Mom's with young kiddos!!!



  • hazev74
    hazev74 Posts: 252 Member
    bump for later...must fire my 10 mth old and 3 yr old boys to bed!! back in a bit...
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    Hi. I am a working mom of 2 (6 and 3 yr old). 2.5 months ago, I could of wrote your post. I am 5'3 and 143. Down 16 lbs. Woot woot!

    This is what did it for me, I can't say it will work for you but here it is...

    I started and completed Insanity. There were days I was in tears but I did it and I loved every minute of pain. I also followed the 40/30/30 macros instead of the generic from MFP. I had to add in a protein shake every day to get my protein goal. I researched the best ones as I didn't want junk in my body. I read and learned about BMR and TDEE. The best website that I found was

    I try to net my BMR, maybe a little lower every day. By netting I mean, eat back exercise. I gave up processed foods for the most part. I plan EVERYTHING. Meals and exercise. I enter my food in BEFORE I eat it. I am starting to keep my sodium low because I bloat like crazy.

    I think what I did wrong for the last 3 years was only eating 1200 calories. I typically eat 1500-1600 and exercise about 400.

    I am lucky in the aspect that I work from home office. I am in corporate world and my clients are near me and not the corporate office. I workout at lunch. I used to be a huge stress ball because I didn't take a break, now I do Insanity or jog for the break and calorie burn.

    Feel free to friend me, I have a great group of mommy friends that is very supportive. Without them, I would of given up by now! The above sounds like a lot but it's worth it. Trust me. I weight less than I did when I got pregnant with my son. I feel better and I am much happier which equals better mom.

    Good luck! You can do it, just need to find what works for you.
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 402 Member
    Hm... do you have a husband/partner/SO?? Make him take over!!!!!

    I'm 34, have an 8yo girl, 3yo boy, 2yo girl and 6 month old boy - and I do running, Zumba, Pilates and at home Wii Fit and general running after the kids... To be fair, I do my Zumba and Pilates after 8.30 in the evening, but that's just the way it fits and I found classes that suit me time-wise.

    I'm not disciplined enough to get up at the crack of dawn to exercise before the monsters wake up.

    And I've another LOT to lose.

    Add me :)
  • I am 26, I have a 3 year old and an 18 month old. I work full time and am married as well. Here is what I've found that has helped me. I wake up and do my workout before I go to work. I know that means losing out on sleep but my evenings after work are so jam packed with fixing supper, bathing the kids and then getting them to bed and I've found this is the only way to get it all done.

    Also, another thing we do is cook a lot of meat on Sunday evenings and then just re heat it thru out the week and make sides to go with it so that saves us time from cooking daily.

    My husband helps me with the kids tremendously and this is a huge blessing!

    I wish you luck in your weight loss journey!
  • nroisland
    nroisland Posts: 254 Member
    Hi I'm 35 and I have a 2 and 5 year old! I have been trying to lose 15 pounds for the last 2 years!!!! It is so frustrating, I don't seem to have the time/ energy to exercise after working 40 hours a week and taking care of the kids! I count everything that goes into my mouth but the number on the scale never gets ANY lower!!! Any suggestions on how to find some ME time when you're a mommy would be great! ( and did I mention my 5 year old still doesn't sleep through the nigh?!!!) HELP! I'm tired of being fat!

    I have a 3 year old and busy teenagers so the time I do have I try to incorperate them. My 3 year old is doing the 30 day shread with me. I mean her own modified version of corse but she has fun doing it. I bought her 1lb weights so she would stop stealing my 3 lb. It's working out so far.

