Stuffed in the AM

Good Morning!
I woke up this morning and was completely full from the night before! Not just that but I felt bloated and groggy. I know that I should always eat breakfast but on days like should I still eat or hold off till Im hungry? I dont want to be starving at a time when Im busy and run to the nearest coffee shop. Any advice?


  • merrymusiq
    merrymusiq Posts: 35
    Hi Good Morning.. On such days, I usually have something light like a bowl of cereals and carry a couple of apples so that I can have them may be after an hour or so when I feel hungrish..
  • MonicaRod
    MonicaRod Posts: 56
    personally....i don't know whats BEST for your..but i know that if i'm not hungry i don't eat..i always listen to my stomach....and even if i think its hunger i drink a glass of water first to make sure its "real hunger" instead of thirst.

    just my persoal opinion.

    Good Luck!:wink:
  • krisloock
    krisloock Posts: 29 Member
    I think its best to have a little something...even 100 cals or so to get your metabolism going. Otherwise, as you said, the hunger will hit you (at the most inconvenient time!) and you'll be more tempted to eat something bad!. Go with a piece of fruit, small bowl of cereal, or sometimes I'll even have a light protein shake.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    I think more importantly is if you are waking up still full, you are eating too much the night before. You should not be eating so much at night that your body can not or will not digest all of it while you are asleep.

    Re-evaluate your nightly eating and this may not be an issue for you any longer.
  • MonicaRod
    MonicaRod Posts: 56
    I think more importantly is if you are waking up still full, you are eating too much the night before. You should not be eating so much at night that your body can not or will not digest all of it while you are asleep.

    Re-evaluate your nightly eating and this may not be an issue for you any longer.

    You make a very good point :embarassed: