be afraid to trust those of us who are competent. When I tell you the corn dish is lower in fat and calories than the spinach dish, you should believe me. Finding that info was a real

    Oh, and enjoy yourself! :drinker:
  • wyndwoman
    wyndwoman Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a server, and I had to laugh at the previous poster who said to keep "annoying" us! I've found that people can be very timid about voicing their food concerns/needs, and it's sad. One thing I pride myself on is menu knowledge and how to accommodate my guests' needs. I know that most of us aren't like that, but PLEASE don't be afraid to talk to your server or a manager if your server is an idiot...I've worked with a lot of I'm fortunate to work for a company that cares about our guests which is why I've worked there for over 10 years.

    That being said, I also prefer not to be lied to. If you are avoiding something for non-allergy purposes, just tell me. For instance, I loathe cilantro, but it won't make me sick or kill me. I tell my server, "I really can't stand cilantro, so can you help me avoid it, please?" Then again, that's just me.

    And finally, don't be afraid to trust those of us who are competent. When I tell you the corn dish is lower in fat and calories than the spinach dish, you should believe me. Finding that info was a real

    Oh, and enjoy yourself! :drinker:

    thanks for that, as an ex server I find most servers will help if you ask them. I hate cabbage in all forms and sadly red cabbage is ubiquitous in most every 'salad' base. I tell the server and they are great about minimizing the amount that ends up on my plate. Bless em everyone!

    as for chain places, Applebees tries with a 550 Cal menu
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    Chili's has a Margarita Chicken dish that is excellent and only about 600 calories for a big plate of food.

    And it's suprisingly delicious.

    My go to meal at Chili's. I love it!
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    I get the quesadilla explosion salad... dressing on the side, no ranch "drizzle" no tortilla chips, extra pico de gallo. THen I eat half of it, and don't eat any of the mini quesadillas... it turns out to be about 400 calories for half the salad that way.
    I also worked at Chili's in college. They used to have a 1/2 turkey sandwich that you could get with a house salad (hold the cheese, extra pico) and sub veggies for fries and it was ALOT of food for around 500 cals.... unfortunately, it is no more.
    The Margherita Chicken is good.
  • suerun11
    suerun11 Posts: 136 Member
    Kids menu's are my best friend...Chill's have the chicken breast with steams broccoli:) Most places offer healthy choices for kids and generally they are the right portions for adults:)
  • kmelski
    kmelski Posts: 14
    I'm a server, and I had to laugh at the previous poster who said to keep "annoying" us!

    That's why I put it in quotes. :happy: I hope everyone's always polite! We've had fantastic responses from people at most restaurants when we ask about having our meals without butter or whatever, or to have our dressing on the side.... lots of people are really excited to hear about MFP and congratulate us when we tell them how much weight we've lost.

    Every once in a while we'll get a more negative response - don't know if it's directly related to our questions or they're just having a bad day or what - but that's pretty rare. Mostly folks are really friendly & willing to help out.

    Thanks to you great servers out there! :drinker:
  • princessdracos
    princessdracos Posts: 125 Member
    I'm a server, and I had to laugh at the previous poster who said to keep "annoying" us!

    That's why I put it in quotes. :happy: I hope everyone's always polite! We've had fantastic responses from people at most restaurants when we ask about having our meals without butter or whatever, or to have our dressing on the side.... lots of people are really excited to hear about MFP and congratulate us when we tell them how much weight we've lost.

    Every once in a while we'll get a more negative response - don't know if it's directly related to our questions or they're just having a bad day or what - but that's pretty rare. Mostly folks are really friendly & willing to help out.

    Thanks to you great servers out there! :drinker:

    I wish everyone would be polite :grumble: Guess you can't win 'em all, eh? My favorite guests are the ones I get to have a real conversation with...I've referred many to my favorite recipe website when I find out they're gluten free because a lot of that site's readers adapt the recipes and post them in the comments. I've met some really interesting people over the years, too. You know what? I really love my job. :laugh:
  • vegmebuff
    vegmebuff Posts: 31,389 Member
    My friends decided they wanted to eat at Chili's for our tomorrow's meet-up lunch...I'm dreading it! The menu (calories/sodium/fat...etc.,)

    What a waste of calories...typical 'chain' (a.k.a. yuck!!!)food. The macros suck...bla.

    I have no idea what I'll be ordering
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    6 year old post....... B)