    My 2 year old will ask to do sit ups and legs with me, lol. It's awesome.... Her situps are not the typical type but they are adorable to watch and legs are me sitting on the floor with her on my legs as I lift them up, great burn feeling in my thighs and butt.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I have a 3 1/2 year old, (tomorrow) a 2 year old, and a 3 1/2 month old. I'm a SAHM and never get time without my kids. Before I got pregnant last year, I would get up around 5:30 or 6:00 so that I could get in a good workout before everyone else got up. It was tough at first, but it was worth it. Now we live too far from the city to have a gym membership so I'm waiting until my husband graduates college (2 more weeks!) so that both of us can exercise. We have an awesome weight machine that neither of us can use because there just isn't the time.
  • izoom3
    izoom3 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi ya'all. I would like to add my two cents in here even though I am no longer a Mom with young kids. I sure hope you don't mind. First, I was a Mom with young kids once. Also a military wife. Also worked full time. Also moved and had no family close to help.
    I am now a 55 year old 1st time Grandma. My husband works an 80-90 hour work week and travels for the job. I run my own daycare by myself. It is open from 6 am to 6 pm. That doesn't count prep time for food or preschool or cleaning.
    That said, LADIES, it doesn't get any easier!!! Take the time. You will be a better person. Happier. Able to accomplish what you want in life. Don't wait. Do it now. FIND a way that works for you. Stop feeling guilty, it accomplishes NOTHING.
    Throw the kids in a stroller and walk/run. Chase them around the park. Get DVD work outs do Zumba with them. Get them active. Enjoy your children. Laugh with them. Feed them the same good food you want to eat. Grow healthy together. Stop making excuses.
    I get up at 4 am....I do something active for myself. Everyday I take the kids out and we play tag, swing, chase bubbles, giggle and dance. Exercise doesn't have to be repetitive gym can be fun. What a concept, fun while getting healthy. Try it. You only go around once.
  • Well now I am seriously motivated. I am a 32 yr old stay at home Mom. My 4 1/2 year old goes to kindy 3 x's a week for 3 hours. I have been spending those alone times doing house chores. Well not any more! I am blessed to be able to stay home from work and I am promising myself to use those times to work out. Thank you all for letting me see the light! I am very close to my target and now I know I will reach it. Love and light to all you hard working Moms!!!
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    ahh yes. i'm 30 and have a 2.5 year old and one on the way. I also work 40 hours a week and then some if i'm working on any side projects. the ONLY time i found that works for me to exercise is to do short workout videos at home right after my son goes to bed. By that time i have zero time to drive to and from the gym without my entire night being gone, so i would just pop in a 20 or 30 minute video 4ish nights a week. Jillian Michaels dvds are my fav, they are short and super effective (30 day shred is my fav, but i also have ripped in 30 and yoga meltdown.) I also throw in some pilates to keep from getting bored, Or if its nice out in the summer when it stays light late, i'll take a walk.

    it was SO HARD in the beginning to force myself to workout after he went to sleep because i was always sooo tired by 8pm, but i just got used to it eventually. I tried morning workouts and failed miserably, i just can't work out that early. :)
    It will be interesting to see if i can keep it up once baby #2 arrives...
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Ive got an almost 7 year old and 4 and a half year old. Im lucky to be a stay home mom and my oldest is in school all day. My youngest goes to preschool 4 days a week for 3 hrs a day. I do my workouts at that time. My schedule is I get her on the bus right before 8am and get my breakfast. I try to start my workout by 8:45 so I can be done by 9:45 and shower and still have an hour to pick up and chill before she gets back home. So far, it works for me.
  • MariFitBody
    MariFitBody Posts: 287 Member
    Hi I'm 35 and I have a 2 and 5 year old! I have been trying to lose 15 pounds for the last 2 years!!!! It is so frustrating, I don't seem to have the time/ energy to exercise after working 40 hours a week and taking care of the kids! I count everything that goes into my mouth but the number on the scale never gets ANY lower!!! Any suggestions on how to find some ME time when you're a mommy would be great! ( and did I mention my 5 year old still doesn't sleep through the nigh?!!!) HELP! I'm tired of being fat!

    Hi yea thats no excuse. I am 33 years old I have 3 boys 13, 10 & 5. I work 40 hours a week to then come home. I dont even sit down I put my stuff down and start to cook for the hubby and kids. Mind u their meal is a totally different meal from mine. Then I have to make sure the kids did homework showered and in bed by 9. At that time I get my work out in for about an hour or 90mins depends how I feel then I shower only to wake up at 4am to work out shower wake the boys make them breakfast take them to the sitter and train to work to start all over again. Mind u while Im showering the hubby is headin out the door to go to work so I do it all alone. My point being. U have to make time for U. I figured this out the hard way. NO EXCUSES!
  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    Exercise/walk or whatever you can do on your lunch break or your shorts breaks at work. :)
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 735 Member
    hi hi! i have a 3yr old and work 4 days a week. i manage to get up early (5am to run most work days) and i try to walk during my lunch break. i find walking during lunch is a very productive use of time and i can focus more on my family when i get home.:bigsmile:
    I do the exact same thing. I have 3 kids; 9, 7 & 5, and 5-5:30 am is my "me" time. I get in a Jillian Michaels dvd workout, then walk 2 miles on lunch with my friend at work
  • FitFoodieMomBillie
    FitFoodieMomBillie Posts: 227 Member
    Just make it a priority to fit it in - even if it's 15 minutes. Have the kids do it with you, or give them something to entertain them. Remember that eve if all you can get is 15 minutes every other day, that's still more than nothing! Good luck!
  • Stop looking at the scale so much... remember that muscle weighs more than fat. Go by how your clothes fit. This also helps reduce the stress you may be causing yourself with can hinder weight loss!
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 928 Member
    I feel you! I am a single mother to a 5 year old and worked 50+ hours a week since he was born until recently when i finally got a job working 40 hours a week. I became a mother at the age of 20, and although i thought my body would just bounce back to being a size 1, it didnt happen. Taking care of my son, my job and keeping my house clean were my first priorities, so my health came last for a long time. i finally got fed up and started working out, taking my son with me. it was hard at first, but now its our schedule. I am blessed to live in the same area as my mom and she watches him two nights a week so i can do crossfit training, and 4 nights a week i go to the normal gym and take him with me. he likes that he gets to play with other kids in the play room, and i get to have some time to clear my head and do some cardio. its been a win win. my next obstacle is eating right ALL the time. hopefully i can do that. You just have to remember that your kids need you to be happy and healthy and to be a good role model. If you dont act like you are worth takign care of, they will grow up thinking the same thing about themselves.
  • jwilson2001
    jwilson2001 Posts: 80 Member
    So many good suggestions. I also have a soon-to-be 5 year old, who isn't the best sleeper... I can't get up earlier in the morning (I HAVE tried but it just doesn't work) and my job doesn't always allow time to leave my desk for a workout. My workout is usually once my 5 yo goes to bed and right before I get ready for bed myself. So, it is late at night. Not always the best time because I think I don't give it my all since I am already tired or if I do, then I have problems going to sleep. I set a goal of just 20 minutes a day so I don't go crazy!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I work full time, have no family closer than 5 hours away (except for the hubs), and have a 3 year old girl and a 2 year old boy. I'm right there with you. It's hard, but it's doable!
  • jesscarows
    jesscarows Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! I am 27 years old, and have a 5 year old, and an 8 month old. I am definitely struggling to find the time/energy to workout. I work full time (40 hours a week), and usually when I get home I am exhausted! My hubby leaves for work at 5am, so if I wanted to get to the gym in the morning, I would have to get up around 3:45 to be at the gym by 4am. I did do that for a little while, and I loved the workouts but getting up so early started to take its toll on me.
    I am sorry that I dont really have any advice, just want you to know that I understand how you feel!
  • Blanche76
    Blanche76 Posts: 89 Member
    I have a 4 yr old & a 3 yr old, I have to do my workouts in the mornings before they get up. If they do get up, luckly they will lay on the couch & just watch me. I have a full time job plus go to school, so I know how it is to be really busy, but if you are able to wake up early that would be the best time.